Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Oct 1939, p. 71

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WANTED-PA-RTNER, MAN O0 WOM- an, for. nut oûr candy'shop. Excel. N. Mch. loc. Loop traffic, unusual opp. Act at once. Must be.finaniclally responsible. Give Ph. No. and ýdetails. Addfress 155 N. Clark St,-Sulte 1417. B1LTN23-ltp, WANTED-PARTNER, MAM OR1WOM an- fer health food shop. Excel. N. Mlch. loc. Loo1p traffle, unusual opp. Act at once. Must be flnaiafaly responisible. Give Ph. No. and* details. Add. 155 N. Clark St.-Suite 1417. î1LTN23-ltp> 87 otA §. TATK LANs WE HAVE FUPIDS AVAILABLE NOW for immediate commitment on FIRST MORTGA4GE at4 41%, 5%7 Interest on modern homes wich qualify ALSO F.H.A. LOANS MeGUIRE & ORR, Inc. Over 45 years of Dependable Service 5M0 Davis St., Evans. W il. 228 Gre. 1080 87LTN23-ltc FEDERAL HOME LOANS &LOAS NA OR SO REAlO 0 HOIMES Ia i<r. lan. ovn i 0et mo 1155 Winet plaver ue W15iImr.t* 18 with a localinstitution Excel Empicyment Service lst floor cooks and generals, accustomed to large, homes, $15 and up. 3 maids for 2nd work, Iong-standin~g refers.' MANY THeàGIRLS, $8 ,TO $12. 1Cali Mrs. Apel 740 ýElm St., WInnetka'4189 or 190 94LTN23-ltp 1COMP. WOMAN WISlits WORK AMY DAY IN<L. SUN. HOUSECLEANING.1 WASH WALLS, BLANKETS, PREPAlIE VINNERS. CARE FOR CHILDREN EVES. BEST REPS. WINNETKA 2267. Pq4L2-tI MIDDLEAGE5 GIRL WISHES COOK- ing. bousework in small adult family. No laundry or heavy cleaning. Good N.S . Refs. Ph. Wilmette 1193. 94LTN23-ltpý WHITE, WOMAN, 12 YRS. REFERS., ,wants catering. (can take full charge) or laundry. Kenllworth 2495 or write 913 Chicago Ave., Apt. 2, Evanston. 94LTN23-ltp UNDERGRAD. NURSE, WITH SPE- cial training in care of infants. Or nuise-com~panion to elderly lady. Reas. salary. Physicians' refs. Winn. 846. 91LTN23-tp EXPERIENCED WO1WAN WANTS LATIN- dry and cleaiIng, by thue day. Also serving. N. S. references. Phone -W»l- mette 4.552 evenings. 4T2lt EXPERIENCED INFANT'S NURSE' - Hospital train ng. Best N. S. and Dr.'s references. Graoeland 7157. 91LTN23-tp TRAINED NURSE, EXP. IN< MENTAL cases, very fine doctors' refs., to do nursiflg in or out of city. 1715 Juneway Terr., Rogers Park 0961. EXPERIENCED COLORED COUPLE MAN-CHAUFFEUR. HOUSZEMAN;, WOMAN-GOOD. COOK, GENERAL. Good N..S. refs. Uinlverslty 886 ___________________ 9LTN233.tp EXPIERIENCED .,CHAUFFEUR. Birr. 1er, gardener & housekeeper; àlWo tare for your home. Whfle you are away. Refers. 933 Linden, Wnnetka 144É. 96LTN23ltpý 97. MeLp WAtITab-ýwOmfN JOBS-JOBS DOZENS Or TREM SEE MES. BAKER Couplez .IÇIOn-$150. We have what we advertise SliOtt.,ÂNE EMPL.. AGCY. 746 Elm St., Wlnnetka GIRLS-COUPLES A-1 jobs open now. Wages for girls froni $10418 couples from f$904110 Apply in person only Carlson's Empi. Agency 818 Elm Street Wlnneka 1175 97L'rNn3ltc Domestic HeIp With Good Refs. Lindgren Empi. Agericy WN3NET1cA 1047 79 UL1 ST. _________________LTN17-Uc WE. WILL HOLD AN EXC. DOM PO- sition until 5 p.m. Oct. 19, ail applica-. tions are confidential. Lee Ernployment Agency, ,Dav. 8116. NEAT. .O.P.T. . W HI T EGIRL for general housework. Smnaf family, Good wages 'Stay-Ref s. Call Wlmette 5001 97LTN*3-tp WHITE GIRL, EXPERa. 184" FoRt CARE of 2 Çý yr. ofd child and 2nd floor work. Own room. $8410. Ph. Wilmette 08. _____________97LTN23lte GIRL OR WOMAN 'FOR G ENECRAL housework. No cooklng. Own room, SmaU house. Kenilwonth 4742. g7LTNS3.ltp WAN<TED - EXPERIENCED WRT girl for general boumevork. Waublng optional. Wilmette 3375. 97L"1!N3-te 99 HELP WTOD.-#4ALE à FEMASSE an. Experlenced stenographer - one wlth telephone sales exàprence prefoer red. Write B-101 Box 00, Wllmette, M. 105 FOR ISALE-AUTOM@UILEU Ford '39 standard tudor 85. Motorola radio. Purehased in lune for son's vacation trip. Low nuilevge, 268 Ridge avenue, Wlnnetka 1090 105L23-1t5 FOR SALE:. 1939 FORD DELVXE TU- dorn driven only 200 miles. Must sacri- fie. $00. WUi ltiade. RIobert Leaf. Y.M.- C.A. Evenuugs. Gre. 7400. 0L 2.t FOR SALE- 1929 PACICRD DEI.UjC SE AN C OD ON ITIO N H AP MI MOTO*CYCLES_ .1- il

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