Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Nov 1939, p. 24

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Cornposing t h e .committee i charge of the piano recital Whichi Storm Bull- wMigive at,,the Good-. man, theatre Suriday evening, No- vember 12, under the sponsorship of the Min' College. club of Chicago are Mrs. Walter Fathauer of Higli- _land Park,.,chairmhan, Mrs. Herbert. Mâtthews and Mrs.. Charles S. Lew- lu, Jr.,.,-o! Glencoe, Mrs. David AI- briglit .of Wayne, Mrs. Charles Steéarns, o! Evanston, and»Mrs., Ray- mônd Rusnak of Chicago., Many. mid-western and easterri girls are sent to Mils$ cllege an- nually on scholarships, and the con- cert wil benefit the Mills College Scliolarship fund. Debut at 15 Storm ~Bull, C~hicago pianist, madeé bis debut at the age o! 15 as solo- lut ln Oslo, Norway, with the Phil- hiarmonic Society's orchestra, then studled ini Paris and later i Buda- peut for alrnost tliree years as a pupil .of Bela Bartok. He gave con- certs wbile abroad, and since lias filled many engagements iCanada and the United States. Last season lie won acclaim when he piayed wlth the Chicago Symphony, orches- A close relative. of the famous Norwegian violinlst, Oie Bull, and of Rdward (Grieg, M~r.Bull cornes honestly by his fine muslcianship. Perey Graiger wrote of hlm - "He lu not only a superb musican, but in additioni he has become one o! the world's greatest virtuosi. Since Bu- sud, I have heard no one with such a transcendental technique." The program Mr. Bull has select- ed for November 12 includes works by Bach, Liszt, Ravel, Grieg, Bar- tok and Grainger. Invite to Hear Selectng from a group of experi- enced try-out'people, Mrs.. John Monk lias assembled a. cast o! un- usual abiity for. "Post Road," the mystery drama to be given: by Win- netka Drama -club at Winnetka, Corn- munity House, November'14, 15 and 16. Under the skied hand o!. Mrs. Monk, this group is rap .idly ýwhip- ping the piay into formn, digging for perfection with ail the, enthusiasm. which always 'marks littie theatre players. The following "ýWho's Who"s infor- mation, about the cast is sure to in- terest ail friends of the club: of hr tDrama Norma Johins, playing "Emily," the spinster. She cornes from Mor- gan Park, and is a teacher of drama and- -speechi, concert drama recita. ist, active in Winnetlca Work Shop and Uptown Playèrs. Frank Farnh.am, playing "George," the poor henpecked hus- band wio lias an aboundmng love for.. lis broken down radio. He lias ap- peared on the North Shore i "Chris- topher Bean," You Can't Take It With You;". active in Brown univer- sity .dramatics. Mrs. Paul Jester, playig "May," the dominating wife. She lias beeri active with Highland Park and Win- netka club auxiliaries. flard-boied Nurse Marjorie K. Heclit, playing the "Nurse," a hard-boiied creature. lias been with Wisconsin Players -played i "Stage Door." Mary Jane Samueis, playing the "Girl." A graduate o! Northwestèrn school of speech, teacher of creative dramatics at Nichols and St. Mary's sdliools in Evanston. Margaret Meleney . nlaying "Jee- Has. Drama Role College Photo Mrs. Paul V. Jester of High- landl Pafrk pl,7,,s the "hard-boil- ed" nurse in the next Winnetka Drama club production, "The PosIt Road," to be presented No- vember 14, 15 and 16 at the Win- netka Coramunity House,. Big Te» Art Show Opens November 3 A group of some thirty works in v7arious mediumnsby, art. studcents of By N. S. Group Creative. Artlst day will be ob- served by the North Shore Aiunmae club of Phi Beta, fraternity of m iuslc and dramatic art, ,when the group is entertainéd at a dessert lun- cheonWednes- day; November 8, at the. home of Miss Jn Whitworth, 2387 Deere Park - drive, Highland Park The. pro- gra m, ar ranged by Mrs. Paul W.- Stade Aine Ream o! WiJniette, will consist of the orig- inlwork of members in the variouýs fields .of'music, painting' arid ltera- ture. > Mrs. C. R. Whitworth, mother of the hostess, wiII display her own Song Interpreter Mary Catherine Collins, soprano, will interpret songs composed by Ane Gallup Ream (Mrs. R. S,. Ream) of Winnetka, by Miss Whit- worth, Jeanne de Lamarter, and Betsy Wiliams. Miss Williams and Mrs. Ream will accompany the singer at the piano when she présents their compositions. Mi ss de ILamarter, ini private lite Mrs. C. R. Best of Chicago, will aso. read from lier new book of poems, ",Seven Stars,"~ which is now at the printer's anid will be released ia few days. This wil1 be lier secon~d published book of poèms, the first, "IColored Sails." including many ver- ses which appeareçl in the Line o' Type of the "Chicago Tribune." Her new book is being iilustrated by Ralph Fletcher Seymnour, etcher and publ isher, who lias, also made the cover design for the, volumne.

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