Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Oct 1939, p. 34

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Start Unit Mondey For Red Cross Work in. compliance with the eau to 6 Woman's clubs from the Tenith Dis- trict, federation to reply. concretely to the plea o! theChicago chapter of the Americani Red Croùss,ý and to the appeal to. women's organizatioiis fromn' the Chicago1 Red Cross châp- ter the Womian 's Catholie Club of. Wilmette bas, launcbed a club unit for Red Cross work.. Commencing next. Monday, and for every Mon- day thereafter, Mrs., Edward, J. Keeler will open her homne at 411 Tenth street, for Red Cross sewing, and the making of bandages, from 9 in the mornihg untilî5 ithe alter-, noon., Club members giving a day,.or the major part o! a day's timne, are asked ta bring their own sandwiches and coffee wiUl be served. Mrs. William H. Wolff, 1345 Eim- wood avenue, is in charge, ofth Catholie clÜbs Red Cross unit ' Every member of the club Ia urged to give at least some of ber timne for the work done for war refugees and sufferers abroad. The American Red Cross ia obligated under its charter, ta extend aid ta victima of war on an impartial and neutral basis. The Chicago chapter is ex- tending such aid in response ta the requests of the American Red Cross Kenifworth L. of W. v.l Lists Three Activil.es A meeting of the board of the Ken- Ilworth League of Women Voters will be held at the home of the president, Mrs. Ardis M. Kennedy, 527 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, on Thle chirmaI1ofi mearaa committe. auxiliary of the W~ of Wlmette is Miss Lee of Evanston, wJ tlsat plans for the ai bridge tea and fa&h November 18, are 7 pletion. Thie clubh locale for the beneAi 2 o'clock. itia' Th Fiedsipliksofth om. And Style Show an' soiet ofthe Wilmette Baptist cc i hold tlieir October Set for Nov. 18 luncheon meetings o Friday of this week.1 The links. meet each month Miss Portia- Mary, Lee, chairman on, the fourth PridaY 1for luncheon of the ways and means committe and White Cross* sewing. of. the Junior auxiliary of the Womn- Link -P, with Mrs. G. NX. Lamb an's.Cu of Wilmette, announces chaàirman,, wifl meet with Mrs. H. J. that plans for the. annual bridge Dernebi et her home in Lakeé Zurich. party and fashion show are rapidly, Mrs-. Arthur Scott 'will assist. Mem- nearing compiletion. .As this is the bers are to-zmeet at "the ýkàrch at largest charity project of the year, 111: 30. ail of the members of the auxiiiary Link R, Mrs. E. J. Carisonj, lead- areý taking an active, part in making. er, ýwMf have Mrs. H. N. Kerr,- 827 this show a success bothfrôm the. Elmwood avenue, as hostessý. Point of view of the guests and the Mrs. A. -Hoerens,, leader of Link Il Point of view of the auxiliary budget. .announ ces Mrs. . E. McDow 1615. Saturday,* November 18, is the Higlan av nue wr enertindate,. the. clubhouse of the Wo mnan's with Mrs. GeorgeGen'sitg Club of Wilmette the place, and 2 o'clock the time. The. Florence shop Link E, Mrs. Wayne Carpenter, of Glencoe wiil furnish the dresses leader, will meet with Mrs. Ray as weîî as the models to show them. Stephens, 2134 Chestnut avenue. Members of the auxiliary will model Mrs. J. G. Hamming, 1206 Glenden- lingerie from Caroll's of Winnetka inig roa, willentert8Iin Lin N, ofand Evanstonrn ~d sport outlits photo which she is the chairman. from Bailey's of Evanston and Chi- e ad cago. rntor Tea Wil be served after the fash- Club ion show. In addition to the, attrac- Varme1 G renCu tive table prizes, there will be nu- merous other . prizes donated byý arity Pians Progrirêm Nov. 3 North Shore merchants. oV on ýthe. lour ila Dr. and Mrs. John W. Nuzum, 745 Michigan avenue, entertained twen- ty-four Evanston a n d Wilmette friends at dinner at their homne lait Saturday evening in, honor of- Dr. Nuzum's brother and wife,. Dr. and: Mrs. Fratnklin R. Nuzum. of Santa Barbar a few New 'Y The Wilmette Garden club will meet Friday, November 3, at 2 o'clock, at the home -of Mrs. Elliott Youngberg, 419 Washington avenue, Wilmette, with Mrs. -J. Benton Schaub and, Mr. Frank fHaines as assistant hostesses. - Mirs. Leon B. Kendall wil talk on 'Galls"- and there will be ten min- utes of hoirticultural inform ,ation giv- en by Mrs. John F. Weedon. Mrs. Schaub, prograni ehairman, will in- troduce the speakers. Mrs. T. E. McElroy, president of the club, bas, called a, board meeting for IM3. Presideaif Refurn Prom East Affor Yistf With Daughters Miis. Samuel L. Hypes and Mrs. Reed Landis, of Glencoe, and Mrs. Frank Gerould, 44i Essex road, Kenilworth, returned Saturday from a, motor trip east. They were away' for -twelve days, Mirs. H.ypes and Mrs. Gerould going- b Welles col- lege at Aurora, N. Y., to visit their daughters, Barbara Hypes and Pat- ricia Gerould*. Mrs. Landis took a train at-Syracuse and went on to Troy, N. Y., to attend the one hun- dred and twenty-fifth anniversary celebration of the founding O! Emma Willard school, where ber daughter, Suzanne. is .q.dn TIIOT eflioer Z. y u u m>rm People ti- the themne o1 a dodger that ue of Wirnuen Votera is kg. Sixteen questions on are aSked and answered.

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