N. S. Interest A meeting of the North$Shore s'as- ser club will be held Tuesday. Jariu- ary. 23, a t 2:30 o'clock, at the home ..... of ' Mrs. Arthur W. Wakeley. 234 Leicester roand, Kenilworth. 'Mrs. Ronald M. Kimbal of Evanston will assist Mrs. Wakeley. ,Miss A.A. Janson, owner and di- rector of 'the North Shore ClInical labora tories., will. speak on- "Allery" Miss Janson,, using the many, statistics and experiences she has gathered in her work, is writing a. book on this subject. Miss Helen Kenyon* of Poughkeep- sie, N.Y, former chairman of the board of.trustees of Vassar college, will be in Evanston from January 1 29 to. February 1, attend ing the meeting of the Home Mission board of the. Congregational church. MUiss Kenyon has many Vassar friends ii Merrm l Chase Town Hoizse this viinty. 1efore omin. o v- Mrag. W L. Attfin, 62 anston she is speakiing in Danville street, Kenlorth, as pub' and other southern Illinois cil ies on chai'rman for the Friend behaif of the $2,000,000 Vassar Seven- Lake Bluff. orphanage, is a ty- fifth Anniversary Endowment ing with the plans for the fund, and from here she is going to nual bene fit of the organizt Buffalo, N. Y. a 'bridge party, fashion On Sunday, Janury 21, at 5 o'clock, and book review at the Evai Eastern Standard time, five Vassar Country club on March 6. students and five Vassar professors will be heard on Paul Wing's Speli- ing Bee,. over the National Broad- casting company's station WEAF, Kentuckians fo Have from New York. This is of interest locaU3y for two of the studelits par- PrySaturda" 'Night ticipàting are popular North Shore "Y~ girls, nanerly Barbara Austin of In place of the usual progra Glencoe, who is presidept of Main tea this month, the Kentuvk. hall and also a member of Phi Beta ety of Evanston and the Norti Kappa, and Nancy Blaine of Hub- will have an evening party, ar bard Woods, who is chairman of the at which the executive boar Student committee for Vassar's entertain members of thei Seventy-fifth anniversary, fund and and their husbands, Saturda treasurer o! her class. ning, Januar.y 20, at 8:15c Other *students arePriscilla Lamb, Mrs. Harry R. Kendall, 197,. of New York City, president o! the rond, Kemilworth, w il1I opE Students' association; Marjorie Milîs home for the affair. o! Brooklyn, member o! the student Mrs. Thomas Edward B curriculum committee andi of Phi former president, has been as cr Orhestra Benef it ePhoto biUcity ds of assist- te an- ,ation, show, ns ton 'm andi cy Soci- h Shore in event xd will society ay .eve- )'cloçk. Oxford >e her anadivrs. kH. 1R. Kendall, 197Oxford roati, Kenilworth.ý T h e program committee. Miss Greta Goff; chairman, assisteti by. Miss Grace Seiberling, Mrs. John A. CoDoke, - and Mrs. Hilda Bryant, promises a number of interesting surprises for the members andi their guests. Miss, Florence Clark, chairman, andi Miss- Blanche Fuikerson, Miss Whitemani, and Mesdames' Jean W. Bicks,: H u g o, Delmar, Clarence Mohr, Joseph Pearson. Jules Le- Grand, members of the social*,com- mittee, who are in charge of refresh- mients, also promise an innovation. Mrs. Robert K. Stuart, chairman of the, hospitalityr committee, has asked Mr. Stuart, Mrs. M. B. Ken- nedy, Mr. andi Mrs. James R. Lukey. Mr. and Mrs. Edward McDermott, Mrý >and Mrs, 0. D.. Mo.wry,and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Sheasby. to as.sist her. Kappa Deltas to Meet The North Shore Alumnae of Kap- pa Delta will ffieet Frlday, January 19, at the home of Mrs. F. H. Mol- loy, in Evanston, for a one-thirty o'clock luncheon. The progra.m fea7 ture -of the afternoon will J>e a talk by Dr. Leonard D, Fosdivk, whose subjeet will be. "Current Research on Dental Caries." Assisting M-rs. Molloy will be Mrs. William A. Wolff of Wilmette andi Mrs. Leonard Fos- dick of -Evanston., ,soli C ha>rmosn The North Shore is putting a large working force.àt the disposai, of theý .benefit comm ,ittee which, is putting. on, -the second annual "Spring Notes" fashion ,show and. tea at Marshall Field and company on Tuesday afternoon, January 23, *for the Woman's Symphony orchestra. The ne.west group of recruits are the'young mattons who have volun- teered to meet guests at the e leva- tors and see that they find the ir ta- bles without confusion. This commit- tee is headed by Mrs., William Stahi. and includes Mrs. W. Burton Ellis, Mrs. Gerard Fogarty, M'rs. Charles M. Fuller, Mrs. William Leggitt. Mrs. Arthur Johnsoni Mrs.' Freder- ick Uihlein,_ Mrs. E. C. Walter, Mrs. Harry Swigert, '.Jr., Mrs. Benjamin, F. TroxelI, Jr., Mrs. John W.: Scott, and Mrs, Herbert Peterson. Mrs. Helen Forster of the. Ridge- vie~w betel is eo-ehairman with Mrs. Robert M. Sherritt and Mrs. E. E. Price of Winnetka, and these three are covering Winnetka and Kenil-ý worth in ticket sales.. Wilmette has Mrs. Albert H. Ullrich as chairman of sales assisted by Mrs. Burt J. Denman, Mrs. Joseph A. V. Turck, Mrs. Gustave C. Terzakes and Mrs.ý Nicholas Gianoulis. Mrs. James G. Shakman, president of the Woman's symphony, and Mrs. Charles W. Wrigley, co-chairman with Mrs. Wil- liam Stanley of Chicago in arranging the benefit, are also aiding the W.il-' mette group. The senior Mrs. Uarry Swigart is chairman for Evanston. More than 1,000 tickets have been sold in advance of the fashion show in spite of the, fact that the busy Woman's board of the symphony had both a reception on Monday afternoon at the Woman's Athletic' club in Chicago for-the visiting art- iSt, Alexander Kelberine, Russian .pianist, and the final concert of the season in Orchestra hall on Tuesday night. of 'the the medic Voman's ty o! Wik i so- andi spenl r's .flrst Tea will program. he cUill the cour ýraI years, Palestine. owing her erva-,