TE. FUR- j 'TRIC R1E- IE SPACE. ROOM FUB2NSHED sU5ûITALEFoIt or 2. Free gas, .lgt leat. 1230 W».- mette Ave. WiMete87 11OLTN26-tp XO OXM COMPLETËLY FURNISHED FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. WIL- METTE 4207. 119LTN26ltp lai OOARD AND ROON ROOM ANI) BOARD FOR SMALL ehfid, prof. girl. oôf Ikinergarten age. ,i 3 bal thigan. 565 DREXEL AVENUE, A, HOME INI THE WOODS. WITH . eaut. trees.ý A winding drive leads Wo the pretty entirnce of this white tramne, I rma". 2% bath.. The atttacliveness of this home carnnot 'be déscéribed-it mnust be seen. -Excep>tionial ceircumgtýancesà only., have made this place available for rent. Cafl us W Iispect. Make'offer. ELMER E. STULTS, Ie.. 460 WInnetka Ave. Winnetka . 1800 133LTN26-ltc NE VER BE FORE LISTED THIS ADORABLE CAPE. COD COL. room,. 41 c N26-ltp 41Re Take REDUCI AL ESTATE ve . Agent. 1 Kenilworth 5288 133LTNZ6-ltc ýhni Now at $60 Per Month 'ED FOR IMMEDIATE OCCU- 7 rooni residence, East side, ;e. Convenient to transportation. g, schools. Also for sale. Excel- EUIRE & ORRI me. BuYJ[LCHOMES DRIVE BY TH~E FOLLOWING PROP- erties, and then as5k your broker to show you the inteiriorsi and 'explain how you can buy on the finest ternis ever ofi. fered. Wilmette 923 Elniwood Ave. 2037 Hlighland Ave. 524 Maple Ave., Wnnetka 1195 Asbury Ave. 145 Bertling, Lane,. 140 Betrling Lane,. 377 Provident Ave., 607 Wiilow ýRd.. Glencoe 327 Milton Ave.,. 892 Vernon Ave., SHORE-TOWINS $1075 down 1275 downl $11Q00downý 1450 doWn: 1100 down 800 down 1250 down $85down 65down] REALTY1 CORPORAION' 1603 Chicage. Ave., Evanstoni Gre. 2700. Wil. 608 > Rog. Pk. 6636 147LTN26-Itc UIF tor Ja>L i. MIA oU ,Wiil be worth Exclu SMART&< 1564 Sherman Ai Inc. EAST GLENCOE GRACIOUS AND COMFORTA2BLE LIV- ing le yours to be bad ini this red brick Colonial horne. In "thefine resi- dential section of,]Ç. Glencoe. 4 bdrms., 3%~ bs., larýge sunroomn, où ht., 2 car attached gar.- Spaclous, weil plaflted grounds enhance the deslrability of this home. We wiil gladly arrange. an al>' pontrnent -for you tô make a thorough insecton.Price $33.000. RB.WHITAKER Ca. l40) Green Bay, Road, Winnetka Wlnnetka 3250 Rogers Park 7302 147LTN26-ltc Ideal Family Home UNDER TALL OLID TREES IN east Wilmette, near schools, sta- tion and lake. 4bedroora, 2 baths, modern white steel kitchen. Vene- tian blinds., Pay $2,'500- down. Bal- ance, approximately $90 month mncluding taxes, 609 Central St. Open Sunday 2 W 5. $ee Miss Cronk BAIRD & WANER n. 790 Elrn St. Winnetka 2700 147LTN26-ltc Astonishing Winnetka Value! If this 'suite your particular convenience it offers the utrnost in value. Adorable white colonial in perfect condition' inside & out and near mast everythingt 3 bed- rnis., 1 b. & a delightful Ige. ser. pch. Aroun<d $11.000. See- SEARS REAL ESTATE 421 Richmnond Road Kenilwcrth 5U88 .............. g9rnds.....Heinsen Realty -COOK Winnetka 3M WINNETKA- 128L26-lte TO SUBLET-6 RM.'HOU - to trans. and schools. G EAPARTMENT. able Dec. 1, 261 Wilson st, 1 throughout. Free Stransportation. onth. Located at EXCELLENT LOCATION 1 s Park. Cal1fr. Wilmette. 8 roonis. l1/bi J1LTN26.ltp water heat, two-car gara 3~AI- OO- month. Ca»l Wilmette 86- 5n 'fRmm -*70 QUINLAN & TYSON, In( 584 Lincoln Avenue Winn. 1 147LTN26-1 WINNETKA-$6500 PRICE REDUCED FOR QUICK S"L on a good 6-room white stucco bun alow on, a large wooded lot In Winnetý C. $17,500 mncluding car L7 nd Venetian blinds. te NORTH SHO. 523 Wmnnetka Ave. MOVI gA, BRAND NEW1 Colonfial .home., Lj1VLs. stove, AVU Ubox PýEALTY Winnetka 81 147LTN26-ltc Y' AMERICANý conipleted. Lo. new homes. 3 [CE SPACE ,ton, denitlst or location. Phone1 p I 790 Eu ULCK HOUSE 17T2-t n Indian Hill CH~ARMING BRK. HOME NR. LAKE. baths, heated 5 bdrms., 31/2 B., o» lit., 2 car gar. ing, anxious Beautiful grounds. $18,000. Conifortable 7 rm. house, 11/2 B., gar. IER, Irnx grounds with man~ fruit trees. $10,. Winnetka 2700 147LTN26ltp 4 ru 553 Lin n Avenqu