Boeu...95 'p Fine jewelry' fromr America's mosi f porters; and manufacturer-a brand m ô nly. one-haif price! Anti*que gold e sÉiniulated ;pearis,, slv*er color and rhfi a wonderful selection of bracelets, neci and, brooches. Truly a remarkable, vali SiinnonsAil Weate nrsprn in Wiger-ite lairSide Ref 2.98. il. Summer e Scientiftcaly Deaigned Veitilalors, " Sisal and Feul on One Side--'Sisaa, iaped HUflUs, FelU amidfair Pad on thse Other e Ail Standard Sizea " 9-.oz. Woven fla-PôôT ïù ---- ,-, " Rolled,9 Taped Edgea, IJiuin Delivered in Sealed, Sanîta Tufting lainer wry Con.- Box Spring to Match at Saune Prire j Eunersoui, List19 Silver Juhilee sale. e Bult-in Loop Atourna No Dangling Wfres No Outalde Aerial *.Miracle Toute Chaunher e Operates on AC or DC &*iueheeodn -e Beautiffl Molded Walnut Bake. j tamlous lt. mew lot-at olor finiish,) ilestones in eg. $.98 99C * Drssutkersuit. in lovely new eolors - D usty Rose, Aqua, Chartreuse and Earth. Soft, ail wool Shetland fashions the six gore skfrt and fit- ted -jacket, cimjplete- ly Iined -lnu'rayon mat- in. there are three styles to choose front -ailas striknas, :te one shown et right; $898 Openu Thursdoy S.turday Eveuigs rnîuîiauimnmuiImîîîummuon,,uummnnauuui~ Us#e the 1411 Si a 209 Termpered -Steel COilS E i i i E i= E i i E i i = i ~ == ~. f,~; ia 'i ~ a i i = and unil 9 111 flllllt!ll Il Ili Il, 111 liffil 1 uni il ljl il illi 1 litilititilsil illigiuiiii iiiii lu 1 Ili 1 l'Ili il la i illi iiil ijiiiil Ili iiiiii a i.