I#*YNU? ~UL uJwE~ UL*OI<NAWM i lo 4~~L AVNUE LAK M CKNYUANOAON c » 't, ComnmercLia comeil ,Uses other thaa É Commercial Liiht Inilutrial Pn mAvK- Kne Seleets, have left alonie, with lrehue and grounds on their hands, has beeni generally recogmized. due to rs havej y' think for thec entire village,, ni for the future.: On Library List (Contrlbuted) Are you fasc'inated by everything pertaining to Christmas? Are you 'searching for programn materials for home, church or school? The Wil-, mette public library off ers the fol- lowinM material on such literature )k, D. B. W. Lewis. ýny Lands. )dern Story, Maud Van itire Through the Cen- nauch. gs, W. M. Auld. ions, W. M. Auld. Bo0cs.Ai Facts and Pancies,Al stmas (Menus, recipes, I., ias, R. J. Campbell. PIays Pageant. of the' UoIy Eoo ofCliistas Stories for Children. M. 0. Walters. The Children's Book of Christmas, J. C. Dier. Children's Book of Christmas Stories, A. D. Dickinson. Chistmnas, Alice Dalgliesh. Christmas Everywhere, E. H. Sechrist.. Christmas in Legend and Story, E. S. Smith. Christmas in Storyland, Maud Van Bu- ren. Christnmas Stories, Georgene Faulkner. Merry Christmas to You, WilheImirna Harper. To Fellowship« Pro gram Tonight 'At the. Church Fellowship mnee ing it h e Flrst Congregational church tonight (Thursday) the Cozy Corner circle will serve a Smorgas- bord, dinner at 6,:30. The quartet Liai De made. to great many old houses which are no interestq E young married longer desirable. It is polnted out er to ca 9 homes, anid the that they have been allowed to de- tinize t those marriages, teriorate in. appearance and condi- such su, amneî ge board and , is for every HOSTESS AT LANDMARK property ýown- Members of the Monday bridge iectively seru- club were entertained at the Land- t, and make mark onSheridan road Iast week by anges as they. Mrs. C. P. Walker of Evanston. t. I '0.Heny.General Literature Book of Christmas, M. W. Mabie. Book of Holidays, H., S. Stuft. On pi, A1 ý. Hgh.Mrs. lW*rsl 3arringer coé, of". rhompson Henrietta5 Morrow. Magida at mi willbe the depie- Chronic 'la helpn odrc h ffilard F. Grauer and play. *~t ietti A. Wais, both of Glen- Thosé ini attendance may, couié enty-nine Years with and go during the varjous seett=g d,l" with Mrs. Herbert of this four-dlmeùsloned social pst». piano. gram, it is explained. I AVENUE -.4 's couples.