W 1 t Mim TTW. J6 i irFAgut2,1 -42 VA5.V - - - - HAVE DAUGHTER ;Mr. and Mrs. Rexford Elton Fair of Highland Park,.formerly of Wil- mnette, are being congratulated on the birtb of their first child. adaughter, boni at 'the Highland Park hospital WVednesday, July 25. Mr. and Mrs. Morris A. Bell, jim- mie and Xancy. of Oshkosh, Wis., are the guests of Mrs. Bell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Moritz of 226 Warwick road, Kenilworth. Another guest of Mr. and Mrs. Moritz was Afrs. George Newton of New York who left Sunday. I U56 Shom fln Av*. Uni. 3444 1WIDE RANGE JP' siera, Eleetrie Sound Syss¶..n LpàSTomTIMs TODAY (THURS.) Clive Brook, Diana Wynyard "Where Siners Meel' or "The Dover Road" FR1., BAT., AUGOUST 3-4 DOORU OPEN ^AT I2:30 LATE SHOW ^IT 10:30 Victory Jory, Heather Angel "Murder in Triidad" SUNDAY ONLY, AUG»UST s Sylvia Sidney, Cary Grant "30 Day Prinçess"o MONDAY TO THURSDAY 4 BIG DAYS AUGUST 6-7-8-9 George J5 0~ond & ý.i5 0 Safurdoy1 fo 6:3C . n 2:30 r enc $vu ,? a t :nt 3ad Braun Br'others'. Tea~m Defeats -the Peacocks Braun Brothers Silver Flash, In- dorbasebali teamn last Sunday de- feated the Peacock Auto Sales team, 9 to 8 before a large morning crowd at the Vilmette Village Green. The contest evokecl more than or-, dinary interest since most of the Braun Brother s players aire Wilmette, stars, while the Peacock team is nmade up langely of. Winnetka luminiaries. Braun Brothers collected 12 bits and copimitteci three errors, and Peacocks garnered 14 safe blows and miscued, five times. The lineup for thé« winning team included E. Schuett, B. Udeli, D. Huck, E. Hartman, E. Miller, G. Huck, R. Evans, Jake Hoffman, H. Johnson, and Jim Hoffman. Playing for Peacocks were K. Brady, J. Hansier, E. Gretzbaugh, G. Bur- meister, J. Brady, F. Balak, G. Kom- ini,' R. Bubbett, Marquardt, and Knoble. t.asttweek-end Mns. H. W. Betting-, haus, 1231 Ashland avenue. lîad as lier bouse guests lier sister, Miss Ann Knox of Springfield, and Mrs. Ben- jamin Coe of Los Angeles. Cal. Miss Knox and Mrs. Coe left Mo:îday to drive to Los Angeles. Public Iorum jù ly, 30. 1934. 1taxing body asking foraineae Editr, WLMETE LEE:Many home owners are curtailing The trustees of New Trier High i~ od ltig ih n a i orden to meet their obligations. We school have called a referendum at1 are told only 36 per cent of tbe last which they ask the voters to ap- taxes have been collected. What ef- prove an increase in the tax rate for fort has been nmade to enforce col- oiperatinig the school. We now pay; lection on the delinquencies? None 1.31 on each $100 valuation. They that %ve have been told about. But, ask an increase of 621/2 per cent, instead, those who have paid are to which would bring the rate to 2.00 1 be penalized by the imposition of on each $100 valuation. In Highland this enormous increased burden. Park the rate for the Deerfield- WVe ail appreciate the unselfish Shields High school. which compares w-.onk of the trustees, but surely they very favorably with Newv Trier, is $1 'should have the home owners more per 100. i ni mmd and require the school man- Granted that there lias been an in- agers to neduce the cost to balance crease ini attendance and a reduction the present income. in cost per pupil, is this the tinie to Certaily i the circumstances the ask the overburdened taxpayens toi votens should go to the schools on pay 1 e etnoenx erta Mondav, August 6, between 12 and they paid this?' Shahl one %vlo paid 7 p. ni. and cast an empbatic NO oi- $300 for bis '32 taxes be required to: thîs proposition. put up $330 for '33; That is *ht Col. Louis Waefelacn. will happen if this referendum is ap- 263 Cpreen Bay road. proved. The trustees are the only, Gleiicoe, Ill. O NLY when the rich flavor and satis- fying strength of Blatz Old Heidel- berg Beer have be en f uIIy developed by TIME - is this beer bottled. Then the Brew-Date is shown on every bottie as the definite guarantee of its actual age. Unaged beer. may cost a bit less- bui. you'd miss the full-bodied strength, rich flavor and mellow smoothness you're'sureý of getting in Blatz Old Heidelberg "Brew- Dated" Beer. BLATZ Estabiished 1$80 PNEUMONIA VICTIM DIES Joc Waldron, 52 years oid, who gave his address as 6617 S. Racine avenuie. Chicago. and who was picked up by local police as he lay asleep on thie sidewalk at, Main and Isa- bella streets Tuesday oif last week, died at the Evanston hospital two da'vs later. juIy 26. He was takeni to the hospital after Dr. M. H. Seifert. lealth commissioner, had made an exarnination and found the man sui- féring fron iipeumonia.- Waldron told the police he had relatives on the sotith side of Chicago, bût they couild not be located al the address giyenl. M argery. daughter of Mr., ai M rs. Thomas M. Mintz,- 50 Crescent place. is visiting lier uncle and aut. Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher i Bronxville. N. Y., and Mr. and Mfrs. Lee Lisnier, also an uncle and aunt of tiers, at Manhasset, Long Island. 0o Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rogers -of 1204 Forest avenue, and their familv are vacationing' at Rest Lake, Mani- towish, Wis., for two weeks. [7/à Nothin«gla quit. gso refreshtng end invigoratlug a4ter a. day'ls Work ln this wea.ther as a. glass of cold beer. And lt's GOOD for you, tee. Try a glass wlth your dinuer to- nlght.. But be sure lt's fof-Bran. F. A. BICE . DISTRIBIJTOU AMIlTol' CaDis Beftunde GREENLEAF OM BREWING CO. MILWAUKEK phone your orders go PEARSON'S MAR~KET 813 Ridge Rond, Wilmette phone Wilmette 2800 or 152 Augu st 2, 1934