Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jan 1940, p. 94

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Iov'zzBRS-,aIL 572U7 the best restits. Their Real E:tate, Roary public, nuae PIPE THAWING LN2-f PAVLIIC BROTHERIS QUICK RESPONSE Io se MUSICAL INSTRUMENiTS lenilworth 56725673, or 5472 15L N38 Stpin good con dlition. W ill sel for $3. VEETANBINS.STE KTcEN)Ph. Wilmette 2810. '9IN'-t Home Articles Repaired icesý and bargains have.STE1WA GRND 9LT ît VINEIN LID, TELKICHN.7ore fnGrands must be sacr, Cabinets, 1I1nsulation. Ejectrical Work. made ilStiiisanus of Also2, Roofing, Linoleum,.Inteior Decorating. oaear,12 Spin l ans o HOME SERVICE BUREAU SoaeMr,12 esn vntn 1413 Lake Ave. Phone Wilmette 1265 crî.,r~~T TER- ___ 59LTN438-itp 15LTN36-4tp SAIrjrj-,ADTER' . OSE BABY GRAND PIANO IN GOOD FURNTUR MOING, AN OTER Tgt'c Lcondition. Very reasonable. Cali Wil. MATEIAL RANSOAND. ALSO ISEJjl, wiiO turîi tol;ts mette 958. 59LTN38-1Itp RU CK ORRNT$lADA.Ct the earrounid for.80 EARINQ, APPARmEL WILMETTE 1187.-ya FI E P A E ~ ~ T ;< PDYed ra 'ccoon, mnuskrat, orthern seal, $9ý PER TON DELIVERED 8BEST P Gust: Anderson, Wlmette 452 </i D« RLKJL RlecEEN VL0L38EWit] 15LTN36-4tpevening coat. SmaIl rea1 ermine collai- 31 UILDINe AND REPAIR LJf49RY _ 3 1U NOP U D563à. 80LTrN38 te Experienced Carpenters EX~INE RT ANRESS LOST LAST WEEK--YOUNG TOM CAT,ÉP ENE HT LUD-Ü FOR SALE - MEN'S BUtSINESS AND wildo laundry at home. Outside dry- tiger with white breast and paws, tably dessand wîckier40 chaise iba te e d J,. o ra k W ln etk a 3348 inta b ld e sa n ds u its sîer 40c h a h o uga n y lb rar AT YOUR SERVICE. WORK GUARAN- n e ohemicals used. Best K. S. refers. fur. Reward.. 731 Tenth St., Wilmette jGloungdAv. Wlm e. 351t tediJ.LTN. 3neka3 .4t Cali for and deliver. Ph. Glencoe 555. 1746. 3LT.tGe~w~>_v. iret.8LTN38-Itp MOISRRtMO3ELNOW _________BO-^___ WANTE TO 011- CLOTI<iNQ for solid black cocker spaniel, female, KITCHEHN-BATH-RECR. BOOM do PIANO TUNING lost vicinity of Howard sehool. No ques- sC thgSor W. C. Huggns-Hoime EngineeringETPAOTNNRPI in se.Cl ...KhWlet 1150 Wilmette Ave. Wil.440EPR PIN NI, EARtosakdCaiHJ.KhWlee Martin'sCohn tr 21LTN38-ltp work guaranteed. 22 years' factory ex- 2488. ______ 3LTN38-ltp WILL BUY MENS USED SUITS' -perlence. H. C. Thomas" 250 N. Park LOS§T-5 MO0S. L AMTA shGes, overcoats; also fur coats. CARENTR &GENRALREPAIRS; Ave.. Park Ridge 1477. OLTNB5.4tp . Wht ihown spoMt, n brow 742 st Prices. Prompt service. stom as, saisrailn, ec.rm.,PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING car. Ansuers to naine of "Captain" utr vaao nvesi 3 wood and awnlng, porches, cabinets, gar., Ail Work Guaranteed Cali Wlmette 3755. 3LTN38-lte University_____________ kitehens remodeled. A. Luke, Wil. 469.Toa okebeWlet ________________________ TUNER, WILMETTE PUBLIC SCHOOLS SMALL YELLOW SEWING BAG CON- 87 A.ETTLO S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _6 0L T N 3 8 - 4 t p t a i n i n g t a p e s t r y w o r k l o s t i n G l e n c o e . ae PAINTINO ANQ DEGORATINS ____ ____ c__ lase cail Glencoe 1450. 3LT38-ltp SPECIAL UNS EXPERT PIANO TUNING_______ I. SKOLNIK $2.50 with cleaning AVEnue 6427 ________________ llortgages For COMpLETE DECORATING SERVICE 20 years' exp. Magnus. Go anywhere PERSON-A L Frs Lowest prices. Wall paper removed Steinway Sehool Work Guaranteed ACCOMMODATIONS FOR 60c- Valuation at 41,117 Interest )Cthth ero-Hy<Ie mahie o paper 6OLTN384tp4 SINGLE PARENTS Aiso 4%I rate claning-wall washing. Any job. Res7 AND THEIR CIIIL!)REN AT on homes whîch qlualify ftdly insured. QU QEX ORKONLY, 7A SEWIN0 *ACIN» A PSO E OO H O Free estimates. Wilmette 4288.ro ySA! IG1 25LN________ LE SIGE ELE(C. IN Know that your child is happy andi weilî MCGUIRE & ýORR, Ine. _________-t5T~2-t»beau. new . wal . consoles $49.50, port- car~ed for while you are away from him Over 45 years of Dependable Service J.. M. ECKERT ables $1850, drop hd. $10, Wlcox & Enjoy his companionship evenings. Clu-53 Decoratlng Company (Established 1920) Gibbs port. $29.66i. North Shore Sew. like atrnosphetre, Private beach. Near Davis St., Evans.' Gre. 1080, Wfl. 228 A modern painting and decorating serv- Mach. Exch. 1114,Davis. Uni. 5525. trans. andi schools. Reasonable rates. 87LTN38-l te ice featurlng cleanliness, efficiency and 6AT3 4pPhorne Wl ite1068. TN72 guaranteed satisfaction - color schemes __________________ outlined. Res. Phone Wil. 1199 70-ARTGGE 25LTN38-26tp 7-ARU CLEANING S BUSINES PERSONAI. FLJNDS AVAILAB3LE AT CURIRENT SPECIAL DISCOUNT 0F 20% ON Frances I RATES 0F INTEING, RE ST FIlA AND FINRAN. ROOMS PAPERED $3.50 cleaning and repairing of ail rugs an TD CeVln Kre INGRION ANCIN ADPRORAN CEILINGS CALC., $2 UP; PAPER carpets during January andi February. OE ASTROLOGIST, NUMEROLO..YAIO ONS RMPT SERVICE. eland,$1 rom wshd sarheiARAM K. MESTJIAN, 511 Green Bay Rd. gem. Graduate JUNGIS College of PSY- jjo seph C. C -ac -& Co $2.50 up. Any other dec. very reas. Carry Wimte55 HLGSizrad omry of the 'Or cAOL0 compnsaion LOIS SOLNK, il.70A-LTN37-7tp PARK CENTRAL HOTEL, Newv York 1569 Sherman Ave., Evanston Uni. 3M5 co pe sa i n. L O IS S O L IK W- C ity. T E N successful years . N oted for 87L T N 43-tic 3503, Wnn. 1921. .25LT38-ltp 73 *uWIN MACHINE REAiRIU40 aCcumacy of FORE-CASTS. Highesi * typey5h~,- Painting and Decorating ~GUTAnANTEED SERVICE? readings. Bittersweet 1178.4 31LTN38-tpJ pltpI 5LTN38-ltp - - - - WMITEDl-.£FE ALE- _______I CALLMR. 3AK R FOR BlIDs ND ?MotPelIA, rie I TheRIGHT belp ÎCAL, F1l,%I, HEATEiRS, THERMO. o 205% off on all aquariums andi bird -thd e frGU place fr lnonth of Jan. MACDONAI) We Son'lt placeate help on the North MNI, 1504 Shierman, Gre. 8832. re, but E tTo Av01 the best. Pen Thura., anidat.,eveninw. S WwLN M. 0 ILTNl-te 746 Elm St. AEc Wfnnetka QMP. WMAN WISZ OI N :tTEFITACOMO*T G1» ONS WSIQ WAN EXENED tar d o hfe g ar hôth argIço aINg <ar.of RE!tRE .ANy ie. ul rond .ete k fnl. SVaervn rmnag otRSoerf MSDSIPI. 1[ R a p XEL OKWSISPSTO Rd.,ldng or lat Phoor. work. 270'ight gen. healhy uppis, wees XPE RIEkD lAU WnDRES294CLAN. ûkr ndterirox. et. i nglokn nierîgdnes e day 3.$. Tes. ThrsorFrday an M.DO PAL IL Iuu. if .oy Sund ys, Goo ref ren es'A vi450. YLTN3.t 94 TN3.lt

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