Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jan 1940, p. 100

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lEageWlater Beach hotel F'ebruary 3. ,Sponsored jointly by the Woman's, Auxiliary of the Chicago Osteopathic hospital -and the Chicago Osteopathic association, proceeds of the bail will be used for the ýbenefit of. the hos- pital's free cliic foýr children. Ar- rangements >are béing -made for an afttndance'of 1.000. accordinig toDr. M. A. Tengblad, a memiber 0f the arrangements cornmittee. Dr., V. R. Procter is honorary chaïrtnan,,,and Dr. . H. Morris, general chaimnan. Dick, eligible bachelor and known far and wide as a top mnan at the Shawnee Service Garage, 515 Pourth street played host to some thirty villagers Tuesday at the lunch hour in the Lyman Pharmacy, Linden avenue and Fourth street, where a. huge birthday cake decorated with numerous candie.sgreeted -the Carmen ý"Shorty"I Tortorelli, vet- eran. news dealer- at the "«L" ter- minal, another- of that neighbor- hodsforemost citizens, acted in, Assisting Dr. Morris in arrang- ing one guest, except Ed Levy (for4, ments., ticket sales and. other activ- merly of Wilm ette) ail the1 way from ities are Mrs. Wilbur J. Downing, the South.Side for the festivi1ties. president o! the Woman's AuXiliary, Atlast reports.ahl were doing as Cicago Osteopathic hospital; Dr. -wel 1I as could be expected. Lest Arvilla McCall, Evanston, presi- there be any misunderstandings, cof- dent, Chicago Osteopathic associa-. tee was served with. the birthday tion, Dr. D. D. Waitley, Evanston; cake. Dr. B. W eiehert, Oak Park, Dri. ______ lered ]Bischof, Chicago; Dr. R. F Lindberg, Chicago; Dr. M. C. Beilke, Is Cooking a Bore? Chicago; Dr. K. R. Mv. Thompson, ýChicago, and their various commit- , No Wih or The bail will be held in the hotel's In the life of every homemaker Marine Dining room and the adjoin- there cornes. the day when the miere ing noijh and south roonis, with thought o! preparlng a meal, be it dance mugic by Ted Weems and breakfast, lunch, or dinner, is a his orchestra and a complete one- bore. A new meat product, intro-j hour floor show. Similar balls aredtwpid 1wWlso ad lnnàývi mfoffett. Photo F'rank Peter CoLuVerj, 730 Nrnth street, 'Wilmette, was.honored. last week when he was electecl fi'rst v'ice-ptesident of. the Chi- cago Mercantile exchange.. Mr. Collyer has been. a resident of Wilmette ýfor over 25 ?ears. %he Chiîcago Mercantile exchange Us 1ne0Djthe princ.ipal c.oimndity exchanges of the country, and the largest exohange in the world deal- ing in butter and eggs. Mr. Collyer; a broker in butter and eggs, ie head o! the business which bears his own name, and is also representative on the exchange for the firm of Fuller and lRodney. Narton's Trach Stars Jainuary 30.- Advance announce- *ments state that a castb! 15 will be on hand .wlth 16. tons of!-stage scene- ry and properties and a Ilollywood motion picture s'Penny -Turns Pro." The general purposé of aU thiis will be to . demnonstrate, along: 1wlth the telling as.eo! old,. ho* the company's .1940 salés plans.will help the sales- man do his stuif. .The conférence will brmg togeth- er, 175 men, fromn the1 Chicago divi- sion to greet executives and special- ists from the company's.general of- fices here i Chicago. 'A feature will be the. announce-. ment o! the Sprlng and Summer ad- vertising. campaign, more than 75 Per -cent. o! which Standard will schedule ini daily and weekly news- papèrs this yea r.. Speakers at the conference wilI Inelude Amnos Ball, vilce-president inr charge of sales; R. F. McConnell, general' manager of sales; H. E. Hanson, assistant general manager of the general sales division; 11. L. Porter, manager of sales promotion, wholesale; C. Hl. Lamoreaux, man- ager of sales promotion, reseller: W. 1. Nunn, advertising manager;- and T. B. Clifford, Chicago man- ager.. A special North Shore Siuburban ticket committee has been appoint- ed under the chairmnanship of Dr. R. F. Lindberg. The menibers o! this group are Dr. H. R. Schildberg, Winnetka; Dr. A. L. Stockebrand, Evanston; Dr. and Mrs. D. D. ýWait- leY, Evanston; Dr. Arvilla P. Me- Cail, Evanston, and Mrs. A. EÉ. Bailey, Ravinia. Winnetka to Direct SPICeui jusL vznugn w o e tarnalnzingjl different, it is a revelation in ap- petizing fiavor, Ait j said. It is packed i 12 ounce containers and can be kept convenient for busy days, lazy days, or for the time when something just honestly gond to eat is the order of the day. The various ways Mor can be, served form one of its nicest ac- complishmer>ts, it is pointed out. iHere are some Wilson cionnv. content wiui a jaunt tw inneapolis for the National Intercollegiate championships,- June 21, according to K. L. Wilson of Northwestern uni- versity,. chairman of the American Olympic track committee. Wilson, who recently returned from. a meet- ing of the National Intercollegiate Athletic association i Los Angeles, said that no plans were contemplated to replace the Olympie games. Csharles Forsberg, manager of AI- Si ed ýSales and Service (Crosley prod- ucts)t 635 Green Bay road, Wil- métis providing the latet type Crosley range for use in the cooking school to be conducted Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday mornings o!. next week at the clubhouse of the Woman's Club of Wilmette.. The three-day cooking sehool will con- vene fromi 10 to il1:30 on the .morn- ings indicated,, is sponsored by the be ti styrles suited to thé indil Jemphasized. hi, hie work. hair. Hair. viduaJ are Il be m

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