Madam keeps ber pantry cdean And finds if quite e chore: Mi.tipied one thousand timnes ln fMis big grocery store. We're always cleaning. somnethng With*,soap and brush and MoPt So madawrnever faIls to fond A place fa sbop. If'ssomeèfbing more Man dufy; W. fa ke a lot of: prde In keeping hous. much- beffer Than the averàge blushing.bride. Special Prices October.26,, 27 & 28 BAKED BEANS vORY SOAP He.mnz with Tomain Sauce SPINACH - box 23c Mediium Size Bars FÊAC14ÊS .- box 2J- 2C ICUT CORN. box Z21 each 5c California Valenctia ORANGES 2. doz. 49c C.liforni. Russef PEARS. ... bakt25c PUFFED WHIEAT 2 forl15< tee, which has been working for over a. year on the progràm for that par- ty -inthe, next election. Having re- ceived his, Ph. D., from Northwestern in 1933, he is now assistant-profes- sor of constituitional law there. Dees- Radiýo Work In addition. to- having, been chair-' man of the Civil Service commis- sion of Evanston since 1937, Pro- fessor DeLong finds time. to do ra- dio work, 'considerable, writing, to deliver paper s at conventions, and to. conduct round tables. lie talks frequentlyý over WGN, Mutual Broadcasting systemj on.the "North-, western Reviewing. Stand," which featurestwo speakers on important questions every Sunday mnorning atl tuI Science Rieview and thie George- 'wn Law Review. SUinii demand is n, eighty-page pamphlet lie, wrote rhicli was published. by the City Iub of Chicago ini 1938 on "City- anager Governmnent, for Chicago." At Frieo, Pauley When Professor DeLong speaks to ie Worrien's Republican club. he Corboy Photo Roland Feltman, vice-chair- mnv of th~e Icèniirth Côil)U-' nity Chest campaignuw h i c li opens October 30. Seven wtelfare and charitable groups wfill bene- fit from the funds. A goal of $10,000 has been set. Basçebali Movies Exira Fancy Wenatche. JONATHANS. 4 Ibs. 2.c Fmncy Brussels SPROUTS. ..... quart 1 7c MUSHROOMS. poulnd .29C EGGS Table Quokify, doz. 2.9é mwas vacation. "Party Alignments"y will be the subject which he and ten other professors will discuss. It may be part of his own contribution which the Republican women will hear at their meeting. In any case it will be an up-to-the-minute speech of vital interest tn al euhli1 -, MICHIGAN APPLE CIDER. .. gal. 39c The Arnerican League of Profes- sional Baseball Clubs' officiai pic- ture, "First Century of Basebali," wilI be shown urnder the auspices of the Northwest Men's club of Wil-' mette in the auditorium of the Hw ard school, 1701 Spencer avenue, No-> vember 6, at 8:15 Lew Fonseca, the -author of this picture, is expected to be present. Fathers and sons of the northwest section of the village are beiniz in- CentralUet DoiIvery - Ton - m@thly Chrge Accouas amout in s case being -J. A. Note: Economy Shop is conducted by' the Woman's Club of Wilniette. Proceeds are dfrected to philan- thropie purposes. MILI( (fail fins> 4fer25c IBUTTER Sprnng Valley 2b 9c, I 4 amount in