Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jan 1940, p. 90

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At New Trier Feb. 9 Mrs. W. Lindsay Suter, president of the Bryn Mawr College club, was. much reljevýed- this week- to hear from n ew York' that Eve Curie had lanIerd safely on this side of the Atlantic, for Miss Curie 18 due to make an address at the New. Trier High. -school auditori- um Friday evening, Febrùary 9,, for the benefit o! the' club's scholar- ship fund. "Science and a Woman" *will be Miss Curie's subject. AUl the Bryn Mawr alumnae of the nortb shore are busy disposing Of their quopta of ten tickets each, and the Chestnut Court Bookshop .aso will have them- on sale. Mrs. William. L. Eisendratb, Jr., of Glericoe, is at the head of the ticket commlttee; Mrs. C y r U S Mark, Jr., is in charge o! the in- vitations, .assisted by Mrs. Francis Dammann and Mns. F. Goddard Cheneye Mrs..-Laird Bell an~d-Mesr. William B. Hale are in charge of patronesses; Miss Mary Wood and Miss Margaret Bell in charge of ushers;' Mrs. Webb Stevens, Jr., o! Evanston in charge of programs; and Mrs. John Reilly in charge of publicity. The list of patronesses includes: Mesdames Ernest S. Ballard, Roy E. Bard, Cecil Barnes, Laird Bell,, Richard Bentley, Hill1 Blackett, Mer il. au. -o"Rouse P hotos Miss ËÀobaie (le ft) and Miss Nancee Rietheimer have resumed their studes at New, Trier Hi gh achool following a holiday season filled with social events, onte of them a tea given by the t>o 'girls at the' home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Rietheimer, 255 Poplar street, Winnetka. Nlexf Philanthropy Day At Club Aids C.hikiren Womnens Bowling League 0f Kildeer Ends Term, Annual Luncheon The annual' luncheon meeting of the Chicagochapter ,of the National Park Alumnnae association will be beld at i o'clock Monday, Januarv 29,. at the Womnan's Athletic club, 6f6 North, Michigan, avenue. Chicago and the election of officers wiIl take place at- this time. The: luncheon will be' in honor of Dr. Roy Tasco Davis, presidenît of the college, and Mrs. Robert 'Knee- bone of Evanston, president of theý National Alumnae association.. Other special .guests 1Will be rosp-ectilte students, planning to attend Nation- ai Park next y ear,, and their mo th- ers. who will have an opportunity to meet President Davis... After luncheon there w'ill bea showing o! colored motion pictures of the college. . r.Kenneth Fiske of~ Beverly His is the general chairman of the luncheon, and ,Mrs. Dwight Yoeder of Wilmette is taking reservations for the- luncheoni from the north' side' members. Mrs.. Arthur Olsen 'of Glencoe is assisting with the pub-. lic ity. One of the principal projects car- ried on by the Chicago chapter of the alumnae association is a day nursery operated on Wolcott Street in Chic ago for which the north side.. .,i"rY'u ram*UaSWU, JYitCfl DJ. Follansbee, Stephen S. Gregory, Jr., Charles C. Maffneri William; B4 Hale, Edward B. Hall, Francis H. Hardy, George B. Jlarrington, Stanley G. Harris. .William Sherman Hay,,William C., Hibbard, McPherson Hoît, N.. Landon Hoyd, Jr., James, S. Kemper, Robert S. Laird, Clark - tre n iirenitei ave- 'ilis marked the end O! the first nue, Wilmnette, will be open al day term of bowlingý and prizes were Friday, February 2, and the bene- awarded for the high teamns andi for ficlary is the Central Baptist Chil- individual gross and net scores. dren's home on Washington boule- The Bogeys, captained by Mrs. 0. yard, at the entrance of Maywoodl. C. Roessle-r, were first with- 24 Forty-three chilciren, ranging in games to their credit; the Slicers, age frm 4to 4 yars ar beng aptained by Mrs. E. L. Schaub, ages frm to 14oye ashearesin were second with 20 games; and the ed for iii The homde ca th prn- Birdies, captained by Mrs. L. B. ent ime Th chldrn cassfy UnGilbert, were third With 17 gamnes. der one o the following groups: - - - Je e Yacht Club. Members WiI[ Go fo .Regatta Members of! the Fox' Lake Te Yacht club, a number of theim from the North Shore, will be going to Lake Geneva néxt week-end foir the Northwest Ih'rBoatnf rss ng; Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Rapp returned ay Monday to their home at 801'Park nia avenuae after about three weeks. i California., give àa Sundv a i b o ce ounry clubo nf * Mrs. John W . Petaja and M rs. Sunday..Richard' D. Wehrheim were in charge o! a tea which was to held this wéek for the mothers o! The West Side circle of St. Augus- the children in the fourth grade at tine's éburch' will meet on Friday. 1-ighcrest sehool. The day of the January 26,' at the home of Mrs. tea depended upon weather condi-, Water Doney, 823 Sixteenth. street. tipns, and was stili to be decided. Lamb

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