cago ait he time Of 'the Columblan exposition il lâter years he attended, vfrtuallyevery world's taie held ii Oie. United States. Aprinter by trade, he worked li Chicago a- short time and t hen moved toEvanston wer"he1wa emnployed as a coixiPositor for. the cld Evanston index. Hie Laiined Oie reputation of being Oie mos: accu- rateprintet:in that city durlng Oi'e days when ail type %vas set by hand. He remained with Oie paper and Oie. succeeding News-Index. until 1928. A lver of music, he regularly attended the North Shore Music fes- tival as weil asprograms at Ravinia and in Chicago, Funeral services erehn-lA Wpi ation bill as yet reacnea finai en- actmnent, and there are a number ot appropriation bis yet-tobe repirt- ed by 'the Bouse comnmittee. *What will be done in the Senate and what the:entire recordof money appropri-ý a ted will showi when tie session con- cludes, we do, not know. Nonethe- le'rse, there are, certain encouraging sigpe. Emergfecy Bill The Emnergency Suppiemhental Ap- pr9priatlon Bill for-the fiscal year ending 194 was reported by the Bouse Comnmittee oh Appropriations with a reduction of .94,801,615 legs than Oie Budget estimates. IThe In- dependent Offices. Appropriation Bill for the fiscal vear ehnFiw lOti Muge flsrewfnt Powe These - Federal corporations have the power to borrow as, muchb as $14, 127,000,000 by the issuance of their own se cuiie, guaranteed -as to interest and Principal by, the Treasuty. As of October SI, 1939, the amount of càch corporate securities outs tandlng .was 58100,0.But the Important Point ls thatthis lI. debtedness; notwlthstandlng the fact that ýpayment lm guaranteed .by the Treasury itself; As not: retlectéd li the public debt. Bonds,.issued by the Federal cor- porations, guaranteed _as t'O prin- cipal and intereat 4y the Treasury, uinr smu;s axoridable volume 'of 'h1ddena liabil3tes- whlch the pub- lie debt figure, does flot show, We thus find ourselves technlcally wlth.. in *the debt limlitation but actuaily. to have. already exceeded it. No amouit 'of technic.alitles or tricky booklceeping can escap e tOte cold tfacts.. It is hoped thëe eisiriece- omny attitude' in Congress wll co tinue to grow. Mr. and Mrs. John L Wilds. 244 Oxford: road, Kenilworth, returbed, Monday night from a trip to Atlantic City, N. Y. Mr. Wilds went east for a flew days on businesis,.: and Mrs. Wilds iaceompanled