.......... * 1 FanuilsEyes Corne ii and set our wide selection of 1940'Better-Light'Larnps, at Lower prices than ever -before! 0 The smart new styling and beauty of 1940 Better-Light, lamps add a. new note of chaxma to your home. And the soft, glareless light tends new color and richness to your furnishings. Sharp contrasts and deep, harsh shadows are gone. Your rooms are more attractive and cheerful. And think of the extra co*nfort the whole family will littie. Corne in now and sec them. Al 1. E. S. certified- no sharp'shadows - no harsh glare - no eye-strain Each larnp in the group carrnes the approval1 tag of the Illuminating Engineering Society-. your assurance that the larnp gives scientifically correct lighting. No glane, no sharp sbadows ... an abundance of light, yet OT HER DAL ER S ARE' ALSO OFFERING FINE . VALUES IN LAMPS "1 I j 43 L 1