Arrive .t i0 A. The children will arrive in Wil- mette Monday morning, December 25, at 10 o'elock over the -North Shoreline, and will be assemibled at the Wilmette Village hall, where they will be greeted by their pros- pective hosts. The return journ ey to Lake Bluff *ill begin, from Wil- mette, at 5 oeclock. The littie guests are being brought to the community under auspices. of the Philathea classof young women M, the Methodist parish. Rservations can be.made by cal- ing Mys. Royr Haskin, Wilmette 165. These Remain Children rema ining to be selected are: Age Dois Arn~old .. ................... 10 Dorothy Berryhi ........8 .. Ceu1nS BhJasc....................i Lois flriscoe....................... 6 MarilYn Briscoe.......... .......... 5 Zffith Cardenas .-................... 9 Gloria Cordrey..................... 13 Jon Cofttrey ..................... 10 George Cordrey .......... .......... 8 Donna Cordrev .................... 1 Shirley Jean Crepps................ 9 Roy Colbuirn ...................... 6 Antonla. Curt ...... ... ....6 BiDy Cart .............5 Joan Dustin...........10 Betty Lou Fa lnIZ .......e. Registration County Clerk Michael J. Flynn in a letter to ail1 township com-, mnitteem.en,,calis attention to the fact that O'registration is open in the offices of village, city 'and town clerks, on Tuesday, No- vember 21, 1939, and stays open until Tu.esday, January 16, 1940. "Registration," it is expia ined, "dwill flot reopen with' the,,village, clty or town clerks until June 5, 1940, therefore, please note that registration is not resumned in the ô ffices of village, city and towri clerks until after the pri- mary election. "Vour attention is called to, this tact so that you may have« the unregistered voters in your. township caîl at your clerk's of- fice in your locai community;* otherwise they will have to cal at the County Clerk's office to register." Full1y Equipped $4950 Friday, Dec. 22 The Wilmnette EvangeIical L uth er-, an church, Seventh street at Green-; leaf, avenue, the Rev., David R. Rabele, pastor, will hold its Church. Séhool Christmas Festival' Friday evening, December 22, at 7:30 o'clock. The Young people of the Senior ..7. ~ -~ E ÇIQandheir rwo anda a faryear old I. J. K UIK IE daughter, Lynn, who attends nurs- ery school in Winnetka, moved to. 131 CENTRAL AVE. WIL. 3284 Wilmette from 1045pine street, Win- Nexe Door je publie Serviçe netka, he latter part of. October. t -I t