Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Oct 1939, p. 50

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Fhn. A"s )part mont fo Prewnt Fist 5'.rITunffewtfor Seoso,'S Premi.re Fidey Afrnoon The flrst meeting of th~e fine arts department of the Woman's Catho- lic Club, of Wilmnette ill take -place Friday, October 13, at 2 o'clockt at the Wo man's clubi , Tenth treet and Greenleaf avenue. Mrs. P. L. Kaye, the chairman, han arranged a splen- did program for the dayr. The music chairmian, Mnà. Thom- as .1. Dltchfleld, wIU present a mu- sical program cons4lsting of "Scher- zo" by .Menidelosohni,, and LIàebes- tam"by: Liszt. There: wiU ,be three numübers by the, club qizartet,, lirs. William Otter, lirs. Robert F7onthamt Mrs. Kaye, and Mrs. Frank J.* Rothing: The "'Rosary," *by Nevin; '"Three Blind Mice," ar- ranged by Walter Wescheurbrem. mner; and "In a Monastery Garden,', by, Albrt JC.telbe. lin. Fred M. Clarke, literature chairman, w~I present a book re- view by ins. George Steele, "Blog- raPby of a Family,". the lite of 'Catherine de Medici, by Milton Waldman. Ibis i. considered one of the Important new books and E Should be interestlng. "lirs Steele," those who have heard. ber declare, "lias a wondenful way of present- I nu orovaiu tik ners vriaay, inasrnuch as the book, wonthy of consideration in itself, will be well presented.1' The hostesses for the. afternoon asnd for the tea that will follow will be lirs. Kave, Mrs. Rothing, lins. Ditchfielâ, Mrs. Clarke. Mrs. George, LwzdY. lins. Robert Fontham, and lins. Otter. Mrs. Walter J. liuench,. chairnian of the waavn rnea ...-4- - Mia.- Thorn-asJ. Ditchfield, muste chairman of the fine arts' department of the Womaz's Catholic Club of Wilmette, ii PwesentoUt apao prô#rm:UYt 1ib numbers at the fiast department meeting of the year Friday after- noon of thla , eek at 2. o'clock. Bazaar ai Baplist Children's Home Soon Mrs Jonhn.BEM.ln,,h, of the Wilhmette BaPtist church wil have a booth and lirs. Davis bas asked for donations from mrembers and friends of the homne. October is the month chosen by the Wilmette grolm for the birtbday partyfor al children~ whose birthdays fail in the month of October and has set Oct. 28 for the event. tuon.or Women's Clubs of the Tenth Congressîonal D i str i ct -of 11h- mois . Mns. Massie baà hada gréat deal of expeience in club, work and wiil speak on the wornen's clubsand the ýwork of, the tederation, as 'a whole. After ýher,talk lins.Mas ié will be'glad to answer questions on club and Federation work.-p.W. plan lea for Moihers. 0f Phi Delta. Pledges The Phi 'Delta Theta Mothe r's r club, at the first meting of the1 year, will ententain at tea in honon of the rhothens of pledges.c The event will take place 'hurs-v daOctober .12, at 2 o'_cleeký at the Chapter house. Mrs. Wiliam C. French, Mrs. I Clarence Banker, Mrs. Walter Stef-M fen, Mrs. R. E. Walloer, lins. John a M. Smythe, lirs. George R. Cooke, S lirs. Orval Simpson, and lirs. El. 9 merS. Aibritton will be hostesses. bi Circle Hosl.ss Pians Dessert Art, Music, and Lterature Groupi fo Pf.s.nt Enferainment of Var,- ied Appeel Wednesda Three departments of! the Wom- an's Club of Wilmette combine.ef-' forts to make the program, for Wed- nesday, October 18, of special. inter- est to its memnbers. The. art1 department,, underý the chairmanship of Mrs. Howard Mil,- 1er,,has secured Miss, Laura Loren- son. At the opening hour (10:45 o'clock) she will give an -iliustratied steneoptîconi lecture on 11he Ro- niance of Pottery. Tis is a'cultural travelogue woven arôund the story of :potteny and poncelain. Symnbolism ' mythology, people, scenes, and events play important parts. Miss. Loren- son will show 140 of the finest hand colored slides procurable, many of wbich were taken from paintings and prnts. At 11:45 the music department, ~Mrs. Edgar A. Feilers, chairman. will present Paul and Gretel Dunsing and their company in a group of Slavic songs and dances. This pro-, gram is urzusual in that it bings >ack the historically edzucational mu- ic, songs, and dances of the old world portrayed in costumne, giving an intimate glinpse into the simple and loved folk lone o! many oldi t1lusixtenmani U eventeenth cen- turies, instruments once a gain! be- coming s0 popular at h o m e and abroad. The artists and Company have appeared at the Goodman thea- tre, Soldier Field, Dyche stadiumn and at the Nation Folk Dance festivals where audiences h a v e acclaimed their work superb. The morning session wilI then ad- journ. Luncheon will be served i the small auditorium and l1ainèt. zuatoe wonzk was 'ersity. ue was at, Miazr

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