Handicraft. Work Begmnning the second inonth 01 craft activities at, the 'community center finds it ani active beehive of craft workers. Our craft activities are for four different groups: the young boy, the young. girl, the older boy and older girl. This ýap- plies toý the afternoon program. In the group 6 to 8 years there is drawing,> painting, Wood work and weaving Such articles as Santa Claus pictures, flowers, b i r d s comç Mii the drawing and painting craft. Puzzles, tricks, animal and bird objects are made of Wood. Small mats: are made from string, yarn or raffia. Ini the -group 9 to 12 years there is woodwork anid paper craft as the Most desired material. Toys, bird- bouses, games,' furniture, boats, wall shelves and potholders are just some of the~ various choices repre- sented in the s1mi. Lefthercraft 'has held its popularity for over f o u r years as a desired Christmas gift. Boys and girls van use their' talent. in turning out pocket1books, b o o-k marks, key containers, book covers with a choice of assembled beit kits. Basketry for boys and girls of this age group van apply thern selves 'to simple baskets, coasters and jelly containers. Raffia mate- rial is on hand for making baskets, of many useful: crarxs. You may soi- ledt from the; following. woodwork, leathercrat';-basketry, rug weav-. ing, block printing, and paper craft. Our evening hours from 7 tb 10 are' open to ail1 the village and for those that desire someecr aft work as a leisure timne activiiy, May' avail themselves this opportunity. At~ irvnnt dIP 1nanm iug. wevinm The Grouc feat of thel hn-fl, iondA.qnl thietes ini Monday Ceremony ____- --- ------<~ The annual football letter award- ing ceremo nies were held at the sket all Howard gyxnasium Mofiday after. ithe footballgamnes played by the "C", LEAGUE boys were shown and letters were icho quintet's >23 to 13 de- awarded to 47 boys. Codgers gave Mal1 Hill's The following boys received let.L a tn naiosa ta n.aton , irflL t ce honors in the Playground and Rec- j reation board "C" Basketball league. The Grouchos started in the lead in 1the first quarter,; being ahend. at: that time, . 7to 4. 'At the haif they led, 12 to., 9, and continued their scoring to lead, 19 to 9, at the third quarter. John Hopp, guard for the Groucho led the.scorers, with seven points. Ray Ambler and the 'B. B. Udel team came to the front in their game, winning from the Crystal club, 121 ta' 13. "Ray gcored 15 poinhuts tô hold the high sc&,ring honors. IThe Hornets bowed to the Corn- huskers, 28 to 25. Oscar Beck's boys led'the first haîf 19 to 8, but then George Koerber 'and Don Maguire took things seriously and started making baskets, each accounting for four during the second period, and put their team on top. In Girls' League In the girls' league. the G.R.R. LeÏ b the '18 pcoints'scored by Irene Terzakes, the S.O.S.' beat the Maroons, 27 to 10, to maintain their winning streak. The Jitterbugs trounced the Shooting Stars, 25 to 7. 11 "D" Leaguze The Nit Wîts 29 to 22 win over the Bumbo Deens brought them out of the' "no win" columin to a four way tie for third place in the Playground and Recreation board "D" Basket- 34lsa t IIEAVYWEIGHIT.FOOTBALL B. CarIen-, Bill Currie, Dick Dunlop, Ed Forester, Jack Guy, Jerome Harvey, Owen Hildreth, Tom Kolfiat.' John Lanham, Bernard Neiween, P~aul Oberlin,. Clem O'Neii, Dick Sauinders, Dick St. Clair, AI Tentier, Tom, Hoyt. LIGHTWEJGJIT l3ob McLain, Laurie Lauer, Chuck Specht, Chuck Hill, Dick Henderson, Jim Ransdel, Bill Cowan, John Mayer. Barties Wook, Jim Ludford, Jack Cor- rigan. :Joe Radke, Paul Kiviand, Bob, Snyder, Everett Groves, Bob, Vaughan, Bill Jacob. PEE WEE LETTER Dave Robertson, Bob. Casey, Phillip Briggs, lDon Ltter, Malolm ~Swift, iDon Spp, Verne Condon.' Bill Bassier, Phil Reinhardt, Arnold Hoffmeier, Douglas Hoffman, Darwin Kiinetob, Gene Selby. fBi Van Zuyien. fa iled to register fr9m the free throw Uine 'i nine attempts. Bob Klein led( the River Inn team with nine points9 while Roger Fridman and Albertj Clayton had six each for the losers.i After taking a licking at the hands of Joe Lynamn's team last week, we uu uKets iomineiVLU LU to ectU me Lynamns. Pete Reed also a 'forward made three baskets and two free tosses for eight points, tying with Ren Ostrom 'who had four baskets to his credit. Rennold's fine work under both baskets stood out in -the win. Frank Kolb's work on both of- fense and défense was outstanding for the Tailors. First League L<ss Scavenger Ite m- ' One, two, three; oh, 1 give up. At ieast 60 boys and girls are rush-, ing'madly to get out the same door at the same time. You, *no doubt, wonder, why? The boys and girls have. been waiting for the.red letter day. Scavenger hunts are lots of fun and, the winners of today's hunit will receive a box of. chocolates. The instructor 'in charge told the, children there were 15 articles which. they must find and bring 'back in hall an hour., The first couple back with ail 15 articles 'receives the box' of chocolates. That was enough said,, àie shot out of. a gun the. couples iiteraily fl-ew in >-ail directions. Listed beiow are the articles they had to find. '1. chieken head; 2. a pair of faise teeth; 3. an empty soup can; 4. aà flower~ pot; 5. Oak leaf; 6. laii feather Pf a rooster; .7. a red hair; 8. two needies threaded with two different colors of thread; 9. an ear, of corn; 10. a pumpkin; 11. man' 's collar; 12. live turkey; 13. curling liron; 14. a man's overshoe;ý 15. a slice of breàd. List Resuits tainiy seeCAing LcUt lrJ~L~Ua nhs ar- ticle No. 2, a set of false teeth-. jean Bleser and Dora Lee skipped in aI 5:02 with 10 articles; they had a chicken head and a set ' of false teeth. Mr. Borre furnished t he, chick- en head. Betty Knox, ýBlaine. Buza.n, Mary Ann Hendrickson, Evelyn, Schwall, Barbara Stoker, Joaxi Ginge ail reported at 5:02; some of them had 12 articles and others had 10 and six. 'Douglas Dean and Cletus Sester- henn were back at 5:03 with 12 ar- Swas k in ter. Plans are now being completed'i .tor a CUistna's dance to be' held au m wa. imgerIrid- -u, -Li oints aa zua'ri Michelson of Harry - Emrick scored 19poit man's boys were leading at the haf the losers was a close second Wt ortePnasa hypokteBon- Urne, 10 to 9. and their nability t 0pons outs mnto c am p 48 to 36, Waly. sink free throws was an important The: Flashes Put où a second hait' Schuett of the losers was high scorer facorinthe24b 0 lsi Tey aiy defeat the Toppers, 36 to, of the gaMe with 20 points,ý