Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Dec 1939, p. 32

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Youtliful Ouests With the traditional giant Christ- mnas tree in place. Yuletide decora- tions complete. and the entertaîn- mnent progranis set.. the annual Shaw-ý nee Country Club childrehiVs Christ- mas parties wlll take over the club ballrôjom tomnorrow (Friday1 alter- noon. and evening. A total ,of more than 500 north shore youngsters are expected by Mrs. Carl A. Bruch of Ev'anston. chairman of the Junior High dance'. and Mrs. Catherine Rog-ý ers of Wîlxnette. chairman 'of the childrens part:. Reservations for the Shawnee- chUl- drens Christmas part! tomnorrow afternoon had reached the 300 mark early this week- Santa Claus wilU mnake his annua.l visit to the club 1tteomething in.his pack for.very. boy and girl. Entertainmeflt for the party wMl be provided by the inter- nationally kuown trained dogs from the kennels of Ludwi.g Gessner, 7418 Ulggins road. >Mr. Qessner's Dober- mzànn Pinschers are noted for their almost h u mn a n intelligence a nd aazng histrionic ability. '1be party 18 set to open at 3: 30 o'clock lié Junior High Christmas dance toxfâlorrw night will be opened with DuBoi-'ft.Drake Christmas ere rhi,ç year triU be a parTleuinriy i;nportant date ro Miss Virginta Dick- of Hubbard Woods. tcho malces ber debtt £~1&TTiU T Sunset Ridge Offers Gayety New Year's Eve. A gay spot on,, New Years eve will be Sunset Rýide 'Countryv club wIcvMh announces, a dance for ' mem-* bers and guests Sunday,. December 31. Hors doceu%-re$ wxill be served in the co:cktail lourige from 8 until il. Mtblaic will be by Russ WIdey and Ke'nilworth Girl Ouest of Honor a Debutante Parties Mrs. Thornas C. Clark 102 A Christmas party and two New YV~UUUWUa Year's events are on the ho liday Kenilworth Club' calendar issued by Skokie Country club's winter sports commnttee T. New Year's eve and New Year's O. Morgan, E. E. Mack, C. H. Stow- day are to be highlights,.o.f the Ken- ers, R. P. Fletcher, Jr., and Kenneth ilworth club's winter season. L. Fox, chairman. A dinner dance Will be -held* Satur- The Christmas. pa ty is for the -day, December 30, mn celebration o!f children of members, and will b', New Year's eve. On the Committee fromf 3:30 to' 5 o'c lock, Friday, De- for that event are ,Mrs. R. Boyd cember 22.- The club will .clîmax its ýAnderson, Mrs. Harry H.. Fraser, y ear with a. New'Year's eve party and Mrs. William A., Vinnedge. Miss Sunday, December: 31, beginning Virginia Little is ý in charge of res-ý with dinner and endmng with a sur- ervations, which it is- advised, prise breakfast., Lee Keller and'bis should be made early, as the num- orchestra will provide the music for ber, to be accommiodated is- limit ed.- this affair. Reservationfs will: be accepted until At he ew éars dy oen ous,4 o'clock, Friday, December 29, if "'Ile. begins at. 5 and- ends, at 100,', accommodations permit, and cancel. accordng, to the club's announice-laoncnotemdeaerhn ment. The "Four Midnmght Soge that same hour on. December 29. wifll play for the tea dance to be, The club, wll hold open bouse and held from 4 to 7 o'clock. a tea dance on New Year'ý day fromn 4 to 7. Mrs. Harold Tideman and Mrs. Hugh Petersen are the itmbe'r& of t h.e côqmittee in charge. Hosts and hostesses will be: Enjo Sunet Rdge, Mr. and Mrs. Willard T. Grimmn, Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Robert, 0. Berger, Mr.. and Mrs. Fred Bulley, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ridgway, Mr. and Mrs. Elnier L. Nygaard, Dr. and Mrs, Rufus B. Stolp. Mr. and MNrs. Henry Taylor, Jr., Mr. anid Mrs. John L. Wilds, Dr. and -Mrs. F. W. Fuer. manne Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Osgood, and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Van Horne. To eive Tea, Dance for Two Winnetka Debutantes. Draper Dayton. son o! Mrs. Burt J. Denman, 21 Lindenavenue, Wil. ýmette, and his fiancée.,is Caro-, Jine Letts, of Kenilworth, a re enter-, taining at tea and dancing fromi 4 to 7 o'clock at the Denman homne Fni- day, December 22, in honor o! two Winnetka debutantes. Miss Dorothy7 J. D. Toloffphoto ColintrY club is'a nilg ofilcers âare Mrs. Charles r e s i d e ni:i r~ William secretary-txeasrer. Dinner Hasts on. Christmas A~ir. and Afrs. 'Marley Halvorsen, 1007 Lake avenue. wili -give a diii- ner party at Shawnee countrY club Christinas dav fors e v e j, t e e n guests. I -

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