25c e e ~e e e oe xa-Check Pull of Jote. ORANGES I ....3d .5 Commfe aNoveI-i.. PlWoëe Extra Large SI..e *doz. 39c e e 5tlgls Vlentinoi GREEN BEANS - . Poney. Preih, Tender Ail Grées, BROCCOLI ...21 for' .. qts. 27c bun. 33c Presi Green. S.Iid PoeIed Quarl BRUSSELS SPROU-TSmbox 17e ges0 FWELL ISandwich or Indic ReiIsh Prune Bread, 8-m .tins ...2 for 25e Klppered Herri.g. l"-oLfi"h...............3 f. 95e * 49yC1 îo-.mous ........ qtart 1uFe Date & Nut Ireod, 8-ozL fins................. 2for 2lS Hors d'Oeuvre Potes. Asord . .........2for 25C Pure Fruit joul*ies 8-or. ufilify glasses .......... 3 for 49C LILELUZna 5uUluAoce Me SMALL WHOL.E BEErS, 25 Count,,or'Moue Tender, wholerZiail size beets of .a uniform deepre color and texture. Packedi 25 or more per Un. Peter Pan selects.the pick of the field and Peels and packs them wlth speclal care to insure'a- treat for your table. No. 2 size2 HEINZ AssojrTED soUPS Except Consomme, Chichen £asnb. ansd Clam2 < Chowder 2 cansa «S orS cana iI *OLD MONK TRIPLE WHIPPED SoIod Dressing. Il To>On. :of 0Our Cusiomners. uIne 11l4AT' #MAT 1 CAU.L OUAND FOR OeOKINOF. ..oaè u. B..èbey Mmb~rieb Purealt and Best! MAYONNAISE l29e OLD MONK OLIVE OILý T65c 1 LS. See it Ou Dlsp)lay AAi l Stores FEads Store nais lié Own Contemi. OVER. EXTRA CUPS on every p.sund f.5 or 37clb Because of the richer flavor and superior quality of STE WARTS COFFEE, you need only a heaping TEASPQONFUL for each cup. It costs a littie more per pound., but much less per cup. FOR~ GEN- UINZ ECONOMY AND GOOD- NESS SERVE STEWARTS! SPECIAL Fresh, MIIkFNd LEADINIG RANDS HAM. Wholé or shank halif CIOICE CUTS POT ROAST. Prime beef, ib. 26c fine flavor I...L.24é OSCAR MATEIS FAMOUS WIENERS. YelIow band +rade mark ............. Jones' For. Stye Pom'k Sousoge: b.32c meats for Patties ......... lb. 30cI SmalI Links ......... ....lb. 35c OUR MEATS ARE. PRIME GRAD-A.-U. S. INSPECTUD ! 9 e e e * e e 8-e,. Pkgs. e e 'e e q Mix Du#,$ Home Stylie -lTISSUE e e e e e e BU TfER A Tii f Spred,1o.Ja e e e * .3 for 2.9c 1FRUj'IT PRESERVES Ixeepfîag Sf r. wIS'r Lb. Jars e e . 17c- Ifor 49c L 23c l. I 12-oz. I ___j