Annuol YuIe Bazaar, The annual Christmas sale, spon- sored by ,the Ladies' Aid and Mis- sionary Society of St. John's.Luther- an church, will be,4eld i the church parlors December 7, from i o'clock in the afternoori to.10 o'clocki the evening. This event is the largest of -the activities of the church organizations. given durinig the, year, and the groups are participating in- an ef- fort to make it ý as. successful and eénjoyable as in. the paSt years. This, promises to be a festive pre- hldyaffair and splendid display of fascinating-gifts.-both usefil. and novel will be on. hand in tevrious booths. The decorating committee, Mrs. D. J. HBrtnett and Mrs. V. H. Suhr, win. bave charge oftrasfrxming the church parlors into a festive Christmas atmosphere. Afternoon tea will be served from 1:30 to 5 ù'clock. Mrs. C. Cote is tea chairman and those assisting ber are Mesdames J. H. Gockel, G. Pet-ý ersen, E. Fromm, G. Prochnow, and S. Hoth. Mrs. G. A. Reinhardt is general sales chairman, and is assisted by an able staff of group chairmen and workers who will direct the selllng Mrs, A. E. Wolff and Mrs. W. Weimer wiil be present at the booth wvhich will have children's dresses, aprons, and pajamas. Mrs. F. Wiese and Mrs. HL F. Blttner will supervise the.selling.of, hand made aprons. Mrs. M. Seifert announces. the Young Mothers are again having a toy-land for the littie ones. Handkerchiefs for men 'and wom- en.. alwavs a favorite Christmnas P. Gond, 153 eta vne iiê Mrs. Good exhibited more than 100 of hler dols i-ecently at the hobby show of the employes of the Commonwealth Edison company in Chi- cago, the concern wîth which her husband is asaociated. She has received inany lettera andl telephone calla commenting on this collection. Ail of these dolis are hand made by the peasants or na-, tives of the lands from which they came. They are, therefore, repre- sent ative of the inha bitants and consequently many of them are very colorful. There are doils from the jungles of India. to the Arctic glaciers, some frorn the most savage tribea of Africa. Mrs. Good's dolîs have been obtained for hèr by friends on their travels, others by collectors, and others she has picked up on her own UT<>1e 300ummles înto the nteior to get them. Mrs. Good's hobby comibines not only beauty but interest'as she is ai- .wavs searching all parts of the globe for dolis to add to ber collection. Wîlm etie Girls Gien Honors ai Wellesley Miss Betty Jane Pose andl Helen Shane have been electec fices i Tower court, the or S.911 Tickets' for Ballet Russe Benefil Nghts Miss Arnong the North Shore women Be Scene of OId- Fashioned Bazaar "Just bring your knitting along and plan to spend the day. andi eve- ,ning .at -our, old-fashioned- bazaar," the committee for the ôId-tashioned bazaar at the Woman's club of Wil- mette, Wednesday, December 13, In- vites you. "There will be 'comfort- able chairs-we'd like; to -say 'rock- ers' but at present we haven't any- and; we want you to conme, pre- paired. to spenxd the day, have lunch and dinner with us ' >buy what appeals to you, have "a good, olcd visit ýhile you knit, or: damn or m'end (if you- have an old - fashioned' conscience that forbids your idling while youà gossip), drink a cup of tea when the spirâi oves you. And at night when the shelves are empty and your Christmas shopping done- ail at a moderate cost-take the hand of the person nearest, man, woman, or child, and jotr n ntheè dance, t'hé .way folkcs used to do at Christmas time." The "dance" will be a Virginia reel, a quadrille, and circle dances, where everybody meets everybody. ~The -fiddler" will not play the fid. die but he will play a concertina with drums and he will cail the figures. He is Frank J. Ortegel, Jr. Some people, were a little sur- prised to hear that the vvorld's fast- phant bqoth, and the goods include the modern substitute for the qul pen, the typewriter, without which no home is home, it seems, ini these days. Women who do their typing: with one finger will get a thrill when. they see Miss Grace Phelan using ahl her fingers like a streak of light- ning, doing 131 words a minute. Mrs. J. Robert McClure is chair- man and Mrs. Henry Cutler co-cha jr- man of the bazàar which is given Dinnr Bridge Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Peterson, 227 Raleigh roaçi, Ienilworth, are enter- talnlng twenty-six guests at a dinner bridge at their home Saturday, eve- ning. linna A. L. Fuller, ties; Mrs. M. C. Boothe, ipro- ice-cream-bars and cold drinks; Mrs. mous W. T. Morgan, toys; Mrs. Gale Brooks, magazines; Mrs. Forrest C., Musclans." pe .rs ges. ,theci