uemg ne Z~AIimitI.pulregîstration. ftfl parents wlshing to place their child's1 name on the waiting list may do, so. Tis is a pre-kindergarten group for children 3 and 4 years of age. The hours are from 9- to 11: 30 a. m. In spi,,te o! the very severe. wea th- er-there was an excellent attendance aIl week, rnothers and. children be- ing equallyr enthusiastic. The oppor- tunity the child has for directed play wQIhother children. the same age is. an experiencermost necessary to its devýelopment.' The give-and-take o! group activities, games, songsi sto- ry, time and rest periods, aIl :build, toward kindergarten. 'This play school promises to be one o! the most valuable activities at the center and the' enthusiastic response and cooperation of the par- * ents has been very grati!ying to the directors. The.'sçhool is in i eed of toys. [ faskethal Last week was a busy week in the basketball court for the Wil- mette grade school teams. Tuesday, Haven of Evanston invaded Wil- mette and won three out o! four 1 ie wih 11i points, outscoredteI j leaners ini the second hall by ýscorf- ing 20 points',té their 14. The final score was 30 to ý28.% The Shamnrocks ,kept terslate dlean in the "'E" basketball leagu e by, defeating the Flashes, 39 to 3.' The W.W.L., took the Wilies, 39 ýto3a to continue close on the trail of the fIrst.,place Shamrocks. Howard An- dersoni, center -for' the Walther five, led -the scorers with seven points. The Rlot Shots took. the Porkers in their stride, 19 to 4, to, share third' place in the league with the Wilhies. Chuck Hill, forward for theé -Hot, Shots',.was hig point man wt he baskets and a free throw to his cred- il ic " 'League TIhe Dommo0 13 to 10 defeat of th Bumbo Deens, gave thern second place in the "D" league standings. Les Steffens, captain o! the Domino, starred i the game with his fiashy floor work and was high scorer, mak- n»g 8 points for his team. The Nit Wits got off to a good ,start in their game with the second place Cambu, and took them, 30 to 19. Eave Walworth who has 1been back in the game for only the past two weeks, scored 15 points for the Nit Aits, taking thie scorinm hnni' foI, *Maurice Seymour Photo Gunther Decker, 'tenor, soloist. in the quart et at the First Con- gregational church,, Wilmette, will- be featured .wiith ,Glady/s Swarthout on the Palmnolive pro- gram tonight <Thursday>. They trnfl appéar in -theý radio pro- duction of "~The Student Prince" and may be hearcl over WMA-Q from, 9 to 10 o'clock. Mr. Decker zvill return by plane tomorrow in tiine to rehearsè u'ifl the other members of the church quartet, uhieh is under the direction of Buenos Aires, and trips b y cable car up to the various tops. Amateur Show Trials A re' Set far . 1-h r% ine et nciis urner thie able direc- tion of Wilfred Pelletier. The story o! Otello is well kuown; its jealousy, passion and villanous intrigue giving the singers a true test of their dramnatic ability. Law-. rence Tibbett iýs«famoôus for his dra-_ matic characterizations, and his. Lago leaves* nothing. to be desired. Martinelli 'and Jepson set a new high in duets With the beauty: o! their love duet fromr the first act and Miss Jepson's rendition of the "Ave Maria" is a gem. Tosl eordings. The> rising intensity of the album from the opening "1Drinking Song"ý to superb climax of Otello's half- sung half-sobbed last words, is, we believe, unequaled in recordings. The entire album is recorded with such truth and subtlity as .to be a]- m.rost uncanny. 'It deserves an hon- .Ored plae in one's record library. Another vocal recording of the Imonth is one of JohunChvares Thom- as singing -When Objîdren Pray" and "0 Men Prom the Fields." The former is a lovely littie song~ by. Beatrice Fenner; the latter is a vig- orous contemporary Irish song by Herb~ert Hughes to word.s of Padric Colum. Mr. Thomas sings both wi ,th his usual feeling. Some "'LlasslcaI Jazz" The Boston Pops orchestra under the direction of Arthu iti, l#; r 11- 16 to '13. The score was tied five in iiJs îeam's - Buccess. Yo Yo was times durmng the gaine. A free throw al over the floor, but mostlY in a and a basket by Harvey in the last prone position. Yo Y's five points, few seconds o! the over-time gave alpng with Horace Brown's 17 tal- Wilmette. the victory. lies, help to build the score to win-; In the return, games at Haven ~pootos Thursday, Wilmette evened the The Shooting Stars dropped their score by winning three o f four gamne to the first place Jitterbugs, games. The peewees, light-heavies, 18 to 3, in the Girls' league. Elsie j. and heavies won by 22 to 5, 17 ta 4, Bruschinii, playing guard for the first and 5 ta 4 scores. The lightweights hall, moved into a iorward position were the only tearn ta lose. John- and scored three tiznes to take the flv Mayer was the spark plug nf the high score honors. u Ln UiZtewaîmette community center Monday evening, February 5 at 7,o clock for the tryouts. We invite botb young and old to participate. Sixç or 60 years old, you have an equal chance of winning first place, for the recreation boardl wiIl give two sets of prizes .thiýs year: one for children under 15 years of age and one for aduits. The show wilI be held Thursday. flvamnn Zt..l.... . i -,i - ivioWLUl r.*ud's "Pavane" -are wçll known but we challenge anyone to PrOve that theY have been more beautifully. presented. T hé Toyý Trumpet has a fine trumnpet solo by ]Roger Voisin. This is a record that should appeal to both the"ite bugs" and the "long-hajr." More From Hfetz Jascha Heifetz has giver. us sorne delightful moments in the con- ýnts are lui, rit. All be held tion c nomn are as.f iclay thie recrea- avenue, by