,y . ls the Current Rate J Paid, on Savings !Sof.fby inoeur.up te$5.000 *Start No Your saving or O98 Invesîmet -wHI work profitably for you with, insured imafeîyo * uulSavings and Loan. Association organized over 5 years ago by local citîzens to provide() a safe, profitable and, convenient place to save, and (2) a local means for home owners to acq uire debt-free home ownership, eeonomlcally. Phone or Write for Literature ftesouroes Over $820.000.00 c' Mathew Ftahcëlshoto Mr.H. A. Oredemeier,9t 108 Woodbine avenue is treasurer of the Central-Laurel Parent-Teach- et' association, which,, tartasU t seaaon'a8 meetings TuiesdaU, Octo- ber 17, in the gymnasium of the Stolp achool. PLA NEW YORK TRIP Mrs. J. R. Little, 1162 Tower road, W1lllietDc, Ms. cGeor~ge T. Moore, 222 Essex road, Winnetka, and Mrs. Robert A, Seldel of 950 Eastwood road, Glencoe, are leaving the flrst of the week for New York city where they will visit the fair. Before. re-, turning home, Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Seidel plan to attend the Girl Scout National conference in Philadeiphia. Upon leavlng the conference, Mrs. Moore will go on to Washington, where she will visit for a few days, series. Two outstandirig sl isanr aý nurnber of, assisting artists are also- scheduled for the four c on c ert s compri'sing. the -Series, 'the dates for whlch have been chosen wlth a view to' avoid insofar as possible, conflict with other major mus>i-, cal events. The first concert on Sunday eve- ning, October 29, *will be devoted by Mr. Saidenberg. to, a syniphoni-' e tta progrâm' featuring unusual, works requiring, assisting artists, instrumental and vocal. The second concert T ues da y evening, November 28, will present Casteinuovotedesco, Internat ionally, famous composer-pianist, in his first Chicago appearance. Among the com- poser's warjcs to be heard will be an entirety irew em~positton esêpec1a1 written for the Saidenberg Symphoni-, etta. The third concert of TuIesday eve- nîng, January 9, will bring the world-famed violinist Joseph Szî- geti as soloist. Recently made an officer of the French Legion of Honor, the noted ilungarian's ap- pearances have been ail too rare in Chicago. cocro!tesrs The final cneto h eis 1155 WII..ff, Av@au* Tlsphn IIff.18 I. - H. ServarnLVistress,' one-act chamber s to opera I>y Pergolesi, will bè sung in on English by Giacorno Rimini, long: -opera companies, and by Virginia. Haskins, the young lyrlc soprano who -emanated f r o m the Raisi-Rinmi Mstudios to. make ber operatic debut Inl Verona, Italy, last summer, and *will ing with the Chicago City Opera. * this season. The ballet nnbers tofa ha t 7:30A.LM. 70 9P. iter. -i