of "Jerry building" or its modern counterpart. For many months there bas been a noticeable loss of prospective homne owners whose interest in the North Shore has.,been, stra ngely but, defi nitely "switched" to t h e s e "pressure spots" around Metropoli- tan Chicago where this ,newv parasite upon legitimnate business flourishes. Local* contractors and. îarchiteets have feit the competi tion, keenest;U realtors have noted it and remained quiet. Perhaps now the time has corne when the reputable construc- tion élements of, the North Shore should unite with the realtors and fight back, Not Prevalent Here It must be clearly understood that the type of opérations which should be opposed are not prevalent on the North Shore.. In great part the lo- cal construction industry has flot been dodging fair, dlean competition but against the sort of propaganda usedt in the higtt-presstrre develp- ments, logic, common sense and standards of ethics are wasted. 'Price tag- arguments are the m-oSt dificuit to beat because their success is. based upon. misrepresentation '- thei cJaimi of equal quality with higher priced merchandise. The axiomn that yQu getj w hat you pay for is more easily under- stood after bitter experience, but the sad pârt of the venture for those who have acquired "price tag" bouses is that their disillusionment is flot over upon its iirst1 manifestation but ýcontinues -in an un*l plan to tue point wnere possession of~ a lot in many instances is suficient for a start to home ownership. In addition, Mr. O'Connor pointed out, Illinois residents buildingtheir homes under the new egulations are now, given added safety, factors through, FHA's property standards, mhinim-um construction *mequirements and- inspections of, the home during its construction., Considerableý interest has already been shown throughout Illinois in, the new plan by potential home. owur- ersi the, building industry and fi--ý ancial -circles. Genemal information is already. available at financial in- stitutions throughouit the state apý- proved to make such $2,500 boans, These boans, as well as ail others 1 made under the.FHA Insured'Mort- I gage Plan, are all private capitali furnished by baniks, trust compamies and others, Mr. -O'Connor pointed out; no government money is loaned. Cites Provisions Among the general provisions of the plan, known genemally as Title I. Class 3 $2,500 FHA loans, are these: 11. The maximum financing charge in- cludes 41,2 per cent interest, an annual service charge, of -'là of 1 per cent, and mortgage insurance premnium of ',à of 1 per cent on the original principal. 2. Potential low cost home owners under the Titie 1, Class 3 provisions need1 only own, a lot free and clear. representing at least 5 per cent of the appraised value of the compieted proper-1 ty. Or. the house mn,-- iil -1--A i To every-fa' 1y thatwat a homne ofits own! 'What do you want to kiow abouto- ing: a hiome?. Do- you want authentie answers to these questions: How to seet a -neigfrborhond;, how to finanice; what are the advantages of various architectural styles? Have you wondered about materials - been un- able to decide how to insulate, what