Là. rdygaarQ. On the honor roll are the children i the third grade and above who were marked excellent in effort, while the honor society includes the pupils in.the sixth, seventh, 'and oighth grades Who had high marks in ail subjects. -The -lists follow: HIONOR ROLL Third Grades Sally Babcock, Virginla Berg, Ethel Clingrnan, Joseph Conrad, Jean .Elrod, Betty Huribut,. Josephine Muirison.., Jeariette Richmond, Carol lloddick, Barbara Sanders, Donn Tragnitz, Thilo Best,. Peter, Borkovitz, Patsy Doty. ,Betsy Gilbert,, Barbara Grimm, Patsy Holmes, Neci Jannotta, Mary Johnston,- Tom Peterson, Marlene Schoeneck. Fourth Grades Tom Hoetger, Wilhelmine Knlght, Patricia Môoney,. Shirley :Paidar, Joan Pavlik, LyleRîcbmond, Tommy. Schmitz., Carol Vaupel, Billy Watkinsi Marilyn Bishop. Don Brighani, Joan Bulley, Janet Fry, Bradley ýGlass. Patricia Kubiak, Florence Maurer, Jane Meacham, Sue Royce, Betty Schaef- fer, Natalie Wakeley, Barbara Zipprodt. Tff*i Grades Dianne Aubineau, Tommy Babcock, Peggy Bond, Barvara Jean Branch, Joyce Clinghaan. Claire Collins, Alfred Davis, Barbara Dyer, Marian Gage, Mar- ion Gridley, Arabella Heberling, Beverly Jorgensen, Clella L.afferty, Margaret Nu- veen. Thomas Rigler, John R~obertson, David. Roçkcastle, Allan Ross, William Scblan- gen, Suzanne Schwab, Josephine Scrib- ner, Miles Seeley. Marcia Seely, Sally Sollitt. Jimmy Urice, Carol Warwick, Edith Watkins, Benny Weese.. Patricia Colins, Barbara Corbett, Carol Donnelly, Joyce Drew, Jeanette Frankenstein, Dorothy Goettsch, Susan Hurley. Phyflis Marseh4li, Ann Peterson, Lois Selxoeneck, Virginia Sensiba, Lewis Sullivan Dorothy Mae Walter, Helen Witzleben. 1Sixth Grades Virginia Beaven. Jane Donaldson, Rich- ard Kilner, Marianne Reeder, Patricia Patterson, Daun Reynoldls. George Sherman, Susanne Sherman, * Dana Storch, George Vaught, Virgirna' Vernon, Gwain Williams, Marion Wright. Laura Alice Dodd,, Mary Lucinda Smnall, Ann Borkovitz.ý Mary 'Buribut, * Phyllis Babb, Ann Saw.le. SevenUi Grades ýSally Armnstrong, Aliçe Barnes, Mary Crowell, Harriet Darley, Amy Davis, Jean Eggert, Betsy Hathaway, Beverly vr An exhibit of etchinga by Reinhold H. Palenake ia now hangr&g in; the main corridor of New Trier High scliool. The etchinga will be shown until Decem ber 11. "Pintaula". is the title of the one illustrated above. . Miss Breidènbach, a meniber of the faculty of New Trier H i g h school; will- sing the soprano lead of Santuzza in "Cavalleria Ru.sticana," and Mrs. Gathercoal will be a~ member of the chorus. Last year Mrs. Gathercoal had the mezzo lead of Flora ini "La Traviata." Miss Hoagland will have the part o! Marna Lucia in "Cavalleria" and Mr. Otis the part of Alfio. Leads are distributed among the various members of the class from year to yèar, ,and still other singers will star i the performance of "Martha" which will be presented in Febru- ar3T, and "Faust," to be given in cemlber 10 ai; the temple, incoln and Vernon avenues. Çhanukah is. celebrated tradition- alýlyý by, lighting the first candie on thé eve of December. 6 and an ad- ditional candie for each, successive, night. It is often known .as, «"The Feast of Lights." Games and gifts and special, foods add to the galety,. of this winter, festival, In the- Jewish, calendar thé holiday always falîs on -th .e 25th day of the. ninth'.month (Kislev) to commenlor- ate the dedicatiÔn of ýthe. restored. Temiple in'Jerusalem.- Vl.ctoryof Jewish forces against the. armies of the Syrian Antiochus ýEpiphanes had made the service possible. Triangle Club 10 Hold CJommun*i House Dance The Triangle Fellowship club w~ili have a dance at the gymnaulum of the Winnetka Commu'mity house on December 7. .William Agate Martin, gymnasium dfrector, and Thomas Edwards, whose office is at 558 Green Bay road, Winnetka, are in' charge of ticket sales. The club is endeavoring to revive the series of dancing parties. it sponsored some years ago. Pion eer. Winnetka Pair Mark 651h Wedding A nn iversary Dr. Blateliford to Be Honored, at Tea In honor of E ford, Sr_, the Resort at 225 W.Blatch- tore Health rnnd. Win- Mr. and Mrs. Dennis S. Kloepfer, pioneer residents of Winnetka, cele- brated their 65th wedding anniver-. sary, Sunday, at their home, 953, Spruce street, .where a buffet supper aras served for thei.reight sons and a daughter, and famxilles. Mr. Kloepfer, now 87, is a son of th late Mr. and Mr. Brsnard yr", S rm Champaign, where ht nior at the Unviersity of gr. and iof the ar rie ave- Suede jac this year' [ nue.. Sii.. ts are to be ' a new feature. Spencer e, BillHod