Thela Alumnae to Gather NrkS~ epin Around Tree for Carols HIdR enSe na The North Shore chapter of the s' Singing Old English Christmas car- Diha oit a t sa ei OIS, niembers of the Kappa Alpha ar this Tuesday in Chrst Ch.urch Theta alurnnae chapter will gather Parish House. The president, Mrs. aond a Crtasteathe Theta Charles E. Galloway, was absent Housle, 619 University place, Evans- from the last meeting,soMsRa ton, on Wednesday afternoon, De- mond K. Lake of Wlmette, vice- cember 13, at 3 o'clock. Madi Bacon, president very ably took charge. director of thie North Shore Choral The subjeet of discussionfor Tues- society anrd of! the Elizabethan Mad- day was "English LifeandThought rigal Singers, wiil leadI the singing. i the Eighteenth Century.". Sev- Beverley Taylor, a Theta sopho- eral topics under this headin.g were more, will give a Christmas read- assigned to the different members. ing, and Helen Gambrill, a junior, Mrs. Thomas H. Beacon elaborated will play original piano compositions. upon "The Industrial Conditions in A doueble string quartet, ail pupils Handieraft of'the'Era." Mrs. John of Anah Webb Lavery, program F. Dille, Jr., told of "The Age and chairman, will play a group of num- Its Arts;- Mrs. Charles E. Galloway bers and will accompany the carols. covered, -Geography, Astronomy, Hostesses will be Mrs. Leslie A. and Geology." Wood, »resident;, Mrs W. E. Clark, Finially Mrs. William Reynolds, who will have charge of arrange- Mrs. Carl Spiller, and Mrs. Ray- ments; Miss Marion Kelly; M is s mond K. Lake discussed the applica- Marie Klopsteg; Miss Phyllis Swen- tion o! "Science to Health," current. son; Mrs. James Ritchay; Mrs. Ben- "Theories and Practices," and the : jamin Troxel1; Mrs. J. D. Hastings; relious "'Revoît Against Reason,"..... and Mrs. R. W. Branigar. during this "ÀAge O! Enlightenment.Y Give Lot r o ar ndl gw4tdo*wp .oa.!.tJh*il ache~ kie er* rur hu auty, à*f gradiose and "th~ ggv. he Ulea.fet Au4. imprtat çat.o.e# go Lam*. An .veni.g jac4,t of $*vvr ox*r r eA . ~.k. . . . . . . k xuiieoriginc. rcl in rl 1ý01 worlhy of the sentiments they convey ----------------------