Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Dec 1939, p. 54

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Friday, December 8, the Wilmfette charities wiil benefit from philan- thropy sewing'«at.the Woman's Club of Wilmette. Since. this is a -local charity, in which ailresidents of the community are lnterested, this sew- ing day should appeal to non-club members as -w-ei as the members. The clubhouse will be open from 10 until 4. Mrs. Thomas. S. S. Hard- wick is philanthropy chairman. Mrs. W. W. Baer is chairman for the dayý, assisted býy Mrs.. John P. Bailman, Mrs.. Maurice C. Boothe, Mrs. Wil- liam F. Crawford, Mrs. J. A. Donald- son, Mrs. P. . Ebeling, Mrs. A. L. Grinneil, Mrs. George Hendrickson, Mrs. Edward L. Lange, Mrs. P. L. McGrath, Mrs. George H. Redding, and Mrs. Arthur G. Stanten. Mrs. C. L. Darling is luncheon chairman. Lunch is served at noon and schooi - çhldrn may join their mothers working at the club that day. The Wilmette Welfare association was established i November 1913, under the name Board of Local Char- Mtes. The first meeting was held in the clubhouse i response to an i- vitation from the Wôman's Club of Wlmette and was called to order by -Mrs. H. B. Gates, who was then president of the club. The original purpose was to investigate cases of need and to refer themn to the ap- the conimunity became more ap- parent the agency changed from a commtttee of iterested citizens with a voluntary investigator to a wel established board with a part time paid ivestigator and later a full time worker. The agency has been reorganized twice in order to keep up with. the needs of a changing Mrs. IMe'pi . Cutter i s ervng, as co-chcgrman of the Old-Fash- ioned Christmas bazaar which will be given as a ways a nd means pro ject of the Wonan's Club of WUmette at the club- house ail dat, and evening Wed- nesclat, Decem ber 13. Lunch- eon, tea, dinner, and an old- fashioned dance wvill be added features. For Congregational Gu ild For its Christmnas program Fni- day, December 15, the Woman's guild of the Wilmette Congregation- al churcli will have a pageant caîl- ed, "Our Christmnas." It will be a depiction of Christmas customs i which those taking part will wear the costumes of the country whose customns they are showing. Garden club for an ail-day sewing session* to make gifts for shut-ins in the, settlements, -and. hosPitals to which the Chicago Plant, Flower and Pruit guild sendsflowers, fruits, and jellies during the sumnmer. Mrs. T. E. McElroy is -president of the club and Mrs.. George Putnam is chalir- man for the club of its work in the guild. Members. will bring sandwiches for their lunch and Mrs. Hurîbut wiil serve coffee. Members may corne as eurl y as. 10 o'clock. . They are askedto bring materialsj en which, to work, such as old blàn-1 kets, old bath towels to be eut up fori bibs, bias tape,. crochet cotton and1 crochet hooks, tops of wool socks for wristlets, mnaterials for makinig beanbags and the beans to fill them, material for bedside bags inluding a -rneffeoeb and m+ror, pitures or cards for scrap books. Beside materials for work, they. are asked to bring such things for1 gifts as children's books, toys,j games, doîls, candy, fruit,.nuts, can- ned goods, jams, jelly, cakes of soap, bottles of perfume, compacts, or money if they care to, for pur- chasing gifts. Mrs. Putnam, if called, will be be packed s. which- anyone t downtom ecember L .sday. Helps With Progrom Newberry League The Evergreen bai seems to be the perermial naine for the annual December benefit sponsored by the Newberry Center league. The ievent this season takes place Saturd.ay, D)e- cember, 16, at Shawnee Country. club. The chairman of thle bail is Mrs., W. B. Putmnan of Evanston; Mr s. W. L. dozzens is.chairman of tickets; Mr$. Cory Blanchard, co-chairmran; Miss Valerie Ott is chairman of decorations;, Mrs. Frank L. -Stell-' ner and Mrs. T. I. MeKnight are co-chairmen- of t he flower and çigaret vendors. Ail are residents of Evanston. On. thegeneral 'cor 'mit- tee, are Mrs. Williarm A. Patterson of Kenilworth, Mrs. Robert D. Low- ther, Mrs. E. H.- Gallahan, Mrs. Robert S. Wrightand Mrs. Arthur Freitag, also of Evanston. Newcomers to the North Shore in June were Mr. and Mrs. Waltcrý Otto, who have büllt a riew homne in .Wilmette. lVrs. Otto is a sustaining member, bût a very active one, of the league, and her husband, an.art- hst,1hs made a drawing of the chair- man of, the bail. ,Obse rve Sixdy- Fiftlh Weddina Anniversa arv ni Maple avenue, to celebrate t h e i r 15. sixty-fffth wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Stephens resided at Forreston, Ill., at the time of their marriage, and came te, Wilmette forty - nine years ago, residing in, their 'present home since then., Their son - in law and. daugh- 1ter, Mr. anid Mrs. Charles Dahneke and granddaughter,- Olive,' make their home with them.. Another Dance for Young. People A dance for young people wil be given at the Kenilworth club Fni- day evening, Deveznber 8. ieon'. q9 .1

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