HOME LOANS To DUY, BUILD or REFINANCE "Repaynîent Like Rent"ý SAVUiNGS Our Momtly Savingg Plans Fit Any Budget "1We Add Earninga" Wihmetka Buildingl & Loa Associati I I Co» W'. Service AU Mokeea While the only justification, if any, for this occasional column, is to gloss over anything of a serious na- ture and pick out only the stray bits of. sunshine -for embellishment, the situation seems to. warrant a de- parture from the usual lighter. vein. There. is somethinig wrong on theé North Shore. Whethier it is actualor mental, or possiîbly, both, does not seem clear, but there is a slowness'tothe North Shore real.estate market that seems oddl out of place if. business Im- provement figures are to be be- lieved.. And surely no groups have a better. oppoitunity of solving the DAY AND NIGHT T.I':Lb;ome400 man- structiori activitY is proceeçu1ua- such, a slow pace as to easily dis- prove it. If there was a heavy volume 'of new home construction I t.jmight be conceiVableý that this would shrinik the demandfor older. homes,. But builders and architects are fin ding it diffictult to develop prospects,,Into clients. It is our personal observation that the selling prices-flot asking prices ofolder North Shore homes corne dloser. to,' approxim, atiflg their true value than ever 'before_- True, there are hundreds of properties listed be- yond their market values, but this seems only niatural in commuflities like the North ýShore, where the in- flation of values in the 2's was re- latively greater than other sections of Metropolitan Chica go. Owners have consequently been more stub- bot i I facing reality. Today itgr possible to buy scores of houses from 10 to 20 years old on the basis of appraised value, with true allow~ ance made for normal depreciation and obsolescence. Considering what ,the North Shore offers in contrast to Chicago, it is difficuit to under- stand why they have not been snapped Up. mtAl,.Lne ucJuIA.'I1sA a eAn Viai con- tracts had the second highest valua.' tion s0 far, in the. year, exceeded only in August. One-month,,Septem- ber, dropped below the correspond- ing record for 1last year and the de- crease in that case was notý signifi- cant. cites Subst,,Ëtial. Gains engineering, construction by the governmnental agencies and utilities has skyrocketed.this ye;ar. Nqon-resi- dential building has a very substani- tial gain even though it does'not have as great a diollar-value as the> other two classifications. '94All types of building and con- struction aredefinitely up this year' In the Chicago metropolitan area,". Mr. Morgan continued. -It is im- portant that in addition to good cum- ulative records, the month-by-month totals have béen 'enëouËaglngin the three major classifications." 86 P8er Cent Over 1938 A grouping of alI construction cori- tracts awarded durlng October in the Chicago nietropolitan area of Cook, Lake, Du'Page counties, Illinois, and Lake, Porter, La Porte counties, Iu- diana, moved to $13,055,000 ini an 86. per cent upswing over $7,010,000, the corresponding 1938 total. At the acnni 8 I IlMIW rtwOCrLdn". C SPECIAL FIREPLACE SCREENS AND GRAT MADE TO ORDER 4 4 M* VISiiT OUR SHOWROOMS Msco.mpet*.£replace tiIspIay lnthe country. S« REAL FIREFLACES IN ACTUAL OPERATION JJ rimE rne thi adwoeUunt aud r«edvefr aa Showrooms open every day II 5:0-Sat. '%Il 4:00 COLONIAL FI REPLACE COMPANY not just idle gossip, mat whie rnis tnteresting but' futile controversy has been going on, other sections have been 1,eaping a harvest through no strongel' argument than 1'unsell- ing" the .North Shore. The propa- ganda emphasizes the exhorbitant. prices of real estate from Evanstoti to Lake Forest aud places living costs on a plane possible only to the rich.' Residential b u il1 d i n> g took the, largest part of the October total. The contracts, valued at $7.036,000, overshadowed the $3,402,000 record- ed for October, 1938, with a 106 per cent margin. So far thisý year, Chi- cago metropolitan area,,residential contracts have developed a total of $51,773,000, doubling last year' s $24,- 645,000. Shows Huge Advance u o E TRA4DE MARK OF QUALITY BUILDING SI1G NI1N G F1 NA N C 1NG BUILDING Central Avenue Wihnete 456 J F. H. A. Loanas HEIMANTRUST CO. - r Fv..II. 1 0 L aeM I ___________ 2 M