Wednesday Tetional Meeting-S p.m. Sunday School Exercises-9 :45 a.m. DECEMBER 10, 1939 Subject: God the Preserver of Man',- R~EADING ROOM-1133 Centrai Avenue Open Daill 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45 P.M. .Sauwâay 9 .M. te 9 $ P.M ne~ Bible and Worke of Mary Baker Eddy, and ail other authoriaéd Christian Science Literature may b. read, borrowed or purchased at the Reading Room. Ta£ PUBLIC II CORDIALLY INVMDE TO ATI'END TUE CMURCE IZEVICE AND VISIT THE At*NGRnuOOM Dexheimer Canoôn Photo Miss M arg a ret Johnston, daughter of Mr. -and Mma Harryý B. .John ston, 1320 areenwoocl avenue, Wilmette,. has b. e e n elected to Phi Beta Kappa at the University of Indi ana. Miss Johnston is the seventh mem- ber of the Johnston family to be "ehosen, for Phi Betaý.-appa ýa In- diana university, her grandfather,1 uncle, three aunts and her father havmng been simnilarly honored by that institution. She graduated fromn New Trier in the class of- 1936 and is a member of the Delta Gamma sorority at Indiana. Dr. James M~,arshall, noted Austra- lian naturalist, clergyman, lecturer and world traveler, will occupy the platiorm .at the New Trier Sunday. E-venmng c.lub ýmeeting DIiecember 10 in New Trier High school auditori- um. His subject will be "'Unrusual Austral ia.". Dr. Marshall, a residentofSyd- ney,, Australia, is characeterized as a many-sided genius.'Born' in the famed Kangaroo Valley, he is essen-, tially and at. heart a man of the open spaces.. Always a',student of wild life and the primitive, it is. said that he interprets this strange land, Australia, with knowledge and understaniding, with wit and humnor, in such a way that the attention and interest of the audience is grip- ped and helci throughout. Student of New Deal Dr. Marshall is also a profbund st*det ofthte social and 4conoomc' progress of Australia and has made an exhaustive study of the New Deal in the United States of Amer- ica. While the New Deal has adopt- ed most of Australia's "successes." he points out, it is also tr3rîng out some of Australia's "failures." H{e wonders if America will succeed where Australia failed. Pictures in Color Dr. Mars!, i'] made a special trip tn Aiistralia recentlv and brought