off," witfl Jzio P1nza in the titie role. Giordano's masterpiece based on the story of the famous F!rench po- et,. "Andrea Chenler," wffl e the filrst opera oný the Monday night s ub,- seription serles, on Otober 30. Ar-- mand Tokatyan wil sing the tflUe role and enact-the part of the poet who was côndemned to.death for bis aristocratie, connection, iu spfle of his, liberal views 'and sentimts. With him in thé cast are Rose Bamp- ton ais "Madeleine," Ada Pag, Car- Io Morelli, and Giuseppe Cavadore., Three Great. Singers Verdi's «'La Traviata" is s ched- uled for Wednesday night, Novem- ber 1, with Helen Jepson as "Violet- ta,"» Tito. Schipa as "AIfredo," ,and John Charlesý Thomas as the "Fath-' er." The first opera ýon the Board of Choral Music to Be Sung for Beethoven Work by Local Group When the, Beethoven Ninth sym- phony is played by the Chicago Symphony orchestra in two Beetho- ven concerts at Orchestra Hall De- cember 7 and 8, the choral music for the first movement will be sung by the same festival chorus which per- The L!tuenfeiadalet coflributes thie spectacular dancing which is a part of theopera. "Barber of SevJUe,I* R ossiis coic opera, w131 be presented Fni- day night, Novemnber. 3, with Hilde 'Reggiani, singing ""Rosina. " Miss Reggiani--made lier Anerican debut In-Chicago last, year, andhas re- cently been signed by the Metropol- itan opera to sing ln New York this year. Grace Moore, famous' soprano, sings "1Louise" for thé first time lin Chicago. on. Ssturday afternoon, No- vemùber 4. With ,her in the cast aire Charles Kuilman as "'Julien,"P Maria Claessens as the "Mother," 5-Y OZ. Stuf.ed Olives.. .2 for Thursdayr, Nov. 2 1:30 to 3:,30 p. m - ye cliic, aduits and chil- dren; ]Dr. R. lH. Henderson, l charge. rNov. 11,' 1:30 te 3:30 p. m. - Infant Welfare clinieý;,Dr. N. G. Shaw, Pediatriclan i charge. Q.irl Scout Troop2 under the lead- ershipOf Miss Ruth Hansen R.' N., vigited, theéInfant Welfare clinic at. the Wilmette Health Center Wednes- . day October. 11, as part of the re- quir,emcnts for.their Child Welf ar e menit badge. Those attending were Barbara Van.Winkle, Jane Steven- son,- J ean Stewart, Rosemaàry Thierman, .Joan Brown, Marjorie Smocksanod, Martini ........ 2for&f riuces are going UP but you stili have ime tf'put on that new Bird Roof t.< the iowest prices in years. Bef ors Winter sets in el the.Ajax Shingle,& Mod- ernizing Company - Bird exclusive North Shore Dis- tributors. Iaist on the set BIRD ROOFS e.. V 17 23, aftèr a short rehearsal i the Pirst Congregational parish house in Evanstofl. There s, t il11 remain, it is an- nounced, a few openings for men'sý voices in. this appea rance, which will be under the personal direction of Dr.- Frederick Stock a n d Hans Ltan>ge, director and assistant direc- ton of the Chicago symphony. At a bus@iness meetine 1iudv .*. . .. . . .. . . DAVIS STREET EVANSTON~ EVANSTON STOI ested ini worlc on an urged to report to that gnoup. DAUILY 7:» A.Id, TO 9 Fe hp.4NTrpi, HAL LOWEEN TJD DITS c.. I