Si4ew nuses vrus5 Vin ziuses wiul be the subject of an open discussion wlier the Evanston-North Shore Real Estate board bolds it's monthly meeting Monday evening, December 4, at Winetka Community House. 1The effects of modern constiruc- tion and design upon the old. house inarket will be analyzed by brokers and b uilders., Suggestions for -thé improvement of relations between brokers and builders will also be put forth, 'and ideas for stimulating new construction wilI be offered. Motion pictures in technicolor Of large, scale, building operations i the . Eastern states' will be. shoWn under the direction of Philip Cre- don. The, meetinig will begin at 8 SNwmemrbers to be voted, upon at the meeting- include': Clarence. E. Drayer, North Shore Realty; Martin L. Oison, Wilmette Realty;. C. O. Willison, Baird & Wamner, mnc. The first two applicants are for active memberships; the third for active-assp,iate mem1ership.. On Friday, December 1, a round table luncheon will be held at 1 o' clock at the Indian Trail Tea Room in Winnetka., At these meet- ings, held especiafly for the sales staffs of all the realty firms, execu- tive listings are exchanged .and add- ed stimulus is given to co-operative sales efforts between the various firmns. Loans to Families Moffett Photo L. Morgan Yost, (right), architect, and John H Davies, gene ral contractor, both of Wilmette, tsth Mra. John B. Boddie leit) as ques- tioner ave abroadcast Saturdcq m vwg Ier, W44JPon the riodel- Lng of old houses. TPhe broadcast, "Speaking of Houses," is one of a series on "More for Your Mone y,» given by the 1th district of the Illinois Federation of Women's clubs, of which Mrs. Alexander Kerr is radio chairman.