Nobody eéauvoteat the primary m Aprilo heeetin November., 1940, unless properly registered..I you hve heretofore. registered under the. permanent registration law you are always here- after eligible to vote unless you have -moved. But there are. many ersns mu New Trier who-have not registered and who will find,,themselves dis- franchised when election day cornes arounid. You ean register now at the Village Clerk's office. After January 16, 1940, you, ean register only at the County Clerk's Office lu Chicago which 1will necessitate rnueh time and effort. Every mnan and womanin h New Trier Township, without regard to party affiliation or political belief s, owes it to himself or herseif and to the country to cast a vote in 1940. New Trier should be outstanding among aIl communities. Wo't eaeh and every one who, reads thiîs state-,ý mient make it lis or, lier duty to register, unless already registered, and to make certain that others -are regîstered. Remind yo-tir neiglibor and f riend of this and help to make our formi of goverrnent work. 4 ý