crantsman and paciçearn ,e cardboard boxes for sa tIy in ý-keep- ing. *Perhaps Mr. Hyde's. versatility is sufficiently. emphasized in this piece, but one more item of evidence m'ight be adduced. -When the family moved' into the house on the Melnerny place last spring, they'found that in one of the bathroorns a plaster repair job. had been completed with wafl- board instead of laths. After a time the paint and plaster scaled off, to their annoyance. Mr. went down the street to a church in. the process .of redecorating, obtained some1 plaster, and laid- it onm the xvalL. Resuit, perféect job! In brie!, the Hyde cross-roads lead to supe r-highways, and Winnetka is doubtless happy to have them in its rnidst. Net every. village can boast a talented organit amnong its resi- dents, with sueh a diversitir of achievements and interests. Drive to Wisconsin; Too Early for Turkey Dr. Ralph M. Evans and bis daughter, Ruth, of Wilmette, motor- ed to Waupaca, Wis., for the "1111- nôis Thanksgiving holiday last week, only to discover that Waupaca, like golng on as usuai; u Dr. Evans states, "with the exception that Jim Farleys emporium, the local post office, was closed tighter than a drum." MaiÉnckrodt )Mothers Sponsor Evening art y The Mallinckrodt 'H i g h school miss Ceilia Meyers left Wilmette Friday night to visit friends at Los Angeles, Pasadena, and San Fran- ciseco . She will be gone about a month. WIEDBOLDT'S Cenies t. Y.,,,,Rescue WitIi Already Christmas Clubs are payiug -millions of dollars! But maybe you forgoe to jolu one. Or maybe you did join one - but stili want your money to go ten limes as far! at our Credit Office for the amoui-t of Chriutmas "nioney"9 you p. Pay ONLY 10%/ DOWN-the rest in 10 easy weely pay Thielhiy-Way t. Better Giving Fer Every Happy Faumilyl VIS ST., FNANSTON -Open Thune. mud: Sat. 'i 9pui III'