For Junior School Mr. anid Mrs. Joseph H. McNabb, 950 Hill road, Winrietka will open their home, on Friday evening, De- ce mber 15,' at 8: 30 'clock, for a 'Christmas Party for the Evanston Friends, of The Chicago Junior sçhool. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Y. Scbnering, Mr. ,and Mrs. Floyd 'Masters, Mr.' and.Mrs. K. G. Baur and.Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Allen' will a ssist Mr. and Mrs. ,McNabb in 'receiving their guests. The husbands of the members will be guests at this party .and Mrs& William A. Osgoodof Glencoe, pro- gram chairmaân, has plannied some. inte e-stinig-- entertainment for- the enjoyment of aill 0. H. Rucker of Chicago wil pre- sent a sound movie, '¶iow Paper Is Made." Ben Grouer, National Broadcasting commentator, ex- plins in hi s1mo~t¶inpleutre fthe va- nious steps in the making of paper, from Athe time the trees are select- ed i the forest, until these trees are turned into paper. T he miii. where this picture was filmed, occupies the original grounds of ",The Hermitage" ini Savannah, Ga., and an interesting feature of the. movie 18 that the first few scenes were taken from the motion picture "The Birth of a Nation" which was made at "The Hermitage." rI go Iu5 mDi IE~WIulwyig uu flM ve Yrogrnrn on with a study hoiur at 1 o'clock when Miss Josephine MeGillen will review The Kentucky Society of Eva andthe North Shore 7will hav a ltof gift books.A business meet- before - the. -holiday Meeting ing at 2 o'clock will, follow a program day afternoon* of this weeka at ý3., The Jack and Jili Players, residencee of Molrs. Fred Allenl dircte byMay AnesFoly il in the Edgewater Beach apartir Hostesses for the afternoon are present. Charles Diekens' l'ChristmasNnyYeerWiasndM Carol Guests may be invited. A F. Mehrlich. social hoûr at 4 o'clock will. have tas, The former president of the hoste sses for thé dayý Mrs. George ety, Mrs. William Herbert A- Flanagan,.Mrs. A. Louis Flynn; Mrs., in charge. of the program, wil Charles Wuchter, Mrs'. George Fr itz, fold "ýGlimpsés ofthle Rorn Mrs. -William Wade, and Mrs. John Soquth," through popetry, for the F. -Ire. part.. Mrs ':Avery,. now chah Holiday Visitor inston ive ifs it théîý White inents. eMrs. Irs.. W. soc'- Avery, Ill un-, nantie mfost of. the poetry- group o! the Ev.î anston Woman's club, -is quite tal- ented, and her prograrn is antici- pated With pleasure. The remnainder of the meeting wilI be -given over to the completion of the society's Christmas plans f o r mountain children, boys and girls of Knott county, Ky. Members of the Evanston - North Shore KCentucky society have made 115 tarlatan stockings, which thev will fli with candy, and send to the school childreri together with the special gifts donated by members. and with the clothing provided. The society's new Year books were distributed at the last meeting, their chairman having been Mrs. Louis C. Williams. WIU Dbe accompanied oy Miss Jane Moist at the- organ. Reservations. may be made by calling Mrs. Orlando Noble, 1232 Maple avenue, Evanston, Mrs. G. W. Speyer, 7310 North Paulina ave- nue, Chicago, and Mrs. N. Rind- skopf, 2744 Blackhawk road, W i 1- mette. The proceeds from the party will benefit the scholarship fund for the boys at The Chicago Ji.unior scbool nayaen Bell of k'vaflstofl, on No-~ z'ember 25, went to Miami Beach, Fia., on her wedding trip. Mr. Bell and i s bride are m«kingv their home ini Evanston. McLane-Pike Wedding Early December Event 01 Mrs. Michael Bleeker, 90 Indian P. Hill road,, entertained at lunéheon PE Tuesday for Mrs. Rollin Clark who af has recently moved to Northbrook. h<- een ýne street, At Home in East were ma,-,ied N the home of the ber 18, at Os8 parents.