MOST AflTRACT. B1RK. HOME nice sq. liv. rm, book rm. 2,àa battis. Ltively screefled porch, newly decorat- ed. ALSO 2% acres beautiful, woodedf, rolling groundl-rclose in--eieet., sewer, water, in and palifor. ALSO 62x140 f t: wooded rolnng lot in neighbor- hood of. children.C1osýe, 10transportatîon J. H. VAN VLISSINGEN & CO. Gre. 40412 Mrs. Wînstow. Rand. 4042. $ 147LTN23 tp A PERFECT HOME Eight r oins, .5 bedroomns. 2,ý P bath$, breakfast roomn, knotty bineélibrary, sleeping porch.erec-, reation, roomn. Convenient to ail transporta ion, .s,.hoois: and shop- ping. Only $14,5wu, on- attractive ternis. Cail Mr. 1h11f. SHORE-TOWNS REALTY. CORPORATION 163Chicago Avenue, . Evanston Gre. 2M 0 WIL. 608 Rog. PK. 66àb _________147LTNÉ3-1tcý WILMETTE $8,000 *OWfiER OING l'o I2rRNIA OF- lers gooa sound %Well laici out home in fine ne,*hborhood, convenient to schools and trarnsportation, 6 rooms, bath, B.W. heat, garage. 13eautiuliy wooded lot. Cail M. L Oson to see. RAT *513 FOURTH ST. W1LMETTE 424 IF YOU WANT CHARM IN A HOUSE with 10 rooms, cuuntry atinosphert: close in, réfinea detail andi superb con. struction. Loows meilowed, see talas home,. inspireti by Poinpanour's at Versaiites. helie iC Wows, giant popis, andi gnarl.. e appie trees on aliiiost an acre. Oas heat (:p250 a year) 4 .battis, i lbrary. Lx-~ cehient vaiue, built just prior to -1937 ini- crease. Iioeai location. See this bouse. J. H. VAN VLIS$INGEN & CO. *Gre. 40-t2 Mrs. WaVnslo\w% Rana. 4042. ____________147LTN23-lup WHITE CLAPBOARD COLONIAL Recent loreciosure places this property on the market at an exceptional buy. 4 bedrooms, 21,2 baths. Attacheti garage. H.W.O. heat. Locateci on a large wooaed *lot in a section of many fine homes. Priceci for immediate saie at. $11,500. Rt. B. WHITAKER & CO.' 140 Green Bay Roati, Wînnetka Winn. 3M50 Rogers Park 7302 _________147LTN23-Itc FOR REMODELING SMALL CASH PAYMENT WE OP'FER- TWO FINE EAST WIL- mette homes within 2 blks. of the, lake at prices & on terms making 1t cheaper bo buy than to. rent': Oneis a modern brick,ô n a- 50' wded. lot. 3 bdrms. 1%/ baths, Break. rm. ou iyt. gar. eh other a 5 bdrm. 2 bath home on a 75' lot, 3. lovely pchs. auto. heat, 2-car gar. Let us show you these properties & fur-; nish the details of. purchase & main- tenance 'plan. THE BILLS-REALTY, Ine.. 510 Davis 1st. Wil., 3740 Gre. 1166 FrôrmGlenëoel's Better Buy List Near Skokie Club and the new Central School-Country Cottage, 4 bedrms., 21/2 baths, pi l ht., Wooded lot. For quick sale, $8,000. N. E. Glencoe-substantially b-uil hooti. 1 block to lake. 4 betlrms., 2 baths, library, brlc. rm.--43A00 cash, bal. $100 per mo. Newly decorated, li excellent condition. QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc.' 584 Lincoln Avenue Winn. 177 147LTN23-lte 1011 GREENLEAF -ST. EAST WILMETTE LOT 50 x 179. A thoroughly confortable older type home, completely renovated and ready to move right in. This home can be boUglit with a véry small down payment andi the bal- ance like rein. Wliy not eall us for an inlspection, today? SMART & GOLEE, hIc. EXCLUJSIVE AGENTS 1564 Sherman Ave. Wil. 2486. 147LTN23ltc NORTH WILMETTE An English type home, red brick, stone trim, slate roof. 3 bedrooms, 2,' baths with ample space for another bedroom and bath if desired. H.W. O. heat. At- 1ýached garage. Easy walking distance to Kenilworth station and stores. There are mnany features that will iindicate real value at $17.500. R. B. WEITAKER & CO. 140 Green Bay Road, Wlnnetka Winn. 3250 Rogers Park 7302. 147LTN23ltc1 148 FOR SALE 'OR RECNT-ilOUSES RAVINIA - BEAUTIFUL LARGE HIGH lot With many trees & attractive early Colonial house,. well constructeti, easy to heat.. S rms., 2 baths, slp. porch, fire- place; àtorm. sash ail windoWs. Reason- able price. Monthly payrnent mortgage. Also aVail. . for Imnmediate rental. à22 Roger Williams Ave. Ph. Superior 9285 or-.Highland Park 1009 after 6:30 p.m. 148LTÈN23-ltp FOR SALE-BARGAIN! Or will rent. 8 rm. hse., 3ae wooded lot. 3 car ýgarage. No assessments, AÙi mprovements. Price, $70WQ. Nor broo 156 148L23-ltp 151 FOR SALE-VACANT ONE ACRE WINNETRA 200x233 ft. Located in establshe& estate neighborhood second to -~none. Coetvenlent to schools and transportation. No special assess- merits. Restricted. You can't make a mistake by buying this at the low prîce of $8,0 MeGUIRIE & ORR, Inc. 530 Dav~s St., Evanston. Wil, 228. 522,Green Bay Rd., Winnetka. Winfl. 891 151LTN23-Ite 5 ACRES ON A HIGH KNOLL OVER. looking Desplaines River valley on quiet country road. An. ideal building, site. About 1 '/ miles from stores, transportation & schools. Price $400 per acre. Samuel MCNab Campbell NORTHBROOK 170 151LTN23-ltc -For Sale on Tower Roadý LOT 100 FE'uuEq PIdMT lf- i -W-n "P 9x12 CHIINESE ORIENTAL RUG., OVER- stuffed chairse end tables, Royal type. writer and stand and niiscellhneous, Items of furniture aU hln exe. cond. 522 Forest Ave. Wilmette. No dealers. 171LTN23-îtpý GENUINE BURR wALUTVEEE .inlald., handmade llbary table (by Swedish manufacturer). Sofa. Can be seen at 4325 Armitage Ave., Chi. Belmont MI8. 171L23-îtp FXNEST QUALITY HOUSEJIL goods. Draperies, carpeting, uphoister- ed fui-n., dining set, bedu,, and other houselipld -goods. Very best qualityr. MO> Green Bay rd., Highland Pk. 842. 1LtfNM8tp GIRLS PALE GREEN BDRM. SET sultable for chlld Up to 12 yrs. Inel. sngle. bed. spr. & niatt., dresser. chest of drawers & chair. Excel. cond. Reas. Wil. mette 12M8. 171LTN23-ltc NEW ELECTROLUX, VACUIUM CLEAN- ej- with attacliments, used 6 months. Big savinif;. Aiso chai se longue, metal venetian blinds, metal radiator cover.' Wil.' 5119. -171LTN23.ltp 'RA R E COLLECTION OF ANTIQUE - 'French "petits meubles," and sme drawlngs and articles ôf art. 916 Elm. wood St. Evanstori, Hrs. 1-5. 171LTii2U.ltp LAM1P8, MAL TABLES. CHIARR AND good sofa, falrlv new, reasonabIe. GLENCOE 1447 171LTN23-Itp Antique Walnut Spool Bed COMPLETE WITH SPRINGS AND MAT. tress. Call after 5 pim. Glencoe 1473. __________________ 1'1LTN23-ltp . 11