r nf Wl the man whose philosopbical -works are of the greatest influence in many fields of human thought and en-, deavor and .who is known and te- spected by students throÙghout the world .as',Am#erica'sg reat phil- osopher. At 80 'Dewey is still a powerful force in education and al- lied, fields because.he has always considered,.philosophy to be a living subject thaât muit keep .pacewith if e. In an interview given recently to S. J. Woolf, and published in the New York Times' ProfessorIDewey said: 1"I have neyer heard 0f philosophy curing a toothache, and the world today is suffening from more than a toothache. The world le in chaos. The. material changes have rushed ahead of- our ideas. It i the prob-* lem of. philosphy to reconstruct the' older beliefs andi ideas by whlch men lived so that they wll» takço cP of thie new conditions, social and material, and indicate a new direc- tion to us." What direction. Dewey proposes will bé the- subject of Rabbi Shul- mnan's discourse. Returus Frem East Rabbi Shulynan has just returned to his pulpit after a two-week ab- sence in whieh he ftr~1aveld rit n speclal At Fkvlyn Smith LaSalle, 63 Ab- botaford road, Winnetkça, pianist and composer, fa entering upoi» the fourth year of a scholcarahfp which she has been, awarded foGr the stucly o!. the theory of music wîth Dr. Albert Noelte, inter- nationally knowm teacher of or- chestration and he<sd of the the- ory dpartent f, Northweateri univeritij. Next Tuesday when the North Shore Musicians club holds a meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Holman D. Pettibone, 698 Blackthorne road, Winnetka~, two of Miss LaSalle's compositions will be presentedi one a song, "~The Dead Village," from a poem by Edwin Arlington Robinson, and the other a trio for violin, cello Floral Soup fe 1 9c i âm- Nov A Ceniet. Lineofe Fmersoual Chlrisfim aods. ICI dEt.AtN THIS WEUK 2 lAYER Quart Irici mmd 4.2A Ycatea at the cre ýevIeve tiorWeen, cet. coin and Vernonaenes the composer -at -the piano. Glencoe Churches Woman 15 Injured at To Holil Union Green Bay Rd. Corner Mns. Saturna Ottavini, 1930 Bir wood avenue, was slightly Injur Thank Service a :0Pm Sunday when hw An- Ounce of Prevention w hile the pavement cures JRETUIRN8 TO EAST tized Miss Pauline Raup returned Tues- of, hi day to Trevorton, Pa., after visiting is t] her aunt, Mrs. Ammon L. Miller, daug 626 Maple avenue, for the paît three maki months. andg hiome witfl fis son-in-law -er. 1223 Central Avenue., WII.eff. a, pie is jo 'I 1, F of