Third Annual Exhihit Io Aid Students in 4 .Univer8iuies The. third annual college'exhibit, conducted by the student counci of New Trier ýTown ship Hligh school, will be held next, Saturday and Sun- day in the.Leslie F. Gates gyminasi- Mm on Essex road:between Winnet- ka. avenue and Sunset road. The date of this year's- exhibit, it was expla ined, has been moved up four'or flive months in ýorder that stu- dents of the high school who intend to go to college rnay obtain a better idea of the complete college situa- tion before itbecomes' too late or too difficult to enter, it was, explain- ed, as* well as togive'those who have not definitely decided upon a college an opportunity to obtain a "(panorama" view before commit-ý ting themselves. Broad "Overvlew" "The purpose of this year's exhibit1 is not to pick the special school for. the particular purpose but rather to give ail those interested in college a broad 'overview' of ail the types of colleges in the United States. Thus the individual wilI be able to pick the type of school which best suits him," it was stated in an article prepared for publication this week conclucteci-a college guidance pro- gram in the junior and senior class- es of the schoi. This has consisted of outlines which have been , assed out to the pupils, and the m~aterial has been supplemented by adviser room >representatives. Almost 89 colieges and universities will be represented at the exhibit. Who Is Cultured? the purpose of inauguratimg prepar- ations. The, purpose is to make -the an- nual festival: of song different from' those of former years,, in which only such villagers as rnight be interest- ed gathered for the event. :This year .it is to a thoroughly organized ob- ser-vance, in which the- churches, choral groups and. civic clubs and bodies will joi. Hou .SIng Saturday Recause of the fact that Christmas Eve falis this year on Sundà3r, the sing has been scheduled for Str day evening, Decemnber 23, at. 7:30 o' dock. In advance of Monday night's ini- itial meeting, letters had been di- rected to many local organizations. and . the response was 4ecidedly- gratifying. Besides members of the Recreation board, those in a ttend- ance and the organizations they rep-. resented, were as follows: Good Representation League of Women Voters. Mrs., William R. Reece, Central-Laurel P. T. A., Harry Kerr-, Howard-Logan P.T.A., Mrs. Harry Adler, Englishi Lutheran church, Rev. David Ka- bele; First Methodist church, WiI- The meeting was opened by Mrs. John Clark Baker, president of the Recreation board. and James Magili was made chairman of a general committee to conduct the affair. Many organizationsnot represent- ed at Monday night's meeting bave signified their intention of pating. Koehne Photo Mrs.M William T. Morgan is chairm aii of the Wilmette Christ-, mas Seatl campaign committee u'hich launches the annual seal sle t his t*5ek. >The art-tùber- culosis ivork of the Wlmette Health Center is supported byi the sale of seals in the comi- In Ilnit y. Opiiîst Week Designated by . inne, al mist club wii- mette. T h e p)roclamation (appended) urges the discouragement of a de- featist attitude in a troubied world and sounds a challenge to individ- uais, classes and nations to meet present day probiemns with "cour- age, confidence, chieerfulness and a willingness to co-operate in a friendly way to bring about a solu- R. Ward Starmit Named to F111 Board Vacancy; Village WmI Vote Next Tuesday ýKenilworth will choose a new vil- loge president at a - special election to be held. next, Tuesday, Decemnber 5. A vac.ancyminthe board of trustees. is te be filled at the same time. The, spe Tlelection---wa--made necessary- by the resignations ,of Piesident. larry P. 1Harrison,: whose business oncin eph'fo the village, and Trustee Porter iFox,, no longer, a resident of the éom»- munity, OnlY one nom inee for each office will appear on the ballot.. Robert 0. Berger, 306 Kenilworth avenue, has béen nominated for president, and R. Ward Starrett, 221 Woodstock avenue, for trustee, 'by the Keil- worth Citizens' Advisory conunittee,, an organization made Up of repre- sentatives of ail the civie, social, reiigious, and weifare organizations of the village. ORne PolIng Place There wiil be only one pofling place, it was announced this week by Village Manager C. M. Osborn. Ballots are to be cast at the villagee The village board is t meet at 8 o'clock that e venig at the Kernil- worth club to canvass the vote, and, Abc.-new officers will be sworn i by Village Clerk Lyle L. Richmnond either that night or at a later lime set by the board. Duririg Mr.. Harrison's absence, Trustee Anan Raymond, chairman o! the finance committee o! the board, has acted as president pro tenipore. Note: Economy. Shop lu conducted by the Woman's Club of 'Wilmette. Proceeds are directed to, philanthrop- ie purposes. and c progri 0the