549 Elm Voltz',s Black Soil WHOLESALE ANM REAR. Supply 1.10 Willow R&. 5 mule, west ofi W.àueganR. DOILER. FURNACE, CE#MNEY CLEAN- ing. Landscapîng & s4rubb.r. Trees removed & replaod. Geti. Jobblg Cali mitr 6p.. Ge.3=3,13 Hovlnd Ct., tEe , 1tO . 15LTN234 , CLTES MADZ TOORDER FOR À -' TYPE OR SIZE0F DOLo. Chrlma orderubehg talus aiow. Wunetka 3. IDLTNS34tp a1 luneS AND RIPAIS CARPEISTR & GENERAL REPAIOS seemn, utairu, raillln. roc. rmu., fwoo Cablauta. gar., kt AiLuis, WU.L UI. 21LTN21-4tp JOSEPHa KNEIP CA1RL EENGSTON 1 CARPENTER AND BUILDER Repairing, and Remodeling CALL WINNETKXA 2M39AIMER 6 m. ROCKc GAR~DEN AND FLAG8'TONES. brick, cement and stone work. Tuclc polning. Outdaor fireplaces. Gt Your chimeysreparednow. HUBER HARWELL Wnw. m28 ý au a While sunmer prlcs atml prevail gel a Jump on the season by having actual necessity for repairlng occurs. Check your home - con- eeinngs,:za2Z1:etc EàUsttie.aldotf the aklled labor advertiued in these colunans., Preestimates- and Uim.ely suggestions are only a part of the Iexcellent services rendered. '25 PAINTINO AND DECORAYINS .C. W. ANDERSON PAINTING AN» DECORATING RELIABLE REASONABLE PHONE WILMETTE 4631 25LTN234tp RELLABLE. EPERINïCC». EPRT REASONABLE PuES - PRONE KEMIWORTÊ 5217 25LTN21-3tp as CLEANING A in PRIVAtrE1 chilIrei. Mo reek.>whoîe mette 305. 9FOR, PRIE.SCHOOL 9 to i2 -' $1.60 a $4.00 a week. Wul. I IUaNc. ani bliL. LsUl * ombgFire, CaitW, *JOSEPH P. COLLIGAN 1 NOTICESRn EtaeNtary Piblo Isu'ao ;ÏSLEEPY" WILLIAMS SWINGSTERS 5OrsUaUaiWa.10 hot cords ngband, jitterbugS, srng -_ ________________ ers andomedsians furnîshédet forany UIANVMN occasion, Reas. Gre. 0165 aàfter 0 pa.. 1ýLTNn3ltp STIINWAY GRAND. FINE CONDITION. 3 LOSt4ANDFouNOi LARGE BLUE PURSE LOST. NEAR Glencoe Post office, wiUh money -and North Shore ticket bearing namie, Betty Bennett. Highland Pk. 3838 PedesnDecoratixng.Co., FIRST CLASS WORK,. FULLY II<SURED. WINNETKA 4119. 28LTN20-4tpS 31 DRESOMAKINS DIIESSMAKING i Years of experience on. North Shore de- i signlng, remodeling dresses, coats,d suits. h M. Boland, Wilmette 3828 Il 3ILTN23-4tp e 42 GARDENINO R 3L28-ltp ! ! !! Sexcellent grands. edale Storage. 1723 à.. 59LTN23-Itp te Buy, sel]iand eÏchanige. 1Repaîrs', $1 an oUp. 1114 Davis. Uilversity 5525. r 67A-LTN23-1t 69 * REPAIRING AND REFINISHNGn ;' Hagerstrom Metal Crafi F. WROUGRT IRON FIRESCREENS u REPAIRS t1243 Chicago Ave., Evanston Gre. 829 3 blocks south of Willow Rd. on Skokle Blvd. Tel. Wlnnetka 3945. That iG- 42L23-1tp 515 DI ors 52 LANDSCAPESERVICE ,ry. TREES TRIMMED AND CHOPPED. LR est Reasonabie. We carry insurance. Full Geni landscaping service & careful trans- kIds. lt, planting. Fire wood for sale. Wilmette -1187. 52L23-ltp 1043C r ý Experl ith 53 LAUNDRY shops. 'ifts! Gifts! 7 Value Thru the Years FREE, ab Arts & Crafts To Californi Evanston uni. 1001, pay ail ca venings by appointment trip. On 8h» 7LTN32-4tP car expense OF OUTSTANDING ily travels frc an antk1iues of ail injgton St., Ri ient Just arrlved. 9___80. _ QUE STUDIO , .Evanston. Gre. 466o 80 MTON Drivers. I the caravan ay I1pyJi' 2-your ai 82 W. Wash- Phone Fra. 77LTN23-ltc 1 4 $39.50. -$12.50. 1 120-