The Southland, the Pennsylvaniaý railroad's Florida train which oper- ates between Chicago and important southern points througbout the year, will have its winter schedule quiclc- eéned to Miami byr 4 hours and 10' mhinutes, e f fec t ive December 15., Northbound service on The Southland also will be. more than 4 hours swifter than last season, with a later. departuire from Miami. In addition'to faster time to and from Miami, the running tin-e be-. tween Chicago ýand a number of oth- er winter resort centers also will be shortened whe~n The. Southland, goes on. its imfproved scheduie. The, South- land operating over the most se.enic southern route, serves the Florida Eastand West Coasts, with conven- ient connections to t h e Central Lakes region. Completely air - conditioned, The Southland provides a near-midnight departure fromn C h i c a g o with threiugh sleeping car second mnorning arrivais in Jackson- ville, Daytona Beach, West Palm Beach, T a m p a, Clearwater, St. Petersburg,' Sarasota a n d -other. points and a noon--Zdây arrival in Mi- ami.. Daylight arrivais in 'a num- ber of other Florida winter resorts and swift service to Atanta, Macon, Albany and Knioxville are afforded. The Southland also will feature ne w through de luxe reclining seat coach service and dining cars will serve demand for ranches, particularly in Arizona, and Texas. Among those attracting special interest is the Waldemar Guest Ranch, 82 miles from San Antonio, offering every possible sport atid recreationàl fa- cility,,for -the perfect vacation, with nothing left undone for. solid com- fort. Their string of horses includes. one of the. finest groups of Arabian, ponies in ' the 'United.States. WalIde- mar Guest- Ranch is represented.on the North Shoreby the-North Shore Travel Service in Evanston*. TO VISIT IN FLORIDA Miss ýMarjorie Raiguel,, 730 Cen- tral avenue, is leaving today (Thurs- day) to spend ber vacation with ber. grandmother and amit., Mrs. Henry: R. Raiguel and Miss Nel Raiguel in Deland, Fia., but will return.when ha,' bhv,- fha,' 1NMU1aiw, h WINTER INLA LA An w iequalled opruity to enjoy as you. like' it. iýa Jolla offers the ch arm CA L1F ORtNIA, of. wmrer muadness,, plus things-toýdo galorel: Plan now wvith ýyour Travel Agent for a Southern Cali- fornia winter utterly dif- ferent Jola i e Thie'ideal "baseé" for enjoyment of. a mild Southern Calftoria winter. ,* On the, ocean, a few miniutes north of San Diego and an ixour from Old, Mexico. e Ail types of tourist accommoda- tions available.ý ai VACATION VARUET