Cale Brooks, Mrs. Julius Kiel aundFIkro. Edward Walk. Luncheon will be. served at 1 o'clock. ABRACADABRA The, AI Tuekers, i357 Greenwood, are having the Christmnas party at 8 o'clock on December 15. Mr. and Mrs. -Stanley Johnson' are assisting.ý The -social com- mittee: Mrs. Ross Moyer,, chairman; Mrs. E. J. Herrick, Mr. John. Ballman and -Mr. C. E. Jarchow, has promised some real entertainmènt Memibers, are cordially invited. Firat Presbyterkan. Ninth street at GreenIeaf avenue James T. Venekiasen, minister At the morning worship service at Il oclock Sunday morning, the minister will preach the first of a series*of three sermons o n 'The Three Annunciations." The theme wi11 be: -The Annunciation to Mary." We invite you to worship with'us. The music for the mornlng worship service wîil be as follows: organ prelucle, thern. "Hosanna in the ilighest," Stainer;, solo, "The Voice in the Wiiderness," Scott, Edward Otis, soloist;. organ post. Jude, "Exsultemus," Kinder. Miss Ermna Rounds is organist-director. Junior churcli takes care of the chil- dren. of parents who attend çhurch serv-ý The 'Sunday school will meet in al departments at 9:30 o'dlock. The Aduit Bible class will meet for study at. 10 o'clock. The lesson wiil beý uPraying for the Sick." We invite you to study with us. The. Tuxis club will me et at 5:30 ü'clock ini the chapel. The theme for discussion wilbe, -Alcohol andClhara4cter." at 6:30 o'clock with Miss Frances Brown, 720 Seventeenth street. A new educatioflal project will be discussed and started. Ail yourig people of coflege and post- coilege age are invited. The board of trustees willI meet Mon- day evening at 8 o'clock at the church. The Woman's Society will meet Tues- day. Worship servicesý will be ini charge Of 'Mris. J . Bartho1onifew. r.Kn neth- McAfee will be thie speaker, lier COME w^' 24~2/ b 51b. t , bug SIVRCRYSIAt irsGronuated I 1OJ;6 49c bas MS OR 5 PADS & 8OAP TV2pkg. 15C. TYFACIAL 3-1b. con 48c - l9c 'mM'LwYvU %4» >8-oz. ' 7e SALDION *4*2tii cons2 4 GENUINE SHIRLEY Tý-MPLE ~~ This 18" dasinty dimpled, beauti- 2 ULL~~fui dioli, a regislar $5.0O0valueOL ____ DOLLwlll make the idecl Christmisglft. suwIf h n..uh.mse 0 . COb £ eA l .,..m.. ma w~i of- o ofhs 30 s uto cI4~~ o A it' olOfprce . . *, ly SPIC@ %votem. FANCY NEBRASKA TRIUMPIIS frANCY FLORIDA Orangeos 2 dz.1c. 1 î * 3 SPINACHF CABBAGE' coud asix*bunch 5c ýnia - I2&c Waxed lb. 2' * . Sb.5se ade 3 Ib..7 ,OOKIES 12-oz. pkg. 1 5c 10-ex Tu" la-lb. bal $camay Soup coke 5c Flour-. .*141-1b. pkg. 7c .vory .4m4#ed.cokesI9C ToMato, JuiCe .0,5-or z1Ib., Hoseloid Needs IEW* lffl"I for"reiýin strucionwz. ..u 8:30 p.m. The higli school grouP wil meet Irom 3:30 to 4:30 At 5 p.m. the Young People's group wil meet at the church for the final meeting before ,the holidaYs. T EA ATIONAL Co. FOOD STOREW AL