Club Ways, Meens Evening Party Safurday Gala Events; Catholic Action, Red Cross, Phil- MYs. Guy A. Gladson will open her home, 426 Central avenue,1 on the èvening of Satur day, D etember 2, for a benefit card.,Party, for thie ways and means dep artment o! the Woman's Catholie> Club of Wil- mette. The Party wil start at 8 'o'clock. Refreshments:will be serv- ed and there wil be very novel prizes. Not. only bridge but varlous other kinds o! gameswiil be play-. ed.. As- Mrs. Gladson'rs parties . ai- ways. draw -a capacity. crowd it is urged that ail reservations be in riot later than Thursday evening. Mrs. Walter J. Muench. assisted bu' FtzPatrick, Mrs. Dennis Harrison, Mrs. Edward Hoffman, Mrs. Walter Jordon, Mrs. C. P. Wralkter, Mrs. Douglas Wilson and Mrs. ýHenry E. Wickert wil assist the hostesses. On Monday, Decen-ber 4, Mrs. Edward J. Keeler wiil entertain the Catholic action department o! the club at her home, 411 Tenth street. The meeting wvill start proniptly at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Henry G. Dalton. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. ýPelott, 1101 Ashland avenue, entertalned rine guests at Thanksgiving. dinner at Shawnee Country club Iast Thursday in honor of Mns. Pelott's sister, Mrs. Lester Lansburgh of New Yoik,' and niece, MWrs Richard Hyland of Hono- lulu, who spent .a week here while on their way from Calfornia to New York Mrs. Hyland was a--ccom- panied by he6r son, Lanrie. Other guests of the Pelotts were thefr son and, daughter-jn-law, Mr. and, Mrs. Hubert, Peiott of 'Chica go, Mrà. Hu- bert, Pelott'parent.s, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bryan of Sheboygan, Wis., and Dr . and Mrs. W.. G.- Jeffries of Chi- cago. C.D.A. Party t of - ubmes sson oiii Am UVZ- bers will exehange gifts at their an- nual Christnmas party. Stili later in the evening there will foilow a Christmas Cheer card party, a bene- fit which will be open to the public. Mrs. Anthony garmni will bc chair. man for the evening. G.IL. Iay hoto The job of being "here, there, umnd everywherep la that of Mrs. George S. Hendrickaon, who ia general superrnaor for the Old- fashioned bazaa'r to be given csU day and eveiring Wecinesay, December 13, at the Woman 's Club «f Wilmette under auspices of its ways and meana tee as a building fund bene fit. IEdward Weeks to Speak in Wilmette Woman's Club Wil Presenf as oui- sfandig, Lecturers of Two Mee. ings an Authôr end an Edfor The Woman's Clu b of Wilmette willhave -t,,o outstanding prograins tefirst week in Decemnber, the reg. ular ail-day Meeting on, Wednesday Dieceniber 6, with Count Cardeili, Dr. Bergen Evans, and Bertita Harding. iauthoi, giving the. prograrn, and the annual. men's night on Saturday of that sarne weelc with the. distinguish- ed Edward Weeks,' editor. of the At- lantic Monthly, the speaker of -the evening.9 At 10:45 on WednesdaY Count Gio- vani Cardelli, native of Italy, and great nephew of Pope Leo XIII, Who has been brought to Chicago by the City Opera company to promo~t.eari interpret operaâ Trlaymen, willdis- cuss this subject. Count Carçlefll wa s recentîy appointed educational direc- ton of the Chicago City Opera-. corn>- pany. Rie Is young and personable and speaks English fluently., The second hour of the mornhng prograni will be devoted to "Milton" and is the last of Dr. Bergen Evans' interesting course in Eriglish litera- ture. Dr. Evans is associate profes- sor of Engljsh literature At North- Morton will speak on <"The Re d Cross."ý At 3 o'clock the Rev. James Sheridan will give the second of hie series on ',The Mass." Tga will lic served at 4 o'ciock. Mrs. Ernest Mundee, Mrs. Walter Jordon, Mrs. Frank J. Kracha, and Mrs. R. E. Reid will assist the hostesses. Mrs. Patrick J. Joyce reports that the philanthropy department has furnished thé Club roomn at St. Vin- At Woman 's Club An exhibit of photographie por- traits of well known Wilmette people le now dispiayed at the Woman's club, and wiil continue to hang through the first week of Deceni- ber. This is the work of Helen Bal- four Morrison. Mrs. Morrison's work is well known to North S~hore man, Will pesent Bertita Harding, author of "Pharitoni Crown" who will. address the mrnbership on -The, Power Behind the Pen.p' Mrs. Hiard- ing was once characteized by an emin ent scholra person who;se. m a n i e s t d e s i n y w a s t o b e c o m e ' t h e biographer of the Iiapsburgs." Her first biography, "Phantom Crown" was -the book which pron-pted this statenjent' It told thedramatic and -- ri ili lirs. George Lundy, membership H. 0. Pinnsoi Chafrman, reports the iollowing new Adamis were lunibute- ana Unrs. ,rnz OSPhf tAus-, TJU5'sMission cOncerned 'the re- rn Of the Rapsburg crown jewels élonglng to. Franz Joseph.s broih-