Bishop Martin cornes to Wiliiet.te for Bîshops' Day not only as the guegt >speaker of!.the local congrega- tion but as-the personal guest of Horace A. Young,* 1331, Greenwood avenue,. Wilmette, in whose home heý wil be entertained. Amng Younger Bishopa Bishop Marti, is one o! the young- er bishops .from the South. He is an outstanding speaker and leader,. hav- ing,held.:se veral prominent. pastor- ates in the South before being ele- vatedto the Episcopacy In 1938. He w4ts born in Randolph,- Teani., July 28,,1893, was educatd i the public schools of Arkansas, and Texas. 'He holds an academnic degree from H en- drik college, which institution con- a:1 il «ciociconSunctay morning ini Foundation hall. .On Monday, the eve of November 27 fromt 11:30, to 1:30 of November 28, a service was held commemora- tive of'the passin g,- at Haifa, Pale- stine, at 1:30 a2mff. on Novemiber 28, 1921i, of 'Abdul - Baha, son of Baha'u'llah.. The flaha'i community of Wlmette, gathered at the home of Mrs. Corinne TIrue to commnemorate that eVent. Rita Lechner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Lechner, 1445 Wil- mette avenue, wlll be homne Decem- ber 15, fromn Corneil côllege jni Iowa, for her Christmas vacation. 142Jl Shermn nAvenue, Ev Ovemghl Cases Wardrobe Ceses Hat and Sho. Boxes Gladstone legs Zipper legs Hartmann Truaits Sis Folài Manieur. Sets Dressing Cases Cigarette Cases ie Ca»s Duffuii LowàaseCift heaUm Open Thtur MdiSaturia7 UvmbIgs c&LgqqL £Jp fis tneological work at Southern Methodist university, Dallas, Texas; served in France and Luxembourg with the the hospital corps,_ Hisý pas'lorates included Grace Methodist church, Houston, Texas; Porte Arthur and Little Rock; andl for seven years before his election to the cepiscopacy, lie was pastor of resî*e ini ana around Chicagoi arranging a reunion in honor Bishop Martin. The alumni grc will attend the Methodist church special guests on December 10a will fetc Bishop Martin at othér casions planned- for 'him over week-end. flishops' Day is one of the ten s: Mrs. Kraft, who fori Robsar t road, is now York City. youWrr~ is¶1WpW stant. was of in New I