Cro sleyRa nges ii- Dr. C. H. Newhawm, pastor -of the Coi-enant Methodist church, Evanston, will be the speaker ntf a dinner meeting of the men of the W.Uuette Pait*ah Methodist ber 3, at 6:30 o'cZock. Horate A. Young wUi be the toaatmaster. Mr. and Mrs. T. Roswell Coyne, 307 Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth, had as their guests last week-end Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wigdale and Cabeil Johnson andbis fiancée, Mis~s through out the ,year, and wlI keep a close check on the expenditures of tepartlcipatig organizations. The funds will be disbursed in morithly paynients, and monthly reports wil be required showing how the money is being used. The committee wMi also be available for counsel and advice on proposed expenditures. Liàt Benefciarles The foilowing organizations ýand charities>,ail established and recog- nized, will participate. in this year's Chest fund: minmette, Girl *Scouts....$,0 Wilmette Boy Scouts.....31000 Wimette Health Center aud - Wilmette Family Wefare, as- sociation ..........9000 Arden Shore association,..... 4000 Infant welfare asoclatloa-..-. 4,00 Americaen Red Crois:........50M Illinolsý Children's Home & Aid soclety..........350 Salvatlon Army.......350 Velunteers of AniCaic ....... 100 Expense 4& Countingent ........,0,M A tribute to the organizing talent of Ctnmtnnly Chèlt ôfficia1s is the fact that more than- 700 men and women are taking an active part in this year's carnpaign, and that their cooperation is shortening the can- vass te tWelve days. Citizens can also contribute to this desirable end by being prepared to conserve the workers' time. Decide now how much you will give and don't waste a minute, aid a Chest ladr. 1~ + om 1 1,ý p ""A ý mg