Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Dec 1939, p. 73

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ý,vià-,llue av., ubD* Woods, Wnn.:9W08ao omit oe i?1LTTX4$.ttc CeT'QUEFOOTBALL HELMET,. SýOLDMER ANTIUESALE! WE HAVE ,TUST RE- pads, like new, $5. Bo's' ice skates. eived a fine lot of Antiqiues' whicii Golf clubs, a.Ci.Cidsgenbd are priced _ ery 10w: C hes s,eT,G rlS desk and* chair . % brass bed , box Tables, Chairs, large selectio f mnsprings, . mattress, $i. Boy's Tux. Sport antiques. Also a big sale of bksMayjacket. 1108 Cherry, W.Inn. 2618. collectors items. 922 CHICAGO V.n.____________ 173L1'N32.lt 1 171LI'N32-Itp 1 PR.t ORCHI D SATIN DAMASK BED spreads, twin size. The finest, matc. rial.* Made to seil for $,50, wUll seli for $20. Also ,beautifully hand decorateci Span- ish type desk, $20. Gleriviev 260., 171LTN32..1tp ELECTROLUX GAS REFRIGERATORSý We have a good selection of curreni mnodel Elect 'rolux refrigs., repossessed & f loor. models., at exceptionally low prices. Fully guaranteed. North Shore Gas Co., 721 E"mSt-, Wnnetka. 171LTN32-lip 18 OLD) SILVER TEASPOONS. LOVE- ly Swedish shawl; fringed towels* odds and ends of old âlass, china, etc. Reason. ably priced to sell. 255 PoplarStret ~Wietka. 171LTN32-ltc DISPOSING 0F ESTATE, 1 LARGE .and 13 scatter oriental rugs, reason- ably priced for quick sale. Aramn K. Mestian, 511 Green Bay Rd., Wilmette. 171LTN32ltp INLAID WALNU!r DINING R 0 0 M suite; Hepplewhite, il pieces. Very finrý condition. Cost $1,450, wiIl sell for $35. iCenilworth 5612. 171LTN32-Itp ENGLISH SOFA AND WING CHAIR. 2 French provincial chairs; comp. bed- rm. suite, chaise longue, antique secre- tary. Other items. Hghland Pk. 47. - 171LTN32-1t-, ENAMELED 4-POSTER D&LE. BED, .new spring and inne1rsping rnattress, vanity and ciiest of drawers. Good cond. Excellent buy. Winnetka 2675. 171LTN32ltp * FLAT TOP OAK DESK, 2 SWIVEL CHAIRS. PRICED REASONABLY. Winnetka 1583 171LTN32-tp MAH. SEWING TABLE, SLIPPER chair, wing chair, pr. white lamps, floor lamp, hanging shelves, ant. mir- ror. Cheap for quick sale. Wlmette 4927. 171LTN32-ltp DIVAN., LOVE SEATr ANTQU WT I tpLIONEL ELECTRIC TRAIN, BOYS kete laskan Jacket> 18-20. man'a tan :D overcoat 384, flute, kitchen alnk.wlth, ,e swing faucet, Minneapolis heat regula.i Dter. Cali Wilmhette 3162. n- 173LTN32..îtp tp BOY'S STANDJARDSIZE RANGER BICYCLE S, LARGE BASKIET, NEW PAINT AND nt tires. $14. Winnetka 256. 173LTN32.ltp * . UNDERWOOD PORTABLE - TYPEWRITERp LATEST MODEL. WOULD MAKE EX- cellent. gift. Winnetka 123,2. t, fr48s. Trple n& r r6 s,irWig table. 2 rnen's suits, 2 rnen's o'coats, cost M-585 each. For slender mnat 6 ft. tlU. Cali E 727 Park Ave. 7L Nît *'STEEMI" ELECTRIC IRON, BRiÈID NEW, $6.50. pLEATHER SHEEPLMEjD 'COATr, SIZE. 4 8-12, $3. KENILWORTIJ 5m8 f1ý 1 Il173LT32-ltp FAIRliFAXS'Rl' :11,ýl'l IN1G SýIl lVER, MARk- ed "Mf,- eight <linner" knives and ptwelve forks, two tablespoons, Excel. lent condition. Address *B-17o, Box 60), 2Wilmette, Mi. I73LTN324ltp BOYS TUBUL SRKA T ESS, E7 boy's wooi cannpus coat. s§- , bot in exc. condition. Girl's ski pants, Éize 18, lîke new. Phone Wilrnette 1609. . .. . ... ..l N3Éï 2..ltp 1TWIN EDSý I ý 111ý'GS ' GILD'. BED- room set complete. BoYs' genujhe horsehide leather. coats, Bize 6 and 7. Doil buggy, baby bed. Wilanete 4071. 173LTN32.ltp MOTOR SCOOT, GOOD CO-ITIcjj Cost $110. Will seil cheap. Also leather Jacket, size 18, and brown sport coat, size 36. Cali Kenilworth 2656. FOR SALE-RAILING SUITABLE FOR A FLAT ROOF. NEW. PHONE WIN)iETKA 206 -173L32-Itp t liMPORT-1ED LENCI DOLL,_LXE NEW. 5 Lktx , aui national situations through a ,Pamphlet, - 41,ow Should. Government' be Financed?" just i;s- sued by th.e National League o Women Voters. ,"This Publication is desig ned, .flot fr the student, but for the voter,"9 said, Miss- Marguerite M.. Wells, president of the National League' of Womnen Voters. "Ilts p-ose is o to tell the voter what views to hold, but to point out what'heneeds ta: Seek Coordl.nated Syster *The pamphlet presents the posi-" tion taken by ;the National League of Women.Voters on gov ernmeni fin- ances, which has as its basic prin- cîple sound relationiship between sources o! income anid expenditure needs. The organization pwrmotes the. develpr>ent of a coGr4ihi&ted tax systemn. It holds that necessary services should - be adequatéîy fin- anced; that funds for public educa- cation -should be sufficient and sci- entifically apportionecj; that there should be a coordinated system of adequate relief for the needy; that one main approach to wise financ- ing is qualified personnel ini the gov- ernment service and elimination of the spoils system. Toughest problemn presented is that of tax conflicts. Exerpts:, **AU of the forty-eight state govern-. nients as well as th~e national goverinent have sovereign powers in the -taxing field, and ini additlop there are the many local units -of government with the taxlng powers they exercise by grace of the state legislatures." #-Every important tax .except customs duties is used by more than on oe- mental jurisdiction." n oen AYears ago there was complete separa- tio.n of revenue sources o the fecleral and state governments. There is almost coin- plete overlapping at the present,. ime." The following mneasuring-stick was- set Up for "an acceptable tax sys- ten"* (1) Does the system rwoduct-~ If public .officiali eery nmade a,.practice of meeting their consti- tuents at Open meetings, Mrs. Bo- gert opines, it %would ýgo far to ban- ish the -undiscrimiînating distrust that tends to balk constructive.ef- tort. MUSEUMi LCTURZE An analysis of the 'humnan race, with examples of its principal types from, ail over the world iii life-sizé sculptures by.Malvina Iloffman, will, be made, by Paul G. Dallwvig, lay- man lecturer of Pield Museum of Natural His tory, in his presentation of "Parade of the Races" Sunday afiernoon, December 17.. Dàlk ~wig~ wilI conduct his hearers on a tour of the Hall of Mani and tell the story of each race. The lecture tour Miss MarY Lou Kriebel, dau ghter of Mrs. Sarah D. Kriebel, 619 Mapfle avenue, a freshman at Grinneli col- lege in Iowa, is returning homeSat- ut-day for her Christmas vacation-. Made Ham.I Dresser or Chiff onier. Hans, Jorgenson Glenview. 111. 172Lt N32-ltp r, i0 Céan &-lul - AAJ.in ai. LAUS orithe ciii >Us labor laws. Seeing and hearing these xE DO FOR women has made the phrase "doing 7LI J) Y., jury duty" take on new life and 176LTN32-1hp meaning, relating it back, in spirit

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