the norm sie of *rower road and west of Hibbard road, extended, i Winnetka for Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Siemon. Costing $15,200 t h e two-story, seven-room brick veneer residence, with attached two-car garage, is located on, 911 'Forest Glen, drive, west. Edward Marks, is the architect and C. A. Hem phill and Associates,, the subdivision developers, are the builders.- A, twù.-story,, eiéhtm-room brick veerresidence, with built-in.'two- car -garage, is being erected for Guy C. Kiddoo, at 1300, Westmoor - LIBERAL 4MOUNTS- For Constructon end tehouacig- Ne omision sur seice e e.on jwpreI tud lans. No appraisal or ispection fee. For lowest rates, telephone Davis 2233- Hollycourt 4220 GEORGE T., COONLEY Mortgage Bawlcer Correspondent: Alliance Life Insurance Company APPRovED FHA MORTrGAGEE rÀIwMN a auti mul. a a -~a LMIrn Storm Sash-C st-om Made for Any Type of Window LIBBY-OWENS-FORD QUALITY GLAS$ Storm Windows and Doors reduce drafts and condensation - cut fuel cost and add greatly to home corn- fort and health. MADE TO MEASURE i design to fit permanent window, installed com- plete with hardware and painted. i Let Sewer am, Wer Contract for the. 'Northbrook Highlands The BIsneaty ic., property manager and sales agent, of the new North Shore, development, North- brook, Highlands, has Jet'.the sewer and water, contract'for the first unit of this 131-acre, development to the Holland Construction comnpaiiy, .5842 North Marmora avenue, Chicago. Construction on the first unit start- ed Monday, October 30, and is to be completed by !December Î. At this timne, construction will be under wav on the first 15 bouses,, which will range i construction cost from $6500 t $5Sand altem the f41tst down payment will cost from $40 to $60 per month. The total sewer and water footage to be constructed in the whole area is approximately 20,000 feet. The estimated cost of construction of sewer, water, storm- drainage, and road facilities is $80,000. Several thousand tulip and peony bulbs are being planted at the gate Antr2ek-vqad corners of the D roDer- IBuild New Home for Roy Matson in Glencoe A two-story stone veneer residence of seven rooms. and. attached two- cnr rgeis hing built for fRoy Five building permits for im4prove- ments total1ig $80,150 were issued in~ ,Wilmette during the past week. Two are n ew residences; two are residence alteration jobs and the other is. a private garage, costingý $250, which, Edward Humne. is build- ing at 1514 Walnut avenue. One.0f the new residences, -1ost- inË $60,000, is being built :by Ray- mond Johnson, for J. W. Droil, at 15 Linden *avenue. It is two stories, of stone cofistruction, and comprises 13 rooms, five bath :roomfs and an attached three-ear garage. Fred,,O. Ripple is the architect. The other residence, costing $17,7- 000, was desig Ined and is being.built by Irvin A. Blietz, at 1360 Ashland, lane. It is two stories, the first of stone veneer and the second, frame, and comprises seven rooms and an attached garage. ~The prffi1tM for ri'e1dée e atera- tion were issued to 0. N. Lamb, for improvements at 115 Woodbine ave- nue, costing $900, and to A. J." Elliott, 824 Ashland avenue, $2,O00..: Mrs. Fuller to Speak. At Réal Estate Meet Mrs. Gretta 'P. 'Fuller of Fuller and Pi,'lr. wel-known North nee Country club in Wîimette, Monday evening, November 6. Her subject will be "Successful Advertising,"' a talk which skie gave at the recent convention of the Illi- nois Association of Real Estate Boards ini Rock Island., A resumne of the convention activ- ities will be made by othermembers of the board. The taîks wil be preceded by a dinner and round table discussion. T CO. Irlargaf. 3660 29 l. Lsalle m lioTU Shaoe Dltibtors inn*tka 1332 Glenco. 1 Highland Park 18 1 Other Loams. et COrrespondiagly Low Rates QUINLAN &.TYSON Mortgagje Corp. Oné N. La ýsalle Street, Chubage Central 0221 1571, Sherman AMenue, Evanmtom 584 Lincoln Ave.., Winnetkaý University 2600 wilmette 2602 winnetka 177 I6 751 I 'Ani 1