a contut in the uirrm of four verY large and colorful replicas of books, across the front of which were sul- ver, gold, red and blue letters formn- ing the words, "Who.Am .1?",Below were scenes. fromh various. books. The contest ias tili in: progress as- the scenes are changed weekly. The. boy or girl who bas identified 'the most books will recelve a priz e. Another. exciting event ýwhiclh cul- minated book- week. (Novemiber 12. to m8 was,'the annual poster con- test.. These posters were represent- ative of various favorite books. Win- ners in this contest were as follows: 711dm Grade BlUY Laystrom, 5B; Donna Linde, 5A; Enlo, Amici, 5A; ltuby Kohler, 5A. SixtIm Grade Columnbine Amicl, 6A; Stuart Johnson. 6B; Arthur Elsenbrand, 6A; Donald Burn- side. 6A. SevehtkGrade Louie Lmu, 7Cf: ifennetti Cram, 7C; Violet Ward. 7C. Elghtm Grade Jean Niehaus, BA; Robert Snyder, OC: Shirley Doolittie, BB. Each first prize winner was pre- sented wlth a book of his own choice by Miss Kennedy, librarian. Second, third and fourth prize winners re- ceived ribbons. Pictures of these prize-wlnning posters and the for- tunate artists were taken by the Photography club. matized. Miss McKenzie's OC class present- ed a scene from "Tom Sawyer"' while Miss Savage's 6B group did "Farmer Boy." "Caddie Wcodlawn" and "Captai» innacle" were dra- matized by Miss Nolan's class. The last scene, that of The Little Amish Schoolhouse," was done by Miss Dawson's 5B. Review DBooks Miss Van Horn's room presented Pnizes and TlbboILa tere aivafded Week Poster coiitge sponsored Teceti, Front row (left to right):- Shirley Doolittle, Donna Linde, Ruby Kohl- er, Enio Amnici, BUlly Laystrom, Sturt Johnson,* .baek. row:Vilt Ward, jean Niehaus,. Louse Lau, Kenmeth Cram, Robert Snyder. Children, who also won awards, but who do* not appear in the pic- ture, are Columbine Amici, Arthur Eisenbrand, Donald Burnside. Pupils Make Arden Central and Laurel schools decided to confine their holiday "giv ing" to the. Arden Shore camp at Lake Bluff. For« Thanksgiving it was decided to give the camp boys a turkey din- ner. The money rieeded for this proj- ect was raised as each roomn deter- mined. A "penny parade" proved popular with the children in t he lower grades. The giving was en- tto the tviirs of the Book by the Howard school UIbrary. ITune In Topics j Radio can contribute much that is helpful in enriching traditional school cgrriculum! That this tact is gaining recogni- tion was numerically evidenced by the 1000 persons registered at Chi- cago's School Broadcast Conference which closed its three day session last Friday. By plane, by train, by automobile mnatie clubs of the Logan, Howard, and Hlghcrest achools will pËesent a C hristmnas program for the Decern- ber mneeting of the Logan-l*oward. Parent - Tea her association this Thursday evening at 8 o'c lock at the Howard school gymnasium. A play, " 'Whyr the Chimes Rang Out," directed by Miss Mildred FIas- kered, will be.given. .The cast follows:* Stee................. çlifford Krueger' ogr. .......... .....BillStade Uncle Bertel ..... .....Rnobert Snyder OId Womnan.............. Joan Logsdop Priest............... . .Warren Ely Mitar Boy...... ......:.B3ob Ludford Altar Boy................ Jim Ludford Scholar............ .....Bob Montrose' Wealthy lady ........... Pauline Evert Courtier ............ ..,Henr-y Boesch Young Girl ..... .... Patty Sundbloom Queen ..... !........DVorotby Jean Steel QUeeOiIs Page -............. Sally Lyon King................ DlcI Quaintance Angel.................. Liflian Hanson Scene I:Interior of a wood-chopper's. hut on u1h é11W of à Toieut~. Scence II: Wthin the cathedral. Time: Dusk of a day long ago. Boys' Choir The boys' choir which will s ing in the scene within the cathedral coný sists of: Jack Chester, Aaron Jones, Owen fil- dreth, RIobert Lascelles, Bill Wells, Charles Regan, Paul Claussen, Bill Bassier, Jack Adams, Bob Harms, Loweil Todd, Bob Vaughan, Charles Haley, Fred Lewando, knowedge anda w snare the'ar çxperi- Tbç boys'1 ence. *They heard nationally knwn Brc Bliel speakers. They saw actual demon- Hendersen, ICE strations of the use of broadeaits son, Dick Qt with real groupe o! children con- Ji Bamborot ducted by teachers whose names are Jim Ludforc news in educational circles. GéorgeillDahJ They. lefi mentally stimulated and Charles Haley, agreed that the time deducted from AI Sargenti busy pe1sonat chedules had been Snyder,. Howai 1Aaron Jones, invested rather than merely spent! od .w glee club, includes: tz, Paul Clausen, Richard :enneth Leal, Charles Morri-. laintance. Phil Reinhardt, LIgh, Douglas Haufiman., I., Bill Wells, Richard St.f-, ler Jack Bredin, Bill Carlin,ý strom, Jack Fitzpatrick,. y, Fred Lewando. tJirn Walw orth, Robert rd Ebbert, Bob Hammond, 1Edmond Rsitad!zvk. Ray- Wome," "Silver Nlrc," "Sue Bair. 1 su tôn - 'Vlultfng Nurse," "Bright Id-lm land.- Ai ,iioL"the cover cia Itior4