Tre asures 1for i.. Lifetime Carl, Sandbürg's ABRAHAM LINCOLN The Wcr Years 4 Vols. $20 A TREASURY '0F ART MASTERPIECES Edifed by Thomas Cravon $10 ORIGINAL CHRISTMAS CARDS CHRISTMAS NOTES GIFT WRAPP114GS 1724'Orrington Ave. been kéidnapped, and rescued, and ultimatèly she marries a member of therecuer's family. Thus- are two great familles united. Out of Cbinia's* fortye centuries no years have been 'more. crowded than the lastforty. ýEvenits have corne so fast tha ,t internai troubles have not. been settled before.external troubles have arisen to crowd' them Out of importance. The two great familles, Yao and Tsing,. have their roots in the old China, 'and ý are people, of, great wealtb witb quantitiès of val- uable possessions. When they leave their homes, they Must bury their jade treasures in places not likely to be 'discovered, and one of the difficulties of flight, is abandoning ancient and beloved things. Mulan, the child whQ is kidnapped bya ganand 4ken reurn ta-i born in old China, but the new China airises and dlaims bar, as she proves wben, ,at ber wedding, she breaks old traditions and smiles at the wed-, ding company. The background of that Chin~a is beautiful and vivid, and as it unfolds, we catch hun- dreds of implications hitherto puzzl- ing - inscriptions on vases and fans, t he color and shape of jades, the meaning of different potteries. How the two families adjust tbem-, s cL v Lin Yutang, author of -The Importance of Living," whose novel, "Moment in Pekin g,", is revietvecl tiis week by Kennetit Hot-an, John Day manjisthe publisher, and the drawing is from if e by James Britton. New Scribner Books Deal With History, War and Diplomacy S,.r4hnoqrsnblihed i oe- cent, Smithfor The Home Insurance company. "ýEnjine!-enjine!" is the story of fire protection ini America and the progress of fire fighting a pparatus from;the time that first "bucket bri- gade" was organized until the pres- ent high-power high-speed motor- ized equipment came into general use. - Original Colors The volume is profuselyr illus- trated, many of the subjects in the original colorin'is and gold.decora- tions.of theearty models of fire1 en- gines, from those. of the manually- drawn era to the later period wýhen youth and agealike thrilîed to the inspiring sight of ra-c- i ng at top speed through city streets. In addition there are shown the many styles of uniforws, fire bats, hat fronts, 'helffiets, prèeentatloni shields, speaking trumpets and other appurtenances of. the fire fighter's equipment. For these illustrations the author has drawn heavily upon the museumn of H a r o 1 d Vincent Smith, president of The Home Insur- ance company, said to be "one of the most unusual, extensive and author- itative museurn collections of fire memorabilia in the country." Its first exhibits were secured when Mr. Smith, then in his 'teens, was "The Chinese 'Novel" by Pearl Sui oPsety" n Vc Buck (reviewed ln these columns rnontbs ago) explains that the Chi- toria Royal," nese novel bas bundreds of charac- ters, each one so clearly delineated In The Second World War by AI- that there is no confusion. Moment fred Duif Cooper, Britain's forner in Peking is then a typical Chinese First Lord of the Admiraîty. who re- novel, written in English. It is not a signed rather than support eville translation. Literally dozens of char- Chamberlain's "appeasement" Pol- acters crowd its pages, for there are icy, re-creates and interprets the the men of the familles, their wives, crucial diplomnatie events of the first their concubines, their different sets phase of the war-the "war of of. children, and their innumerable, nerves"-fromn Munich to September, inine co~ tiQSI U Jot Nw IYork', wnerI in 1737 its general assembly passed an act instructing the corporation -to appoint not more- -thaa.- 42 able, discreet, sober men as firemen." "Thus," the author continues, "was; established the volunteer f ire depart- ment which served New York until, the latter part of 1865, a span of nearly 128 years." It is pointed out that "while the New York fire department bas not- TUMEHE PAE8UBB-A novel bY Ir. van Wyck Ma8on ......2 Book"-treet Floor tecture and decor age.. the and comfort to wives and prescribed readlng for ail Christmas, Gift Books New Editiou8 ai SpecIoI1 Prices lia ue )ands. the