Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Dec 1939, 88-89

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k 1 k 1 kc1 k 1, k 1 k 1 k 1 k 1 k 1 2 2 2 2 k2 k2 k 2 k.2 C, r of rd w 5 ses n 7.7 acs (ex ut) 11: 52 J as n 25 links of It ub) & (ex s 431,2 it) w of Ridge Ave 11: 1 ADD Sec 33 T 42 R 11: 201 11:211 11:221 11:231 11: 241 A11:35 11: 261 11:271 11:281 11: 291 11: 2 l 11: 3 b 11: 4 b 11: 5 b It 6 b] 11: 9 bi 11: 101 11: ilt 11: 12t 11: .14 I- 11: 15 i it le b 27726 12045 2340 13. 4326 2887 2887 32 05 2887 .2887 2887 3205 3205 3231 3231 3231 1455 2908 43'06 3205 3206S 2886 3205 3205 2887 2887 2887 3340 2886 28 86 2886- 3205 .3340 3340 3005 3005 888 4073 3205 9 61 9 61 9 61 961 1604 1604 1604 1434 28-86 760 9 61 9 61 9 61 290où 1494 $cts 3206 2886 2880 3206 4321 4321 2910 linoi - rd It 8 11780i (ex st:)>t 926225 w 55it n 200 ftt 10 1062 5 (ex th w 103 ft & ex the n 991.7 ft) Pt n of the center In of Illinois 2 rdlItl10.3335 (xn991.7 *1> the e 53 ft of w 0 03 ft pt nofllinois rdit Io 2744 (ex n 01.7 ft> the' w 50 ft of et, n of Illinois rd it 10 26 02, 6thi n 991.7. ft (ex the n 200 ft the, 1.re 0f) .pt n of Illinois, rd It 10 149 64, (ex sis) I'ti 711 rPINE CREST SUE Sec 33 T 42 R 13 blk 1 r Namne&Desb $cts r tl 1103 5 t 2 1103 rt t6 1007 rt 17 907 t 9 907 It i14 9 07 t 12 1007 Itifi1007 It 17 1007 it 19 907 PJNE CREST SUBI Sec 33 T 42 R 13 blk .2 NameDesc$cts It 1 907 t 2 907 t 3 1007 t 4 .1007 it a 906 t 7 1007 it 8 906 It 9 906 it 10e. 10 07 It il I1007 U:it12.:06 t 13 906 it 14 907 t 15 907 i t 17 906 It 18 1007 It 23 1007 t 24 906 PINE CREST SUB Sec 33 T 42 R 13 blk 3 Narne&Desc $cts iti1 1007 It 2 1007 * t 3 1007 It 6 .1007 11:8 906 t 9 9 06 11:1l 906 11:12 906 t 13 906 j t 14 10 It 15 1007 It 18 906 lt 21 100 PINE CRESTl SUE sec, 33 T 42 R 13 -blk 4 Iti 1203 t 2 1102 t 3 1102 t 4 1102 li 5 1263 In saia d I hie n 200 f1:- t-o 'POBlit 24 bng at a Pt 100 f1: e of nw cor 11: 24 the e 50 ft the s 200) it the swly 50-91 ft 1:0 a pt 210 ft s of nhI of said 1lit24 the n 210 fit 1: POB It 24 (ex n 374.7 f1:) &(ex~ sts) e' 1t:25. (ex sts> W_% lit :25 (ex st) lit 26 (ex st) lit 27 (ex st) 11: 28 (ex st) 11: 29 (ex. St) lit 37 (ex Segers sub) pt s of a ln coin at the intersection of 'w ln & center ln of Northfield rd- th n 73' e 64.35 t th nl,420 e 87.78 ft Cook oun NOTICE OF AI'PLICATIOIN COUNTY COLLECTOR COOK COUNTY FOR JU MENT AND FOR AN OBI 0F SALE ON ACCOUNT DELINQUENT SPECIAI ASSESSMENTS. COUNTY 0F COOK STATE 0F ILLINOIS December 7 Advertiscmcnt and Notice of d Coliector of Cook County of applu for juçigment and order of sale ofi quent lanids and lots on account o paid Srpccial assessments or iinstallr thereof, as provided by law. Village of Kenilworth, New Trier Township Notice is hcreby given that the Cc Collector of Cook, County, Illinois, apply to the Coûunty Court of Cook Coi Illinois, on Monday, December 18, 1939, for judgmnent, against ail the1 and lots described as .bcing delinc upon which special assessments reï due and unpaid for said special as mnents. or unpaid instalîments the with interest and costs, as provilee law, and for an order. for sale of lands and -lots for -satisfaction the 5 t 5 Li * t 116 52 2D i9 I1:7 5220 ;9 11:10 - 3008 11:11 il402 It 112 39-23 11:It13 236(0 i9 11:15 2360 gUNITED' REALTY CO FIRST AD TO oSKOKIE, BLVD AD. Sec 32 T 42 R 1? ob1k 5 SName&Dlesc $cts * t 11 1752 *t , 2 1428 W 13 1428 9UNITED REALTY. CO FIRST ADD ýTO- 9SKOKIE BLVD ADO Sec 32 T 42 R 13 9Name&Desc $et$' 9 * 11:1 27 96 91>:2 27 96 911:3 *2424 11:t4 2460' 9 COUNTY CLERKS DIV Sec 32 T 42 R 13 Name&Dée -$cts Ss 5acs (exest) 11:42 53196 r MIDLAND TRUST CO Lakenton su2> Sec r Name&Desc Sets 51:1 1 3076 5-1t:2 . 30 76 31I:4 3076 3.11:7 - ,3076 5 11:8 3076 1 11:9 30 7e 11:t10 3076 111il 3076 11:12 3076 MIDLAND TRUST CO Lakenton su2> Sec 32 T42 R13 blk 2 Name&Dese $cts, it1: , 3076 11:2 3076 11:3 3076 11:4 3076 11:5 3076 * 1 6 3076 * . 117 3076 t 118 3076 11:9 3076 11:10 3076 11:11 3076 11:12. - 3076 MIDLAIlO TRUST CO Lakenton sub Sec 32 T 42R13 blk 3 Fw 5ac n 7.7 ses e .14, 9acsIt 52 tof w 454.54 f1: w 5 as ,s e 14 aes s 24 ass 11 52 ni ef 5 acs of w 10 aes ts 2%2 acs of w 10 as 85941 8626 ii (exl 2-t 2 RSDIV Sec 33 T 4 id ave w 50 ft (ex 76 f1: of th pt n of e uh-lt 4 s 430 fi) s -of rd 2 c 33 T42- K w 75 euh-lt 16 12043 3873 n 200f1: s m6.8 f1: sub.It 16 11769 (ex s 480 fi of e 57.82 fi) & (ex 1601, w 74.18f1:) & (ex st) euh-lt 18 501il (ex et) euh-lt 22 19464 337 (exst) euh-lt 23 145 91: 38882 COUNTY CLERKS DIV Sec 33 T 42 R 13 2 SUE Sec 28 (meanng ce land, lot, b1 above deser ures.relate to the it ion thercof hast RESUE i( left of and o:, ilwortli ÎTII GARDENS ADDIl No. 2 (ex n 100 ft) pt e of Ridge Ave 42 R 13 11:3 & (ex s 124.2 f1:) pt e ni b . - sts Ridge Ave 11: 4 2089 n 65 f1:ofis 124.Eftpt eof Ridge BLK 1 AND 2 WEST KCEN. Ave 11: 4 abSec 28 T 42Et3 pt eo Ridge Ave It:5 ODN Ses 237- T 42 R 13 lic - ets k SUEni5 t Rb 6132l :)N Secs 27-28 T 42 R 13 11ltZb1k35 4.58 jJ 1174 S , I . 1 1 .1 SEGERS SUE Sec 33 T 42 R 13 Narneffese 1At 7.blk 1. 11: 9 2>1k 1 11: 12 2>ll4 1 11: 9 2>1k 2ý It il blk 2 t 15 bk 2 11: 16 blk 2 1t.4 blkc3 11: 6 2>k 3 11: 7 bIIc 3 s 25 f1: 11 5 bhk 4 - 11: 7 blk 4 It1. b>k 5. t l2 blkS5 t 9 bhk 5, 11: 10 2>k 5 Itlblkc5 11: 13 blk 5 It 14 2>1k 5 11: 16 2>1k 5 t,-blk 6 11: 12 2>1k 6 11: 13 blk 6 It 14hlk 6 It 20 blk 6 11: 3 2>1k 7 11:4 blk 7 11: 6 2>1k 7 w 50 t 11: 7 2>1k 7 e 135 f1: 11 7 blk 7 11: 18 2>1k 7 11: 19 2>1k 7 11:20 2k 7 wV2 t 2 blk 8 wýý It 7 2>1k 8 <ex n 38 f1:) I119 2>k 8 11: 12 2>1k 8 11:16 2>1k 8 It 4 2>1k 9 w 70 f1: 11:85-6-7 2>1k 9 MEYEkRS ADDN Sec 33 T 42 R 13 Name&Dese 11:2 2>1k 1 11: 3 blk 1 e 50 f1: 11:5 b2>1 11: 7 2>1k 1 <e 5f1:) e 150 f1: w 200 f1:ms 1741, it blk 2 e 75 f1: e 150 f1: w 200 f1: s 1741, f1: 2>1k 2 (ex w 200 11:) s 174%k f1: l21< BRAUNS SUBSec 33 T2 R13It2 (ex st> aub-It 2 , private alley 11: 9 blk 3 5805 (ex ut) sub-1t 3 9786 11:18 blk 3 7197 31 45 (ex ut) suh-lt 4 3 private alley 11: 9 blk 5 *5232 n &adj sub.It 4 .4539 .lt 10blkS 5 5806 (ex st) sub-lt 5 3', private aliey It .11. blk 5 5921 n & adj sub-1t 5',43 It 17 blk 5 146-28 (ex st) sub-ît 6 1,ý private alley e 16 f1: It 16 ai l t 17 blk 6 19714 3212 n & a dj sub-lt 6 45 39 11:20 blk 6 . 7008 (ex st) siab-lt 7 ', private alley . JAMES RICE BROWNS ADDN Sec 28 11558 n & adj sub-lt 7 53.34 T 42 R 13 231 32 pt bng at a pt la e laof Sec Xarnc&Desc $c:s. 15002 25 2295 ft s, fet e cor. of SD lt 1 4295 39 1 Sec n 870 38, w, 149.*25 f1: the It 2 33 24712 .90* 39',w 4212 fithnfi86-14't 3174 103 .413.1 f1: the s 230 04' w 481.7 It,41741 3852 f th s 650 16'. w 83Z.65 f1: tth it 5 46 s8053"w 120.25, t thi e 1517.79 . 1:6 .4 64' f1: tocé In th ri one *ln 1296.43 f1: At:7 464 to POB sub-1: 18 516 37, 11:8 464 sub-lt 30 438 75 I 6 <ex st) sub-lt 31 43 97 ii 2 it la 928 ty Dlînqent.11!928 11:15 769 1tD lm u n t 16 928 11:18 38 31 %11:25 4812 11:26 '3138 ,ssessment List 11:t31 4761 t 31 4644 t 32 4644 __ .t 33 4876 e posite said -$'! and, - ets" colunm. It 43 .31 35 L0F "Name" in the words ' name and desc." It 44 07 iD -where uscd in the list, means name of It 452017 DG.the owncr of said delinquent lands o. 292 021 [)ER lots, and "desc.» in said words means It,53 30 17 0F description of said lands and lots. It 53 3016 TENTH INSTAI.LMENT, SPECIAL1 "It 55 2616 ASSESSMENT WARRANlT No. 477106 - It 56 . 3017 Dated the 13th day of July 1929, levied 11:57 2616 and assessed by au1:horitjv of the Village it 59 26 16 of Kcmilworth for Extending and Paving I t 61 30 17 Coventry Rd andi otiier streets in thie t 62 2616 199Village of Kenilworth whch remains due It 63 2616 1939l~ andi unpald with -interest on thie ad thé s 2 lt 65 1510 cation unpaid nstalments at the rate of 5 per 11: 66 30 17 telin cent . per annum from the 2nd day of It 67 3017c ) un- Jan~ 1938 '1: the 2nd day of Jan 1930 and ~ 26 16 iet nterest on this ns1alment from the 2fd I ASS ISTAaMEN T SPECIA2jL ay Jn1939t e 1 S tl Datedti he 17th day of Sept 1930 levied' KENILWORTH COMMUNITY )EVELOP. andi assesseti by authority of the Village sub Sec 28 T 42. R 13 of Keiiilworth for Widening andi paving ( Namce&Desc $cts West Railroati Ave in the Village of Ken- ( It 3 blk 1 Mo 6o îlworth which remnains due and ulnpaid 11: 12 blk 1 806o with intereet on this antid the unpaid inl- Doufty It 17 blk 1 1,54 77 stalhnien:g at the rate of 6i per cent per Wihl. It: 26 2>1k 1 154 77 anhumi froni the 2nd day of Jan 1938 to *A.D. -1t A blk L 757 74 the 2nd day of Jan 1939 and interest on lands 11: 11 blk 2 80 60 this installaient froni thc 2nd day of quent 11: 12'bhk 2. 8060 Jan 1939 to thc 31s1: day of July 1939.. main It 17 buk 2 12360 MACLEANS INlIAN HILL SUE Sc 28 ;sss- 15 b1k. 3 5426 T 42 R 13BSe reof. t 6 2>k 4 14510 Name&Deso $te ýd by It 10 bhk 4 13434 t 3 1e19 said It 16 blk4 14510 it il 7 à2 rcof, 11:112>1k 5 16122 11:13 732 order It 14 blk5 24720 t 20 383 noted WAGNERS. SUB OF PARTS. E OF WALTER SUE 0F LOTS 22-22ý24 (e v It 5 t-bflS3 11:062>k 3 11: 7 2>k 3 11: 8 2>1k 3 11:92>1k 3 11: 10 2>k 3 It11 il2k 3 21: 12 blk 3 11: 13 2>k 3 11: 14 2>k 3ý 11: 15 2>k 3 11: 16 2>k 3 11: 17 2>k 3 11: 18 2>k 3 11: 19 2>1k 3 11: 20 >1k 3 i1 hile A ' 11: 5 lt-s 11:7 11:8 11: 10 1:il 1:12 1)t là3 11: 15 Fit 16 11: 17 11:23 11:24 11:25 11: 26 FIRST1 Sec 32 T n (ex RESUE (W LKS 1 & 2 West KCenhiltj!t uh Sec 28 T 42 R 13 Name&Desc.Sd (ex ne0 f:) lt 9 bk 1 14057 .(ex ne 20ft) It 10blk 1 140 a (ex ne 20 ft) lt 1i l bi1 14057 ItlZ12blkl 1 586 11: 13 -blk 1 612 lt 142>1k 1 681 1t 152>blk1 681 It 16hblci1681 1t 7 lk 2 681 It 8 1k 2 681 It 9 b1k2 681 1t 13 blk 2 .681 Itl16,hlk 2 1231à 1t ?0 & privalley w adjIlt 20 blk 2 6 81 WEST RENLWRT SUE Sec 28 T 42 R 13 Namce&Desc $cts 11: 12b1k 3 6 81 lt 9 blk3 681 It.1Oblk 3 7 49 It 13 b1k3 681 It 15 lk 3 681 1t 16 b1k3 681 lt laBblk3 681 It 9blk5 681i lt 10bbk 5 681' 1t Il bk 5 681 It 17 blk5 681 it 2' bk 9 6 8 e 16 it It 16 21k 6 4 35 1t 17 blk 6 1362 It 20 blk 6 1362 Landsin Sec 2 T 42 n R'13 e of. the 3rd . PM (ex the e 175 it) tht pt ni the s Il f the nw %. ofSec 28 T42 nR13 6of the rd PM lying s of s lise of the n 15 chains thereof & n of the * Une of the s 20.20acs e ofrd. thereof .7 JAMES RICE BROWNS ADDN. Sec 28ý T 42R 13 Name&Desc Sets (ex nely 2ft) It 174 97 (ex ely 20 f1:) It 2 97 (ex nely 20 f1:) 11 3 8746 (ex ney 2ft)It 4 .7810 (ex ey 20 1:) 11:5 7810 .(ex nely 20 il) 11:6 . . .78 10 (x ey 20 f1:) 11:7 7810 (ex nely 20 ft) It 8 7810 (ex nely 20 ft) 11: 9. 7810 (,ex nely 20 11:) lt 10 7810 (ex ncly 20 f1:) 11i 78 10 (,ex nely 20ft>It 12 * 78 10 (ex nely 20 it) 11: 13 . 78 10' (ex nely 20ft) 11: 14 78 10 Cex nely 20 f1:> 11:15 7810 (x nly 20 it) 11:16 *78 10 (ex nely 20 f1:) It 17 7810 (ex nely 20 f1:) It 18 . 7810 It-25 326 1t 26 2 61 1ts 30 &31 653 11:32 3 26 lt 233*2R

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