In ýhis extendied, and extremely, active career, Mr. Van Doren has earned a, position of eminence i the -oldof scholarship and letters. His iiv e 1 y autobiography, "Three. Worlds," has been a. national best seller. Notable also amnong his works is a 1igrpy of Benjamin Fak lin, that has evoked nation-wide in- terest. U.of I. Graduate Mr. Van Doren born in Hope, Ill., is a graduate of the University of Ilintois where 'he also taught fra time, and received his doctor of philosophy degree at Columbia uni- versity where he was also a mem-_ ber of the faculty, His editorial caý- reer includes association with such notable journals as The Nation, Cen- tury Magazine, Literary Gu ild Mag- azine, and others. He was for a time headmaster at The Brearley school in New York. His literary works inclùde a score or more of outstandiflg volumes. He is the brother of Mark Van Doren, the author, with wliom he has collaborated in several outstand-ý ing lîterary works. Mothers' Club to Hld Card Party The Mallmcekrodt Mothers' club Winl sponsor an evening card party., J%.aniin~ rv, 6- t R8Eiotlofk: i I1: 30 p.m., -Thurs- day, January 18,, b y William H -Moloney, 620 For- est avenue. Com- munication w a s effected. over his Ray, Photo station,, WgGRV, W.H.Moloney l',ocateédinhise h omne, with .station IÇC4U$C, the station, on the- Byrd snow-cruiser, and was maintained for three-quar- ters of an hour.,During the contact,, Mr. -Moloney recelved a message directed to Harold'Vagtborjg, direc. tor of the, Research Foundation, of Armour, institute. Upon reteiving the message,> Mr. Vagtborg informed Mr. Moloneythàt this was the fi rst communication from' the snow- cruiser sice its sailing. At the. time othte contact, the cruiser hd just been unloaded at the Baby of Whales, Antarctica. During the last nine. years, Mr.. Moloney's station has been in two- way communication with amateur stations in ninety-three countries.i the six continental areas of the world. Moloney is a son of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Moloney. He is a gradu- ate of Loyola academy and North- western .university, and a member o f Sigma Cli fraternîty. He is asso- ciated with Fred' S. James & com- pany, Chica go, insiurance brokers. Grand Jury Votes, No Bill in Gun- Shot Case Here Snazelle Photo, MTs. R. D1. 0ilar is clzaman of the waeà and meana coôiimit- tee of the Woman's Club of Wil- mette which is aponsormng a three-day cooking achool at theî clubhouse Motzdau,, Tuesday and Wedneaclay, January 29, 30, and4 31, from 10 to il1:30 in the morrn- iny. Thte chaÏrge i'tmia, and the achool is open~ to the public. The building fund of the club will bene fit by the profits. Charles R. Sprowls Are Parents of Son Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riggs Sprowl of Evanston announce the birth of, a son, Charles .Rlggs, Jr~, at thie Evanston hospital Satu*rday, January 20. The baby's motiher ils the former, Virginia Lee. Graham, whose parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fran- cis S. Graham, returned to' their home ini Evanston i tîre to wel- corne their grandchild., Mr. and Mrs. Graham, former residents of Glencoe, .had spent two months at the Seaway apartments in Surfside, at Miami Beach. The baby's pater- nal grandparents ,are Mr. and Mrs. Charis Orr Sprowl' of Lansing, Mich. 11: 30. a. m. The charge is, nominal," and a» villagers have been urged to attend. Mrs. E. Ji Matot,,chairmnan of thé cooking school, arnnounces that the dishes cooked duting the sessions will not be sold, as has sometimes been done at the cooking school , but will be given to members of' the class, at 11:30. Have Large Commlttee Mrs. Floyd MeGrath i8 co-chair- man with Mrs. Matot, and the mem- bers ,of the. committee ar~e: - Mes- damnes E. W. Burbott, Paul K:. Rob- ertson, Ernest Kuhn, Kenneth B. McAfee, Robert Maeser, George' Gauger, Clarence Baustert, Ca r 1 Krohl, Walter D. Wilson, Albert E.' Gebert, H. G. Van Winkle, F. Z. Fa- vor, A. G. Bloom, Victor La Fave, M. N. Luthi, George Lowell, Lloyd Haines, F. H. Camphausen, J. R. Hishaw, Phiip Edwards, Benja- min Jacobsen, Paul Keller, Norman' Deno, W. H. Pape. Beth Bailey 'MoLean,' known as Martha Logan to millions of bouse- 'wIves, and Agaies G. Reasor., home economnist on Mrs. McLean's staff at Swift and company's Chicgo head- quarters, will be starred on' the three-day program. OutlWne Prograuns Monday's program *will be an' un- usual lesson featuring quickly pre- pared menus to save both trne and money. Miss Resor wil prepare the dishes.