IDEAL 120 A. FARM. WELL, IMPRVII. Modein home, plenty of water, land in A-i cond. Lac. 9 mi. S. of Fairfax, la. Edge of city im. Gale Dooley. Birming- ham, la. 194LTN3l-tp3 les MEAL EsTATEF WANTED D LADY OR GENTLEMANq to seli ,real estate. Good timne killer and flot too ambitious, and, able to sup- port jb.FRANK .PAVLIK,.Jir. iCenil- worth. 166LTN31-ltc- 167 EXCHANGE-REAL EsTATEir OWNER 0F FLORIDA HOME WILL tradie equity and cash for N. S. home. Beautiful Highland Park -home, consider apt. building in trade..Owner of 6 room house interested, In trading for larger. Carolyn V. Lang, Wnnetka 1194. 167LTN31-ltp 171 FOR SALE-HOUSHOLD 000» 1IILTN31-ltp SO0LID W AL NUT LIVING. ROOM table. Floor lampi two 'table lamps.. Glenc'oe 1637 l7lLtN3ltp ORIENTAL 9x12, CHINESE 9x12, 6x9. .Chiiiese,, Domnestics. 9x12, And larger rugs, scatter rugs. 1911 Church'St. 171LTN31-îtp Ï3iLLIARI) T A B L E, STATIONARY. regulation size. Reasonaàble. Wilmeft 1879. 11T3-t PERSIAN 'PRAYER RUG 5x4*; GEN. uine old rug $W.. Glencoe 1778. 17ILTN31-tp 172' WTD. TO BUY--HBHLD. GOODE BUY,. SELL OR EXCHANGE HOTISE- hold Goods. We also buy bric-a-brac. glassware, thinia, sport clothes, sooe FELLIS-30 Chicago Ave. 'Uni. 0103., 172LTN31-ltp M. BERG Best prices for furniture, glassware, househoîci goods, sewing machines, books, antiques. WINNEiTA 1522. Nearly two thousand. years ago the Founder of Christianity de- clared, "This is lite eternal, that they might knowthee the only true God. and Jesus Christ, W-hom thou hast sent." HIis wordsshow. us clear.- ly . that -to know more of lite,. we mnust know more ot ,God. Christian Science h a s. brought, to' light the great tact that the Supremne Being is wholly and eternally goo'd:. that ffe is the cause and créator-not of a part, but of ail that truly exists. Man,. God's highest creation, is foutnd to be co-existent and coeternal with .his Maker-the1 true, image and likeness o!f God, a s the. Bible de- celares. God's laws declared in -the Bible are again revealed through Christ- ian Science and proved to be the spiritually scientifle rules, or Iaws, of Lite, Truth, Love, made apparent to human expérience i health, that words, complete harmony. It wil be seen that this revelation establishes the tact that good alone is real and powertul; that ail truth is spiritual, neyer inherent ini nor dependent on matter; and that Love is boundless and ever present. Chris- tian Science has disclosed these tun- damental truths to this age and demonstrated their divine Principle' with mathematical, cértainty. Iere, the Christ, and: sueh is its Mission. tdyini Christian Science, niamely,. to brihg, hi the world a realization of the. ever-prese nce and availability Of ail good. 1,500 Alumni VWil Honor N. U. Varsïty Aý capacity crowd, o! 1,500 alumni will honor Northwesterne' , football' team at the, annual dinner given by the Northwestern universityr club of Chicago at the Stevens hotel, Satur- da'y night, December 9. Coach. Elmer Layden of Notre Dame whose teams have been rivais o! the Wildcats for .many yerswill be~ *II principai speaker. Others 'on the program are President Franklyn B. Snyder, K. L. Wilson, athletic di- rector, Coach Lynn Waldorf, and Warren Brown, sports writer o! the Herald-American. The captain for 1940 and the most valuable player for the past season will be elected by the squad and an- nonced at the dinner. 'Varsity let- ters and freshman numerals wil ,al-