Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jul 1934, p. 35

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July 19, 1934 mu. -. ~ - .-. w IL M ET ; Ll PE P.ublicForu OPE SAUkAYS CAILLS ORDINANCIE UNFAlIR Editor's note: Appended are pu lished contents of letters, copies which were*directed to the editor, ac w-hieii are self-expia natory. July 12, 19, Honi. C. P. Dubbs, mayor, Hon. S. N. Tideman, trustee, Xilmette Community Cbest, Wilmnette Life magazine. of nd 34 Gentlemen: You will find enclosed (letter fol- low's) copy of letter jpist sent by tbe. writer to the Honorable John'Peters'ý Justice of the Peace of our village, which -lett£r is entirely seif-explana- tory. 1 cousider it an outrage tbat anl ordinance such as this is periiitted ini the statutes of Qur Village, whicb is whollv unfair to the taxpav'ers of U'ilmnette, especiallv wlen vou take into consideration that ans- foreigiu car ini our village cited for the saine violation, tears up the p)olice slip un- posing the fine, drives away and that is the end of the mnatter, while the ouien f \ilmette is subljected to the iuîdigniit-v of a Police Summnons for a $2 fine, whiclî in iv' opinion is notliing More thaîî an additiouîal leVyV arbitrarilv llaced on the resid.enit*s oi Mir Village. 1 'trust thiat %igorotis steps ill 1>e taken t1 have this. most un fair ordi- nalice rend(ered inoperative. \'ery truly vouirs. ILouîis A. Stiekoff, 819 Chiestiuuît St. july 12, 1934 li I(1IIUIv l lC i ulînPeturs, Inpstice of the l>eac'e. Vil lauge Hli! \Vilniette. Illinois. 1)ear Jiidge -Peter-s You 1 ill fiîîd enclosed miv chîeck. No. 1715,' for $2 wvliclî represelits P)avuiienit for Police Notice No. 7(0- sutniIe<l b%, vour offcers \Vliteside andl Hiendrickson. In pay-iig this fine, 1 shouild like to state iUnv vews on this matter quite frankly. I have also iin my pos- sessionà Police Departnîent arrest slip w~hich states in no uncertamin an- guage th at for this "criminial" offense my presence is demanded ini court, on juIy 14 at 4 P. m.,, or a %varrant wil l)be issued . for'rny- arrest-AI. BECAUSE MY CAR XVAS IN FRONT Oit-MY HOME ON JUNE THIRTIETH AND INADVER- TENTLY THE LIGHHTS WERF NOT TURNED ON! Inistead of extending to a taxpayer of your village, who helps defray the expenses of that village, and ivbo helps pay the salaries of these very officers-common consideration, by at least calling bis attention. to the fact that bis car did flot have the lights on-be is given a police warrant to' appear in court,, as if a real crime h;ad been perpetrated! Now I wish tô state frankly that this '$2 which' is herewith enclosed iin compliance with the ordinance of our -Village will be deducted 'fromn niy annual subscription to the WIL- METTE, COMMUNITY CHEST, and this chbe c k erewitb enclosed represents part -of that fund.' There. nîay be a rectirrence of tbis violation at some future date, by some mem- ber of my bousebold who may in- advertently fail to turn' on tbe igbts -and yoti may l)e asstred THAT EVEY TIME I AM PRESENTED WITH ONE OF THESE POLICE NÇOTICES THE FINE WILL BE PeID - AND ~ the, amount deducted F R O M My SU13SCRIPTION TO THE COMMUNITY CHEST! Iamn also calling this matter to the attention of Mr. Dubbs, Qur Honor- able Mayor, and to Mr. Tideman one of our honored Trustees, as well as to the Wilmette Community Cbest and- Wilmette Life, witb the. request that this matter be carefully con- sidered and soîne> provision set Up in Our statutes wbereby the police departinent wilI exercise some discre- tion ini matters sucb as this. \'ery truly yours, Louis A. Suekoff~ 819 Cbestnut street. M rs. Theodore C. Eppig and daughters, Evelin and Julianne of 1042 Politîac road, returned last Tuesdav froni a montb's visit witb her'parents in White Plains, N. Y. The -BILLS iIEALTYS ic An1noumnce The Opening of an EVANSTON. OFFICE 529 DAVIS STREET, i the North Sho0re Hotel Building Having served the north shore for many years through offices at 930 Spanish Court, No Man's Land, Indian Hill Estates-, Wilmette, and 718 Vernon Avenue, Glencoe, the facilities of an Evanston location. now offer -an extended and . broader service to, our, many friends. The Evanston office is under the- management of -Mr. A. M. Landaker of Evanston, who brings to this organization a- wide knowledge of the real estate field. GENERAL INQUIRY IS$ CORDIALLY INVITED FINANCING MORtTOAGES LOANS INSURANCB In order to accommnodate the many requesta from patrons, we wili depart from Our,*cus- tom of closing afil day Saturday. We wîII remain open every ýSatur.day until 5. P. Me TA.TMAN Air Coeled Store 707 Church Street, Evansfon Telephones: Greenleaf 1166 -.Wilmette 3740 SALES HOMES VACANT PROPERTY INCOMB PROPBRLTY RENTING HOMES APARTMENTS. STORES july. 19, ý 1934 . IlLi .-, .1

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